Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2058: The season of falling flowers meets again

Su Nan temporarily left Lingyun College and planned to stay in Jiuyao City for a while, because she was waiting for an old person here.

An old person whom I haven't seen for a long, long time.

As for why this is the case, the reason is quite simple.

A few days ago, the astronomical secret came to Lingyun Academy as a guest, and it happened to meet Su Nan. It may be a whim, or it may be nothing to do, or both. In short, I finally made a fortune for her.

[It is common to see in the vast world,

I've been obsessed with this life several times.

It is the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan,

The season of falling flowers meets again. 】

This is the case with the hexagrams displayed.

The meaning expressed is also very simple. During this period of time, Su Nan should meet a long-lost deceased.

Su Nan was surprised for a long time when she heard it, and she had a new understanding of Wen Tianji's calculation ability.

She has indeed been to a place called Jiangnan.

The most memorable one should belong to Jiangnan's wine, fresh and elegant, and it will fill her heart without knowing it.

Just like the scenery of Jiangnan and the people of Jiangnan.

Speaking of it, the original Jiangnan was not called Jiangnan, just because she mentioned it in a poem at the time.

[The spring breeze does not understand Jiangnan rain,

Laugh at Yuxiang to find customers to taste.

Who knows that Jiangnan is not drunk,

But smell the spring breeze ten miles of fragrance. 】

By the way, when I was boating on the lake, I met a person, and that should be the emperor of a country.

Su Nan was just passing there at the time, and after a short encounter, he found time and left on his own.

After that, he was displaced from all over the Tianlan Continent, sometimes staying for a while in a civilized boundary, and more often living alone in a deserted jungle with no human traces.

After another period of time, perhaps hundreds of years, she passed by that place and was surprised to find that the name of the area had been changed to Jiangnan.

As for the empire of the past, it has long been annihilated in history.

Most of the human kingdoms have been built, prospered, prosperous, decayed, and destroyed. They have been seen too many times for hundreds of years at most.

Later, she continued her life.

I came across a white snake by chance, which seemed different from other monsters, and simply brought her by her side.

After she mastered the ability to transform, she found a time to leave quietly. Su Nan didn't like the parting scene, she had experienced enough.

But looking at it now, she seems to have found her way.

Su Nan smiled and sent the last bite of food to the entrance, and the package was thrown into the trash can by the roadside.

Looking up to the front, Yuangui's shop is located there, and the mist rises, reflecting the color of the morning sun.

Yuan Gui and Bu Lige sat opposite each other on both sides of the table, with a chessboard placed in front of them. The black and white were anxious, and they had obviously been fighting each other to an inextricable moment.


The sunspot fell in Yuan Gui's hand, making a crisp sound, his complexion always calm, as if everything was under control.

Bu Lige stared at the chessboard closely, frowning in deep thought, hesitating for a long time before finally settled down.

Relatively speaking, Yuan Gui was much more calm, he only made a decision after hesitating for a while.

Black and white are intertwined, it seems that there is no way to take the opponent, and it seems that they will remain in a stalemate.

Suddenly, Bu Lige smiled and looked up at Yuan Gui who was opposite: "Master, you have lost."

After all, put the white piece somewhere on the chessboard.

For this reason, he has been planning for a long time, and finally has reached the moment when he can usher in the victory and defeat. The chessboard scene is unpredictable, and a slight negligence will usher in defeat, just like his father's step in the sky.

Soldiers who, deception also.

The same is true in chess, paying attention to surprises and strategic planning, secretly accumulating strength in places where the opponent has not noticed, and the final blow determines the outcome.

"You lost."

Yuan Gui's expression remained unchanged, as calm as before, and he dropped the chess piece in his hand.

Step Lige was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously looking at the place where he left the child, his eyes gradually widened, apparently he found some places that he had completely ignored just now.

"I lost." Bu Lige sighed and conceded in failure.

The four pieces are connected, and he is willing to go down in this game of backgammon.

"Sister Nan came so early today, would you like a breakfast?" Bu Lige saw Su Nan passing in front of Yuangui's shop, beckoning her and shouted.

"No." Su Nan smiled and shook his head.

Although there is no shortage of Lingjing now with a job, she still feels that the breakfast price of Shi Lingjing in Yuangui's shop is a bit expensive, and it is not appropriate to consume every day.

Watching Su Nan leave, Step Lige cleaned up the chessboard, ready to start a new round of game with Yuan Gui.

"Come again."

He will not give up easily.


Yuan Gui had nothing to do, so he nodded and responded. Playing chess is great to kill time.

Walking in the alley where Origin Mall is located, the ground paved by Jiuyao stone has long been stepped on like a mirror by the customers who come and go every day. The rising morning light is shining brightly above, and the crisp footsteps echo in the silence. In an empty alley.

Naturally, Su Nan knew that Luochuan and Yao Ziyan had left Origin Mall. Through the Magic Phone, you can easily understand the news happening in various places—provided that there are customers in Origin Mall uploading the messages to the Magic Phone.

Speaking of which, she was actually curious about where the two went.

Is it an unknown area in Tianlan Continent, or just left this world and went to another whole new world?

Su Nan slowed down and twitched her nose gently.

She smelled a very special smell...not one, but a mixture of many sensations, it should be the aroma of wine.

Su Nan used to like to drink very much.

Drinking something like wine can make people forget a lot of things, and it is excellent as a solution to troubles.

However, a person later told her that drinking more alcohol is not good, so Su Nan didn't drink much.

It seems that Origin Mall only has a drink type product called Qiongjianglu. Could it be Yao Ziyue and the others brought it from outside?

Su Nan was a little curious, and the slowing pace accelerated again, and walked into the store a few steps.

The aroma of the wine that I smelled just now became a bit richer, and she couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of her.

There was a wine barrel in front of Qing Yuan, and she was able to drink vigorously in her hand with a large wine glass made of spiritual power. Yao Ziyue drank a bottle of an unknown type of drink, eating chips from time to time as a side dish. There was a huge pile of weird creatures of unknown type—Elena was lying on her stomach and spitting bubbles.

"Um...what's wrong with you?"

Su Nan was stunned. When he walked into the store, he did not forget to pay attention to his feet, so as not to step on the sea-monster girl. As for Xiaoqing on his shoulders, Su Nan couldn't help but sneezed several times when he entered the store. , Went straight into Su Nan's clothes and didn't show up.

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