Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2099: You are showing off maliciously

"If you become a holy beast, you will be served by me."

The girl took a deep breath, unzipping her dress with her palms trembling slightly, her clothes slipped slowly, revealing her slender and slender figure.

The white snake in front of it is estimated to be at least tens of meters in size, and it is very stressful to watch it at such a close distance.

Most of the body is immersed in the clear pool water. The ferocious head is not like an ordinary snake. The white teeth are easy to bite. There are many white bone spurs growing on the back, and the body is covered by white jade scales.

Can clearly feel the breath coming from, without the unpleasant smell of ordinary monsters, but there is a kind of natural plant fragrance.

Sang Yun's face was expressionless, but his heart was pounding and extremely nervous. It was the first time that he showed his body in front of outsiders...Well, strictly speaking, it was not a person in front of him.

As a saint, you need to consider the interests of the ancient village no matter when and where, it seems that you can't help it, in order to make the monster in front of it promise to use itself as a bargaining chip.

The White Snake was dumbfounded, and didn't understand why things became the way it is now.

After a little thought, I finally figured out the reason.

The high probability is because he has never revealed other forms other than his body, and it seems that it is difficult to associate the girl's direction under normal circumstances.

"That... I can't do it even though I want to..."

Sang Yun opened his eyes in doubt, and looked at the "holy beast" in the prophecy before him.

The behemoth creature in front of him shook his head, slowly crawling out of the deep pool, and the clear water gurgled down as smooth as snow scales.

As the white soft light illuminates, the body of the different snake gradually shrinks until it disappears. The whole process is very fast, only happening in the blink of an eye.

When the light dissipated, it was a southern Xinjiang girl in a white dress who appeared in the same place, with a playful smile on her face, her white feet stepped on the pool water and walked to Sang Yun.

"Look, this is the reason."

Sang Yun was surprised. He didn't expect that the sacred beast predicted in witchcraft would turn into a human form and be a pretty girl much shorter than herself.

Looking back on it carefully, it seems that no one has seen its human appearance on the way to find the holy beast. It seems that they have long been aware that they are basically hiding in the underground river and rarely show up. The earth is the most natural barrier, even if you ask the strong one. There is no way for the creatures hiding in the ground.

Bai watched Sang Yun stunned, looking up and down to feast his eyes.

Suddenly I remembered something... I looked down at myself and looked up at Sang Yun.


It doesn't matter, she is still young.

It's like height. Sooner or later, it will grow taller. There is no need to worry about entanglement.

It's just that it's been decades since the elder sister left, and she doesn't seem to have grown a bit taller... Forget it, don't talk about it.

"Sang Yun, right, how about I directly call you Yun? How about the welfare in your stockade? Do you care about food and housing? You must know that if you ask me to do things, I will be paid. If the benefits are not good, I will not go. It’s okay to eat and live. Although it’s okay to live in a pool, I prefer a soft and clean big bed."

Sang Yun: "..."

As you can see from just now, after leaving the lake, there is no **** smell of monsters, but there is a good smell and light fragrance. It can be seen that this is a snake monster who loves cleanliness... well, Sangyun can't Determine whether the holy beast mentioned in witchcraft belongs to the category of snake demon.

Compared with ordinary snakes, the difference is too big.

"I think it's better for you to wear your clothes, otherwise you will be showing off maliciously." Bai reminded him, because she found that Sang Yun seemed to have forgotten about it.

Sang Yun was stunned for a moment. The cool breeze in the forest came slowly, causing the surrounding trees to make a rustling sound, and there was a little coolness on the skin, which was undoubtedly a reminder of her.

Looking down, her face gradually stained with cherry blossoms, and even her fair skin was covered with a light pink.

He quickly turned around and picked up the clothes that had fallen to the ground. The ground trembled and cracked. Daotengman tore the ground into a spherical barrier to wrap her up.

Bai looked at Tengman who was still growing in front of him, very puzzled, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Obviously nothing happened just now, I reminded me that the reaction was so big, everyone is a girl, what's so shy about..."

Of course, that's what Bai said, and Bai can actually understand Sang Yun's mood.

I have already made a decision to dedicate myself, and the result of the future Lord Saint Beast is actually a girl who looks much younger than her-of course, the true age should be the opposite, but this is not important, different species The growth cycle is also different, and you cannot look at it with the same eyes.

All in all, Bai felt that if he had experienced this... I am afraid that he would want to live in a different world.

It's too embarrassing.

After a full ten minutes of waiting, Tengman gradually dissipated. Sang Yun had finished putting on his clothes, and the expression on his face returned to the same as before, without the slightest shyness of the previous appearance.

"Are you okay?" Bai came to Sang Yun and looked up and down curiously, as if he wanted to compare the difference from just now.

Sang Yun had calmed down, but when Bai looked at it this way, she couldn't help but a little pink on her face. He took a deep breath and forcibly changed the subject: "Do you agree with the matter of becoming a sacred beast in our stockade?"

"It's okay to be your holy beast, but there are some things to make clear before that." Bai holding her arms, she is very good at dealing with humans, perhaps this is also a certain sense of talent instinct, "Tianxiaxi The prosperity is all for profit; the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. The world is very realistic, and only money is the eternal truth. I think there should be enough truth in your stockade."

In Bai's view, these ancient villages in southern Xinjiang, which have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, must have collected countless wealth, gold, silver and gems.

This place is not like the human kingdoms outside. Even if there are gems, they will basically be regarded as beautiful stones. Although they are both humans, there are great differences in values. Residents of ancient villages in southern Xinjiang pay more attention to the practicality of things. Jewelry The value of is all added by outside humans, it is actually just a stone.

But Bai is different, she likes this kind of thing, anyway, as long as it is money, she likes it.

It may be that I was influenced by my eldest sister when I was young, and I don’t know what’s going on. She has such a powerful strength, but her eldest sister is always poor. Find something like elixir in exchange for money.

It should be at that time that a decision was made subconsciously. After growing up, you must work hard to make money and be a rich snake demon. Anyway, there is never too much money.

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