Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2070: Some details that other books don’t have

"Heartstone should be here."

King Gulas stopped and looked up at the building in front of him. The plaque with the words "Heartstone Tavern" was shining faintly in the night. Through the translucent spar window, one could vaguely see the inside of the tavern. Scenes.

It should have set up related sound insulation magic, so it's rare to hear the dwarf's unique loud voice.

Usually in other taverns in the City of Steel, the yelling of dwarves can be heard even if they are far away. This should be an honor type thing for the tavern, indicating their popularity among dwarves.

From this point of view, Hearthstone Tavern is somewhat different from other taverns.

The reason why King Gulas came here is also very simple. The Council of Elders has ended, and everyone has dispersed. Anyway, he has nothing to do, so he just came here. It happens to be so attractive to the giant axe. The extraordinary items of Hearthstone are very curious.

As for the others, King Gulaas also had an invitation. Unfortunately, Keya has something, and Owen is also very busy. Tasha and Mu are not interested in this. As for Elizabeth... King Gulaas did not dare to provoke her.

So he came by himself.

And King Gulas was not just curious, he came to Hearthstone Tavern for another crucial reason.

According to the information he knew, the business license used by Hearthstone Tavern was for an ordinary tavern, but in fact it was an extraordinary shop.

The City of Steel actually has different management regulations for these two types of stores. It can be said that the practice of Hearthstone Tavern has violated relevant laws and regulations, and there is a problem of tax evasion (this detail is certainly not seen in other books) Right?).

If Luochuan knew it, the expression would be wonderful. You must know that the Origin Mall opened in Jiuyao City has never experienced this.

Perhaps in this regard, the development of the City of Steel is more perfect than that of Jiuyao City?

"Let one give way, let another give way."

The dwarf's voice came from behind, and King Gulas was pushed aside, feeling blocked.

"I recently formed a set of cards with five legendary cards in it, which must be very powerful."

"You guys have good luck."

"Legend... I have to draw a legend card today!"

"Speaking of which, that card called Magic Explosion Technique is quite useful. It's very convenient for mining caves."

"You do not comply with the safety regulations. The elders know that maybe you will be thrown into the Lava Crystal Dragon's lair..."

The dwarves walked into the Hearthstone Tavern while talking. They seemed to be old customers here, and they were talking about words that King Gulas could not understand.

According to his understanding, it should be a noun in Hearthstone legend.


Wang Gulas murmured, and walked in.

"Legend! Legend!"

"I am... the train king!"

"I am the incarnation of destruction!"

"You made a mistake, two points of blood foreshadowing..."

The almost substantial sound waves rushed towards his face, almost making Wang Gulas stop thinking, and at the same time there was a strong aroma of wine in the air, but it was not pungent, but it made people feel very comfortable.

It took more than ten seconds for King Gulas to barely use the environment in the tavern.

In fact, this kind of noisy feeling is still very good if you get used to it, and it is very enjoyable.

Wang Gulas looked around, and soon found the familiar figure, the familiar loud voice, and the familiar big axe. After all, the axe is the main body.

"You guys are coming over to watch. Hearthstone is played like this, but it's not like you throw all the cards in your hands and forget it!"

The giant axe clamored and surrounded him with a circle of dwarves.

In the Hearthstone game, the giant axe obviously has a very high talent. If the luck in the game is not too bad, it can basically win.

He also heard Luo Chuan say that Hearthstone will also launch a ranking system for a while, the highest level of which is the legendary level, and he is preparing for this.

King Gulas walked over curiously.

In front of the giant axe, there is a special equipment in operation, which should be an extraordinary item. At the same time, there is a projection of card-like floating in the air. Each card is different, so it should be Hearthstone.

King Gulas took a close look, completely unable to understand.

"For the tribe!"

"For the Alliance!"

Two different voices sounded, and the new Hearthstone game kicked off.

King Gulas simply stood quietly on the side, ready to learn about this card game called Hearthstone... Is it really appropriate for this extraordinary item to be treated as a card game?

Anno, who became a literary girl, raised her head and glanced in the direction of the giant axe. In fact, she had already noticed the arrival of King Gulaas.

After all, under the premise that the shop is full of dwarves, it is difficult for such a human being to ignore it. The height is too high, and Anno also knows King Gulaas, one of the members of the Council of Elders, and the elder of the Great Axe. Very familiar, I think I came to the tavern because I received an invitation.

Speaking of which, this is already the second member of the Council of Elders in the tavern, so it seems that the development of Hearthstone Tavern is really rapid.

Anno poured herself another cup of tea, thinking this in her heart, and continued to read the story of the witch in the book. She was very curious about the follow-up progress in the Kingdom of Honesty...

"But so."

The dwarf in heavy armor put down the hammer in his hand and made a disdainful sound. The orc on the opposite side knelt on one knee, and even if his eyes were unwilling, there was nothing to do, his body gradually disappeared.

The Hearthstone game came to an end.

"The elders have won again."

"How many rounds has the elder won in a row?"

"If the level is opened, it must be easy to have a legendary level, right?"

"If I can have so many legendary cards, surely so..."

The dwarves were talking noisily, and the giant axe was used to this. He picked up the glass and drank the ale in it, and noticed the king Gulas beside him with a look of surprise.

"Huh, Pharaoh, when did you come here?"

"I just came here for a while." Old Wang replied subconsciously, and soon noticed something wrong. "How many times have you said, don't call me Lao Wang, just call me Wang Gulas."

"Okay, I know, Pharaoh, right?" The giant axe nodded repeatedly, not knowing whether he heard it or not. In all likelihood, he didn't.

King Gulas sighed and chose to give up for the time being.

"By the way, you came here because you heard about Hearthstone?" The giant axe put down the wine glass and asked why King Gulas came here.

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