Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2068: The moon rises brightly, the outstanding people

Chimera met by accident when Luochuan and Yao Ziyan were hanging out on the beach in Saintia at night.

The small one looks quite cute.

Yao Ziyan liked it very much, so he brought it back directly and was named a Chimera by Luochuan.

It looks like a cat, but the essence actually belongs to Warcraft.

At that time, the first customer of the coffee shop, an old man dressed like a British nobleman, gave a blood-colored crystal as a meal. After being eaten by Chimera, a certain..."mutation" occurred.

Compared with mutation, Luochuan feels more like returning to ancestors, or evolution.

The black scales that grow under the hair, the two inexplicable wings, can even be put away and hidden, God knows what kind of beasts have this ability.

Of course, Chimera's identity is just a pet now.

Some time ago, Luochuan did mention bringing Chimera to the Hearthstone Tavern, so he was not surprised by Yao Ziyan's approach. As for bringing it to the Origin Mall, it was a bit difficult. After all, this is a different world.

"Luochuan, when are you going to open this coffee shop?"

Yao Ziyan teased Chimera with snacks, and casually asked Luochuan, who was sitting there and turned into a salted fish.

"This... I'll talk about it later when I have a chance."

Luo Chuan looked at the roof and gave an answer after serious consideration. After all, he is just a boss. Now he is a little weak to open two shops, so he can only put the coffee shop aside for the time being.

Well, yes, that's it.

"Okay, I see." Yao Ziyan was not surprised by Luo Chuan's answer, after all, this is his character.

Time passed quietly.

Yao Ziyan didn't know what he thought of, so he came to the store and pushed it away.

The current season should be the time when summer and autumn meet, the dark blue night sky stars twinkling, two rounds of bright moons are also stained with faint blue, the moonlight is slightly cool in the middle of the night, and the old street lights are flickering. The plants are also reflected in the shadows.

The evening breeze came slowly, and it seemed to have a quiet floral fragrance.

Luo Chuan inadvertently looked up. The girl was standing under the moonlight like water, her long purple hair swaying gently, and her white dress seemed to be surrounded by a hazy glow.

The moon rises brightly, and the people are outstanding.

The moon rises brightly, and the outstanding person is lonely.

For no reason, Luo Chuan suddenly remembered the hibiscus flower essence in "Zi Bu Yu", and it should be so inhumane.

The hibiscus flower blooms, beautiful like an immortal.

"Luochuan, do you want to go for a walk?"

The hibiscus flower essence once again became a familiar girl, and quickly came to Luochuan and leaned in and asked with a smile.

"I don't want to go out."

Luochuan's lazy cancer attacked mainly because the sofa was too soft and comfortable, and I didn't want to move when I lay on it.

"Just be with me." Yao Ziyan took Luochuan's arm, "It's no good to stay in the room all day long without going out, at least you have to go out for a walk...Luochuan hurry up..."

"Well, go, let me go." Luo Chuan stood up helplessly, and sighed somewhat with little help from her.

To be honest, he didn't find it interesting to go shopping at all, but the demon Ziyan enjoyed it.

Not only her, it seems that most female creatures have a soft spot for the daily activity of shopping. For this reason, they can even walk all day without getting bored. God knows the principle behind it.

Luochuan is incomprehensible anyway.

"You stay here to watch the store." Yao Ziyan told Chimera.

"Meow~" Chimera replied lazily, not knowing whether she understood it or not.

It should be understood, after all, being a Warcraft IQ is not much worse. It's just that I didn't show it through eating and waiting for death on weekdays.

As the store closed, the lights gradually dimmed until they disappeared.

Instead, the cool moonlight shining into the shop through the window cast a hazy light and shadow on the ground, and two bright eyes looked quite eye-catching in the dark.

Chimera looked at the direction of the store door, yawned and curled herself up on the sofa.

Darkness does not have much impact on its vision. It actually prefers such an environment. This should be an innate instinct. It can better hide itself in the dark and also increase the success rate of hunting.

Of course, these instincts are useless now.

There is plenty of food every day, and it is also very safe. Everyday life is to eat, sleep, and eat. The so-called heaven may be nothing more than this.

Chimera opened her mouth wide and yawned again, and her sharp teeth were revealed before hiding again.

Close your eyes and start to rest.

The air is filled with the elegant fragrance of flowers, and there are bustling pedestrians beside him. The street lights with magical energy emit bright light, presenting a city atmosphere that is completely different from the city of steel.

Relatively speaking, the city of steel is more like a magic city during the first industrial revolution, while Saintia is a medieval magic style full of leisure.

"It's completely different from the city of steel."

Luo Chuan put his hands in his pockets and murmured in a low voice.

"Luochuan, what flavor do you want?"

Yao Ziyan shouted at him in front of a stall not far away.

"Just like you."

Luo Chuan replied that he actually didn't know much about all aspects of the other world, just like the taste choices given by the self-service equipment in the Origin Mall always use some weird names.

Yao Ziyan let out a cry, and talked to the vendor owner about his request.

Luo Chuan found a seat on the side of the road and sat down quietly.

"Huh, boss?"

There was a voice from his side. Luo Chuan looked in the direction of the voice. What appeared in his sight was a man aged between middle-aged and young, wearing a trench coat and suit-like improved clothing, black The top hat, with a black cane in his hand, looked like he had just finished work.

Luo Chuan thought for 2.5 seconds, only then did he remember who this person was.

"Oh, Herman, long time no see." Luo Chuan replied casually, "Are you the end of your work?"

"Yeah, help people find things, I'm a detective." Herman nodded, "By the way, boss, where have you been this time? The coffee shop is not open."

To be honest, Herman regretted not buying a few more bottles of Coke when the coffee shop opened. The frequency of opening the shop was too low, and he had to wonder if Luochuan had abandoned the shop.

"Well, something happened recently, so I don't have much time to come over." Luo Chuan opened his mouth and came.

"So." Herman thoughtfully, "has that matter been resolved?"

"Not yet." Luo Chuan shook his head.

It can be said that the tavern is just on the right track and is still in the development stage. I am afraid that there is still a long way to go if you want to grow as self-sustaining as the Origin Mall.

"Then why did you come here suddenly?"

"A little busy, come over and take a look, change your mood in different environments."

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