Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2078: Playing games always forget time

The palm of King Gulas was trembling.

After becoming an extraordinary powerhouse at the legendary level, he can't remember how long he hasn't been so emotionally shocked.

The reason for all this is just a card game.

Well, it seems a bit inappropriate to say that. To be precise, it's an object-oriented... card game with extraordinary powers.

…Isn’t this still a card game!

In the eyes of King Gullas, even if each card can be used as a special summoning magic, this will not change the fact that Hearthstone is a card game.

"Isn't it over yet? The rope has already started to burn." Greataxe reminded.

The two sat on both sides of the same hearthstone table. In the middle of the table, a rope was constantly burning, and at the end was the sign of "End of Round".

According to Luochuan's setting (in fact, it is to directly move the things in the memory), the time of each round of Hearthstone game is one minute and fifteen seconds, allowing players to think within this time.

In the last fifteen seconds, a burning rope will appear.

When the ropes are all burned, the round will be forcibly ended and replaced by the opponent's round.

This is what King Gulas has experienced now.

"Don't hurry." Wang Gulas stared at the cards in his hand, trying to think about the best way to deal with it. He felt that he was not so nervous when he was learning the magic inscriptions.

Accompanied by more and more exciting music, the rope burned to the end.

The button representing "End of Round" lights up on its own, and Wang Gulaas's round ends. At the last second, he finally finished thinking and put a certain entourage on the battlefield.

"I am—the train king!"

Accompanied by a shocking roar, the knight in red heavy armor launched a charge and directly killed the character of King Gulaas.

"I knew it…"

King Gulas sighed. His character only has six points of health left. From the smile in the eyes of the giant axe, it is easy to guess that he must have a card in his hand that can directly establish the victory-the train king.

Charge effect, you don't need to wait for a round after exiting the field, you can directly attack.

"Haha, I won again."

On the other hand, the giant axe smiled happily, and drank all the ale in his glass.

Now Hearthstone Legend has completely replaced the recreation of wrist-wrestling, and has become the most popular thing in the dwarf community.

"Come again." Wang Gulas took a deep breath, his interest in fighting became more and more intense.

"Continue?" The giant axe put the cup down and burped, and pointed to the outside to remind him, "It's already bright, you have nothing to do during the day?"

"Dawn? How can..."

Wang Gulas smiled and looked outside the tavern, the smile on his face solidified, and the words behind him could not be said.

"Look, I can still lie to you?" Giant Axe poured himself another glass of ale, put down the empty barrel and shouted at the counter, "Little fairy girl, give me a barrel of Forget Worry ale. "

The rule of Hearthstone Tavern is that each type of Wangyou series of drinks can only be purchased once per day per customer.

The Great Axe stayed in the tavern all night, now it is the next day, and you can buy Wangyou Ale again.

"Oh, got it."

Anno, who was reading a book, responded, put the bookmark between the pages of the book, got up and left the counter, and went to the wine storage area to easily lift the seemingly heavy wine barrel.

"Elder Greataxe, your ale."

Anno put down the wine barrel and looked at King Gulas curiously. She had naturally heard of this member of the Council of the Elders, and she had seen it for the first time in reality. She stayed there and didn't know what happened.

"What's wrong with him?" The elf girl couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Oh, it's okay." The giant axe smiled and waved his big hand like a fan. "Pharaoh now understands the fun of Hearthstone and is immersed in it."

Anno blinked, and she felt that the dwarf elder seemed to have a black belly.

But having said that, the name Pharaoh sounds weird...

The elf girl nodded with a smile, returned to the counter again, opened the book, took out the bookmark, and continued reading.

It is almost dawn now.

The sky was still dark, there were still a few residual stars hanging in the dark blue night sky, and the moon turned into a hazy light and shadow, and the interlacing patterns above could be vaguely seen, which seemed to be some kind of mountain range.

The street lights have been extinguished, and the lights on the streets are dim. From a distance, you can vaguely see the breakfast shop that opened the door early to prepare food, as well as the mages and scholars who have just finished their work, day and night.

"It's morning... why does the time pass so fast..."

King Gulas frowned and whispered to himself. He felt that he hadn't been in the Hearthstone Tavern for too long, but the whole night passed in a blink of an eye.

"It's normal." Giant Axe had seen many similar scenes. He stood up and looked around. "Little guys, don't forget today's work!"

The loud voice echoed throughout the tavern, and even the dwarves who were immersed in the Hearthstone game could hear clearly, and the noisy noises rang out after seeing the twilight sky outside.

"Ah, it's dawn so soon?"

"Hurry up, go back to mine after this round."

"Damn it, I haven't played for long..."

The dwarves left the tavern one after another, and Anno looked up and continued to be immersed in the story world described by the text, which has long been no surprise.

The group of dwarves controlled by the Great Axe is basically divided into two major factions, the day working group and the night working group. They come to the Hearthstone Tavern at night and during the day respectively, and the two sides do not interfere with each other.

The main reason is that there are so many hearthstone equipment in the tavern. If all of them come here, I am afraid most of them can only be on the sidelines.

King Gulas let out a sigh of relief, got up and prepared to leave, frowned slightly, he suddenly thought of a crucial thing.

Come here by yourself...It doesn't seem to be to play Hearthstone, right?


King Gullas felt that he understood the reason why the dwarves are so keen on card games like Hearthstone.

"What's the matter?" The Great Axe noticed that King Gulas was about to leave and then stopped, couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Where is the owner of this tavern?" Wang Gulas glanced at the direction of the counter, Anno was sitting there flipping through the books, quietly looking like a literary girl.

"Boss?" The giant axe opened the barrel and poured himself a full glass of ale. The pale golden liquor glowed with mist under the light. He slightly squinted his eyes and looked at King Gulas, "You look for him do what?"

As a member of the Council of Elders, King Gulas didn't think he would go to Luochuan for no reason.

As a loyal player of Hearthstone, he felt that he had to figure out the purpose of King Gullas.

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