Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2075: Two evolution directions

The river is wide open and there is no end in sight, the vast water mist covers the distant mountains, the sky is gloomy and drizzle, and the turbulent waves hit the shore and rolled up a thousand piles of snow.

The picture freezes.

Chen Yiyi opened his eyes wide and stared at the image in front of him blankly. Chen Mo's reaction was the same as before he was relieved.

Li Chunfeng was not surprised by this, sitting in a chair and waiting quietly.

After a long time, Chen Yiyi suddenly came back to his senses.

Pat your cheeks with both hands, trying to make your brain sober.

"Senior Brother Li, what was that... just now?" Chen Yiyi pointed to the paused picture in front of him and couldn't help asking.

"Dragon." Li Chunfeng laughed, "Now you two should believe me, right?"

"Dragon..." Chen Mo frowned in thought.

"Brother, what do you think." Chen Yiyi poked Chen Mo's arm.

"Oh, I'm thinking about something." Chen Mo raised his head and looked at Li Chunfeng, "Senior brother should know the image of dragons recorded in those ancient books, right?"

"Of course I remember." Li Chunfeng nodded, stood up with his hands on his back, and went to the center of the courtyard to look into the distance, bathing in the morning glory, "With wings on his back, scaly armor, and breathable dragon breath, his upper limbs are short, and his lower limbs are sturdy. The tail is similar to snakes and may have bone spurs."

Li Chunfeng paused slightly, he should be sorting out the words in his heart.

"This is just one of them. The other image is like what you saw just now. The body is slender and fit, resembling a snake, not a snake, with a mane on the neck, and strong limbs..."

"Brother Li, the white creature we saw just now seems to have no limbs." Chen Yiyi reminded.

"And there is no mane, they are all bone spurs." Chen Mo followed.

"I know." Li Chunfeng nodded and turned to look at the two of them. "So according to my guess, it should be in the stage of transforming into a dragon. If the time is right and the opportunity is sufficient, the form will gradually change, and eventually It turns into a real dragon as recorded in ancient books."

Chen Mo and Chen Yiyi looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Anvia is a real dragon, not only them, but also the customers of Origin Mall and the people of Jiuyao City.

But now there is a dragon again, and it is a dragon with a very different form, which is a little confusing.

Perhaps the evolution of the dragon's ethnic group is actually divided into two directions?

"Well... I'd better ask Sister Anvia after I go back."

Chen Yiyi sighed. She felt that even if she continued to guess, she wouldn't be able to get any useful conclusions. Rather than wasting time on this issue, it would be easier to just ask the person in question.

Chen Mo nodded in favor, but Li Chunfeng was puzzled.

Who is this sister Anvia? Why does Chen Yiyi think that asking her will know the correct answer?

With this in mind, Li Chunfeng naturally mentioned it.

"By the way, who is Anvia?"

"Eh, don't you know?" Chen Yiyi was even more confused.

"Should I know?" Li Chunfeng was confused, "I started from the south of the Yangtze River. I have always used the teleportation method. I have basically never learned about external information. I only came here recently."

"Um... forget it." Chen Yiyi sighed and took out the magic phone, "Senior Li, please see for yourself."

All things are recorded on the magic phone. As long as you use the search function, you can easily find many messages you want to find. It is convenient and fast, and it has long become an indispensable thing for customers.

Li Chunfeng took the magic phone handed over by Chen Yiyi.

He only came here today, and he just heard about the magic mobile phone, so he was naturally full of curiosity. It is said that he can connect with countless customers of Origin Mall...

"How do you feel someone is talking about me..."

Bai sat up and looked up into the distance.

The dawn dawned, and half of the sky was smudged into a slightly warm color by the rising sun. The early morning wind was a bit disturbing, causing the branches and leaves to make a rustling sound, and at the same time, it also blew away the gauzy rain and mist in the mountains and forests.

He opened his mouth and yawned, showing his little white fangs.

Stretching deeply, lying on the grass again, he took off two leaves from the side to cover his eyes.

"Origin Mall..."

The whispering words were diffused in the cool breeze, and gradually lowered until disappeared. The shallow breath blew the grass beside him, and the soft sunlight brought bursts of warmth. It is a good time to enjoy life.

Consciousness gradually dimmed, and then became clear again, as if returning to the years long ago.

I just turned into a human being and I’m not used to the new body. Even speaking, it took a long time to master...

I don't know how long it has passed, dimly opening his eyes.

The leaves used to block the sun have been blown away by the wind, and there are unknown little beasts on their heads standing there and looking around. I think it should be used as a commanding height to observe the surrounding environment.

Xu Ye noticed the movement and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shaking his head, sitting up and combing his long hair, squinting at the sun, it was already hanging in the air at this time, and it was almost mid-morning.

He stood up, arranged the grass blades on his clothes, after thinking about it, it still didn't become the main body and flew into the air.

Anyway, it’s not far from the Origin Mall, so there is no need to hurry up, just take this opportunity to experience the local customs, and collect some relevant information by the way.

Pull out the map and find the name of the area where you are currently located.

"Fire Origin Empire..."

According to the division on the map, the Huoyuan Empire and the Star Empire are adjacent to each other. It is said that two years ago, they were inextricably beaten. With the emergence of Origin Mall, the two countries also signed a peace agreement and entered the stage of rapid development.

After simply identifying the direction, put away the map, searched it in the pocket and took out a flute.

I remember that the eldest sister once gave her advice that playing the flute can help control the oral muscles and improve the efficiency of learning to speak. After mastering the language, she has not forgotten to play the flute, which has become a hobby.

The soothing and melodious music drifts in the wind, and the mountains and forests are crisp and the birds sing in harmony in the early morning.

The mountain and forest trail, the breeze is fading.

The sunlight passes through the branches and leaves, and the mottled light and shadow are scattered, and the shape of the beam can be clearly seen.

Some medicinal pickers were walking on the muddy road after the rain with their backpacks on their backs. Thinking of the slow harvest today, they couldn't help but show a bright smile on their faces, and the journey home became a lot more interesting.

Inexplicably remembered what happened some time ago, some people walked without leaving any trace after the rain.

I couldn't help shivering when I thought of this place. In all likelihood, I encountered the spirits in the mountains and forests, and it was a big fate that I could go back safely.

Shake your head and put aside these back-fear scenes.

Everything is over, besides, he has already married Xiao Rong in the neighboring village, and I don't know how much envy he has gained.

Thinking of this, the medicinal picker couldn't help but smile.

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