Hearthstone is a card game.

Since it is a game, it must follow the rules set in the game, and these rules are often somewhat unreasonable from a realistic point of view.

Those dwarves who have just come into contact will also be puzzled, similar to why the element lord can be shot to death with a bow and arrow, and the ice giant can be frozen.

Over time, these problems will gradually disappear.

Obviously, King Gulaas was at the very beginning.

"So, this is Hearthstone Legend." The Great Axe gave the final conclusion, and a big failure reminder appeared in front of King Gulaas.

"Come again." Wang Gulas was expressionless.

"Come back?" Giant Axe laughed, "Of course I am fine, but should you set up your own deck, and now you are using someone else's."

King Gulas just remembered that the deck he was using was indeed another dwarf's.

"Go to the little fairy girl to buy your card box by yourself." The giant axe gave a reminder.

"Well, I know." Wang Gulas nodded. He just noticed the blue crystal card in the hands of the dwarves. It should be the "card box" called by the giant axe.

It is also the carrier of magical items like Hearthstone.

To be honest, he was very curious about how the cards stored in it were summoned to reality by injecting magic power, what kind of conversion principle was involved, and what kind of specific changes the magic power took place in the process, slap the big card. How many miniature magic inscriptions are engraved in...

In short, there are too many problems.

"Your card box contains a total of gold coins. If you want to buy a card pack, just drop the gold coins directly into the groove of the table. I wish you a happy game." Anno said with a smile, very skilled in business.

King Gulas took the card handed over by Anno.

Had it not been known in advance, he would definitely treat it as an ordinary crystal card.

There is nothing special at all, the appearance looks good, it feels warm and jade, and there are two slender diamond-shaped cross badges on the surface, which should be the exclusive logo of this store.

"What if I lose it?" Wang Gulas suddenly thought of a crucial question.

"It's okay, don't worry about this." Anno laughed and pointed to the card box in the hands of King Gulas. "Each card box has an identity verification function. Even if a person gets it, it's just an ordinary card. If you lose it, you can go to the tavern to reissue it. It's still a gold coin."

"Does every card box have an identification type of magic?" Wang Gulas put the card box in front of his eyes and carefully observed the light, but unfortunately he still couldn't find any special features.

"The boss said, this is something successfully made according to his research. It is very different from ordinary extraordinary items. It uses...it seems to be a special method called encapsulation." Anno has already told many customers. The words in this regard, "Anyway, it is particularly powerful."

At the end, the elf girl nodded rather firmly.

"That's it." Wang Gulas did not continue to ask, he had already seen that Anno actually didn't know anything, and even if he asked, he couldn't get much useful information.

After a simple thank you came to the giant axe again, the position was specially reserved for him.

"After you have your own card box, you need to form a deck, but before that, I suggest you expand your card collection first." Juaxe kindly reminded.

"What do you mean?" Wang Gulas had just come into contact with Hearthstone, and he didn't know much about the various things inside.

"You don't think that the cards you use are free, do you?" The giant axe put the wine glass down again and slapped it twice on the Hearthstone table. "Those cards need to be purchased here and opened by themselves. The probability is very low, and it depends on everyone’s luck."

After the noisy explanations of the giant axe and other dwarves, King Gulas roughly understood what they meant.

"Don't disconnect the card packs and exchange cards to get cards you don't have... This should be the specific way of making money for Hearthstone..."

King Gulas whispered to himself, he had discovered the operating mode of the Hearthstone Tavern.

At the same time, one thing is confirmed-this shop does have serious tax evasion!



"Golden is rare."



As the card pack was opened, the corresponding voices continued to sound, and the result was that King Gulas appeared more and more irritable.

"Legend... Why is there no legend yet?"

"Isn't it said that there is a probability of getting a legendary card? It's too low, right?"

"Is my luck so bad..."

King Gulas murmured and dragged the last card pack to the card-opening area. With the light blooming, five cards were opened one after another. Without the favor of the **** of fate, it was still just an ordinary blue sky. Baiyun.

"Normal." The giant axe waved his hand indifferently. "You only have fifty packs. You already have two epic-level cards. Good luck."

"By the way, you look at it according to your own luck standards, right?" Wang Gulaas naturally knew the normal state of bad luck for the giant axe.

"I admit that my luck is a bit bad...but it doesn't matter." The giant axe continued to drink the ale, "It doesn't matter if there is no legend, your cards can already form a complete card pack, hurry up and wait for you. ."

King Gulas nodded in response.

Forming a deck is simply to select 30 cards from your collection.

It can be a simple strength type, and wins according to the strength of the deck.

It can also be an otk-type card group. The explanation is that through the cooperation between cards, when a certain condition is met, it will definitely defeat the opponent.

For King Gulas who has just started, the first type of deck is sufficient.

As for the second kind, there are only ideas in this regard.

And novices usually encounter the same problem in the process of forming a deck, that is, every card seems to be necessary, and in the end they don't know which one is better.

"Speaking of which, these cards can really be used in reality?"

King Gulas learned from the information given by Owen that the entire Hearthstone legend probably belongs to a super-large and extraordinary item. Each card box is an integral part of it, and the internal data is realized through the injection of magic. , So as to realize the call to the scene in reality.

There may also be other ways.

"Don't you just try it yourself? Remember to find an open place." The giant axe yawned, "Now that the deck is ready, let's start."

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