Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2113: Coupling of energy system

As for the question of the nature of the world, Luochuan can naturally answer.

According to the unified interpretation of information, everything belongs to the description of information. The so-called world (that is, the universe), to be precise, is a closed system composed of self-consistent information.

The universe is like individual blisters floating in the endless ocean called the void.

Blisters are born and shattered all the time, and there are countless reverberations of the world reverberating in the void, as if the ghost who is unwilling to leave here lingers, and finally disappears in the depths of history.

Of course, King Gulas and Great Axe obviously didn't know this.

Facing the question given by Luo Chuan, the two fell into a long silence, and they should be thinking in their hearts how to give an accurate answer.

In the world of Koror, the so-called magic refers to the construction of things that do not exist in this world through magic inscriptions, which also involves world factors.

"It should be... energy?" Wang Gulas said with some uncertainty.


Luo Chuan muttered, feeling that Wang Gulas's answer was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

After a little thought, I quickly thought of familiar sources.

He naturally knows the mass-energy formula. Simply put, matter and energy can be converted into each other. From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with thinking of the material world as a manifestation of energy.

Of course, there must be no mass-energy formula in the world of Koruo, and Luochuan hasn't learned much about this world (mainly because of laziness). Perhaps Wang Gulas guessed through other means.

It's like the basic principles of magic.

"Yes, energy." Wang Gulas also seemed to believe his words gradually, and nodded quite confidently, "Magic power fills our world, and there are various other energies. We can use magic inscriptions. Construct many things that do not exist in this world, light, flame, ice..."

"It makes sense." The giant axe thoughtfully, "According to what you mean, from a certain point of view, the world we live in is actually equivalent to a super large reality magic. The'magic inscription' we use is from Essentially, it is just the key to call this'world magic'."

"Yes, that's it." Wang Gulas felt that the giant axe reached a consensus with himself, and reached out his hand to touch his chin. "Maybe I can write a paper based on this principle, and the title is probably "On energy to build the world." Rationality', what do you think of Giant Axe?"

"It's up to you." The giant axe waved his big hand like a fan, "I can't write about that stuff, tell me what to do."

King Gulas insisted on his idea, and had already determined his general plan: "No, you put forward the concept that the world belongs to a complete magic system just now. There is no doubt about this. I will give you a second author. What’s your identity..."

Luo Chuan felt as if he had been ignored.

But he actually didn't care much. It felt good to witness the publication of a paper so personally.

"By the way, I'll talk about this later."

Wang Gulas finally remembered that it was not the time to think about the paper, Luo Chuan was still waiting, and smiled apologetically to him, "Boss is sorry, if you accidentally pull it away."

Perhaps for these supernatural beings such as mages, new knowledge is far more attractive than supernatural objects.

"It's okay." Luo Chuan shook his head, completely unconcerned.

"Since the boss asked this question, he must have his own answer?" Wang Gulas thought quickly, and did not forget that this was a question raised by Luo Chuan.

"My answer... forget it." Luo Chuan hesitated and shook his head slightly. He was not going to say his answer.

Everything belongs to the description of information, and energy and matter are also included in it.

From this perspective, Wang Gulaas's answer is not too wrong, but a little bit inaccurate.

Luo Chuan didn't want to interfere with his heart of exploration because of himself.

Even if he gave the answer that information is the essence of the world, the resulting result would be meaningless, and King Gulas couldn't verify it at all. Even if he was an extraordinary powerhouse, the same was true, which had surpassed the current level of civilization.

"Why?" King Gulas couldn't understand.

"The reason is a bit complicated." Luo Chuan's expression remains unchanged, and the skill of the fool has already reached the level of perfection. "This mainly relates to my research direction, which is roughly similar to the world's information-level aggregation system in the state of nonlinear coupling. The recursive change of entropy increase or entropy decrease is in a non-chaotic state."

To be honest, Luo Chuan didn't know what he was talking about.

King Gulas & Great Axe: "..."

The two listened to Luo Chuan in a daze after such a long speech, and it took more than ten seconds to react.

"Forget it, you guys talk, I'll go to play cards first."

Great Axe has completely lost interest in this, perhaps in his opinion, instead of continuing to waste time here, it is better to have a happy Hearthstone game.

"Um... it does sound a bit complicated." Wang Gulaas smiled awkwardly.

I don't understand the boss at all, so it seems that the boss should be a free mage of theoretical school... I just don't know what the actual combat ability is. There is a high probability that both theory and actual combat are good at it.

Unconsciously, the image of Luochuan in Wang Gulaas's heart has become tall and mysterious.

"Speaking of, what is the specific connection between this and the effect of the worrisome merchandise sold in the tavern?" Wang Gulas didn't forget. The question he asked at the beginning was the reason for the worrisome drink effect, and then it seemed to Luochuan. Changed the subject and began to discuss the nature of the world.

He also had the urge to start writing papers after he went back.

"According to what you just said, the world is a super-large reality magic, right?" Luo Chuan asked.

King Gulas nodded, waiting for his next words.

"In this way, the magic inscription is equivalent to calling this'world magic'. From another perspective, are human beings and various other lives living in Kolo also equivalent to composing this'world magic'? "Parts"? Similar to the "miniature magic" in a large magic system?"

"Yeah." Wang Gulaas thought that Luo Chuan made sense.

"Then the next step is simple. Each data of these miniature magic has a fixed form of expression, just like the composition sequence of magic inscriptions. Different sequences will have different effects." Luochuan's fingers waved in front of him. A light curtain filled with many magical inscriptions appeared, "You only need to change these sequences a bit to achieve the effect of improving energy affinity."

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