"Speaking of which, what exactly does this God of Nature mean?"

Luo Chuan has only heard about this, and doesn't know much about it.

By the way, there is also the role of the **** of nature in the glory, but he created it according to his own memory. God knows what is the difference with the reality.

An Nuo was stunned, and it seemed that Luo Chuan would not ask such a question.

The elf girl thought about it seriously, and then she scratched her hair somewhat confused: "The God of Nature is the God of Nature..."

"No, I mean, does he have an image of himself?" Luo Chuan explained.

Anno looked at the roof and thought carefully: "Well, I haven't learned much about this aspect. It may be a big deer, it may be a big tree, or it may be just a bunch of green light. …After all, I haven’t seen the **** of nature with my own eyes, so I don’t know if that’s the case."

"It's okay, I just ask casually." Luo Chuan waved his hand in a casual manner.

He did think so in his heart.

Besides, he has signed a contract with the Lord of the Black Mist. It is reasonable to ask about other gods in this world.

"Oh." Anno nodded, and suddenly remembered something, "Oh right, boss, do you have any gods? As a liberty mage, you should also be a believer in the goddess of magic, right?"

As the source of all laws, the goddess of magic has a huge number of pan-believers in the world of Koror.

The so-called pan-believers probably mean the kind of vacillating between believing and unbelief.

Normally, I don’t think of the goddess of magic, and only when encountering situations such as high-level arcane magic, or the magic circle does not know what went wrong, would I think of praying to the goddess of magic.

After the matter was resolved, I subconsciously said something like "praise the goddess of magic".

Basically, most human wizards are believers of the goddess of magic, but this group of believers is very loose compared to other gods.

"That's not true." Luo Chuan said with a serious expression on his face while drinking tea, "Actually, I believe in the **** of destiny."

"God of destiny?" Anno blinked, she didn't seem to have heard of the name of this god.

Yao Ziyan stayed for a while, his gaze at Luo Chuan remained smiling, but he secretly gritted his teeth.

"Yes, the **** of destiny, the powerful **** who controls fate in the legend, of course you can call her the goddess of luck." Luo Chuan coughed lightly, noting that Yao Ziyan's expression changed and stopped the act of death.

"It turns out to be Goddess of Luck, of course I know this." Anno laughed, "Elder Giant Axe and they all pray to Goddess of Luck before opening the card package."

"Oh~ I know this." Luo Chuan stretched his voice and looked at Yao Ziyan at the same time.

"What's the matter, what do I do?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile while holding the tea cup, his expression has returned to the usual appearance.

"It's okay." Luo Chuan looked back as usual.

An Nuo looked at Luochuan, then at Yao Ziyan, and scratched her hair in confusion. She felt that there was something wrong between the two of them, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

The dark blue night quietly diffused from the horizon, the glorious giant sun has gradually sunk to the end of the horizon, the magnificent corona dyed half of the sky, and the remnant brilliance of the day was gradually disappearing.

The street lights of the City of Steel are lighting up for the second time, and the lights in the city are also lighting up. The bright magical brilliance has replaced the darker daylight and dispelled the gradual twilight.

Wang Gulas stood in front of the window, quietly looking at the city of steel under the night, his eyes reflected in the star-like lights.

"A spectacular scene, isn't it?"

King Gulas said softly, when he is idle, he usually quietly looks at the city of steel and this prosperous city built by countless races.

"It's really spectacular."

With a hint of inorganic synthetic sound coming from his side, the figure in a black robe came to the side of Wang Gulaas, his eyes shimmering in the dim sky.

In his sight, everything is in a completely different state from the eyes of ordinary people. The energy parameters represented by many tables are constantly changing. The magic power seems to be visible everywhere, and the rising magic smoke is as bright as a burning flame. Eye-catching.

"Kaya, why are you here?" Wang Gulas turned his head and looked at the figure.

Under the slightly dim sky, you can vaguely see that most of the body has been replaced by various sophisticated mechanical structures, like a movable magic puppet. (Kaya appeared in 1869, and his body was nearly dead due to the collapse of energy, and he was rescued with the help of the tide)

"The parliament has started, and everyone is waiting for you."

The sound came from the sound device in the throat.

"Ah, I forgot about it." Wang Gulas showed a stunned look, "No wonder I always feel that I have forgotten something, let's go, don't let them wait too long."

Conference hall.

The raw spar dotted all over the room emits a bright and soft stable light. The large floor-to-ceiling windows can clearly see the steel city drooping in the twilight. Several dark stars are dotted in the dark blue night sky, one big and one small. Two bright moons are hanging in the sky quietly.

The cool evening breeze blew into the room from the half-open window, enveloping the magical smoke and dust that is unique to the city of steel.

There were several figures sitting at the circular conference table, and several of them were vacant. The people who should have been sitting there were not present.

"It's a bit cold."

One of the figures, who was trapped in black robes, said, with a low voice with a trace of hoarseness, and it sounded like a female.

"Huh? Can you feel the temperature change in this state?"

Another male figure shimmering with light blue gleam was quite surprised at this, and looked up and down the black-robed woman.

"On the spiritual level." The voice of the black-robed woman seemed to contain some special power. It was cold and cold, which made people feel like being in the cold winter. There were two scarlet gleams in the darkness under the black robe on the face. Flashing, "In addition, if you look at me like this, maybe I can't help making you a statue of decline."

The light on the luminous male figure flickered a few times, which should represent his state of mind. He coughed slightly and then stopped talking, looking very jealous of the black-robed woman.

"Okay, okay, let me close the windows and go up."

Another tall woman sighed, got up and went to the window and closed it, the light illuminates her face—

She has a pair of spiritually pointed ears on her head, long golden hair shawl, and her body is covered with light golden patterned hair. Her facial features are somewhat cat-like creatures, with a certain wild and special beauty.

Even from the perspective of human aesthetics, she is a good-looking lady, and she is also very beautiful in her ethnic group.

Behind her, a fluffy tail was swaying gently like a caterpillar, and it seemed to be able to express her current mood, as if it was no surprise to the scene in front of her.

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