"The Jiuyao City site has arrived, please take your belongings and leave in an orderly manner. The Jiuyao City site has arrived, please take your belongings and leave in an orderly manner..."

The soft female voice echoed in the spacious and comfortable carriages, the speed of the rail train slowly decreased, and the flow of spiritual power gradually became smooth, as if the behemoth in motion was slowly entering a state of dormancy, quietly waiting for the next awakening. .

Looking outside through the car window, the dark blue night demon had already diffused from a distance, dotted with a few cold stars.

The majestic Jiuyao Mountains stand in the distance, turning into a continuous black silhouette, like a sleeping ancient giant beast, reflecting the last ray of light left by the sunset.

Directly in front, is the imperial capital of the Sky Star Empire, Jiuyao City.

Thousands of lights have been lit up long ago, like the dazzling night sky, the dim light is like a curtain of light covering the whole city, the roads are crisscrossed and criss-crossed, and the stream of light flies away without knowing where it is going.

It is indeed a prosperous and prosperous scene.

Bai blinked, his pupils turned into a vertical appearance, and the scene he saw in front of him changed accordingly. The invisible energy was converted into visible colors, and the whole world seemed to be a gorgeous watercolor scroll.

The pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and she was shocked to see the scene.

Endless brilliant colors poured in from all directions, like a super-large vortex attracting them, and like the legendary creation pillar connecting the world to the world. Looking at Bai from a distance, there is a feeling of knowing.

"Central Teleportation Array..."

Bai whispered softly, the distant scene reflected in his pupils.

She has seen relevant introductions in the manual. The main building is the main responsibility of the Tianji Pavilion. The specific functions are powerful and complex. The most notable is that it can be used as a central transmission center to connect the transmission formations of other forces. Eliminates the need to re-build the corresponding formation process.

In addition, there are many abilities such as spiritual storage, parallel operation, and two-way transmission.

All in all, come together into one sentence-very powerful.

It seemed like this to Bai, after all, she couldn't understand or figure it out. This thing had completely surpassed her scope of cognition.

I have to say that there are still many strong people in the world.

The eldest sister once said to her, "There are mountains outside the mountains, there are heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world." The meaning is actually very simple. There will always be more powerful and mysterious things in the world.

From Bai's point of view, the eldest sister is definitely the most powerful person in Tianlan Continent.

But as her experience increased, she gradually understood the meaning of this sentence.

It's like the legendary owner of Origin Mall, who can open such a store is definitely much more powerful than the older sister.

"The Jiuyao City site has arrived, please take your belongings and leave in an orderly manner. The Jiuyao City site has arrived, please take your belongings and leave in an orderly manner..."

The sound of the broadcast continued, and passengers gradually left from the exit.

Bai stretched his waist and looked around where he had lived during this period of time. Stretching his waist, he couldn't help but smile a little more.


Get off the bed lightly, change clothes and put on white cloth boots, the waist is outlined, and the slender waist is grasped. The long hair is simply combed a few times, and the hair is scattered randomly behind him.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to take away the drinks on the table.

Living here cost her a lot of spiritual crystals. In a sense, most of the things in the room can actually be taken away at will, even if the beds are put in the storage bag, there is no problem.

But Bai felt that was a bit too much.

"Walk slowly, welcome to come again next time." The young lady at the service station smiled and said goodbye to Bai.

During the journey of several days, she and Bai became friends, and they liked this very beautiful and cute girl who likes to wear white clothes.

"Yeah, goodbye." Bai waved his hand and walked into the bustling crowd.

Walking out of the carriage, the noisy sound echoed like a wave in the interlaced corridors, slightly pale lights dangling brightly on the roof and the walls on both sides, and the bustling crowds were walking in a certain direction. His white figure was almost submerged in it.

No way, it's too short to stand in the crowd and you can't even see the top of your head.

As for using the power of the Asking Monster Beast, Bai didn't have that idea at all. It would be boring if all his life depended on his own strength.

If you follow this thinking, taking the rail train is completely unnecessary, it is better to fly over directly, and it does not need to spend these days, and the scenery along the way can be completely ignored...

Bai didn't actually know the direction of going out, nor did he use his spiritual power to explore, just advancing in the direction of the crowd.

In her opinion, everyone is going out anyway, and it must be right to follow.

Facts have also proved this.

It took several minutes to walk through the winding corridors, and Bai finally came to a rather empty and spacious hall, which should be used for passengers to rest.

The area is very wide, with reverberating sound constantly reverberating, and staying for a long time makes people feel drowsy.

In the center of the hall are rows of seats. Pedestrians come and go. Humans are the most common race. There are also many strange creatures that have never been seen before. During the mixed period, they all get along well.

Perhaps this is a scene that can only be seen in Jiuyao City.

Bai raised his head and looked up. What caught his eye was the transparent dome of the hall, and he could clearly see the dark blue night sky dotted with stars. The bright moon hung in the sky, surrounded by a hazy moonlight.

very beautiful.

Bai licked his lips, and suddenly remembered a kind of food.

I remember that when I was living with my eldest sister, whenever the moon was full, the eldest sister would always make a round white food, boil it in water, and then scoop it up and put it in a bowl, and put it in a pale white soup. Floating in the juice.

Sometimes some honey or dried petals are added.

With one bite, the creamy inset will flow out slowly, sweet but not greasy, especially delicious.

…What is your name?

Bai can't remember it anymore.

Since the eldest sister left, she hasn't eaten that kind of food again.

"This girl, young, Xiaosheng Long Tao, don't know the girl's name?"

When she was in a daze, a slightly stuttering sound suddenly sounded from her side, which made her suddenly come back to her senses.

It was a teenager in a black robe, who should be in his teens or less than 20 years old. His face looked reddish for some reason or because of the light. He dodged his eyes and did not dare to look into her eyes.

Bai froze for a moment, and did not respond for a while, not knowing how to answer.

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