Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2050: Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves

"Is this the ale and white wine you are talking about?" Giant Axe couldn't help asking, looking at the things Anno had brought over.

This wooden barrel is a full circle smaller than the wooden barrel of ordinary ale, and the white wine is not even a wooden barrel. It is directly packed in a palm-sized crystal bottle?

The Great Axe can be sure that this is not enough for him to take a sip.

In addition, he has never heard of the name Baijiu, but because of curiosity, he wants to taste what it tastes like. Now I don’t know if it is unpretentious or ordinary, it looks like boiled water.

"Yes." Anno nodded, not feeling anything wrong.

"This is an extraordinary item, so naturally you can't look at it with ordinary eyes." Luo Chuan just slipped to the side and explained casually.

However, the price of ten gold coins has such an effect, and the taste is not flawed, and the weight is only a bit small.

"This... well, that's what I said." The giant axe feels that what Luo Chuan said does have some truth. The price of ten gold coins is not cheap, and it is definitely not expensive. You need to know what those high-end staffs are. You can easily reach the price of hundreds of gold coins.

I just don't know the specific effect.

The giant axe picked up the white wine in the crystal bottle and prepared to taste it.

They are all priced at ten gold coins, this portion is so small, I think it's better than ale.

Pull off the cork, and the special scent will blow on your face.

"This is…"

The giant axe's eyes widened in an instant, the aroma of the wine was rich and mellow, and the wine was intoxicating, and it was so easy to get people drunk if the wine was not intoxicating. The giant axe could be sure that this was definitely the best smell of wine he had ever smelled, none of them.

The surrounding dwarves also stopped talking, twitching their noses, and finally their eyes fell on the bottle in the hand of the giant axe.

The smell of wine alone is like this, but what should it taste like?

It may be due to racial characteristics. Dwarves are definitely among the races that like to drink the most in the City of Steel. There is no one. For them, food is not necessary, and wine is absolutely indispensable.

The Great Axe has been alive for so long, and I have basically tasted the wines from all over the world in Koror, whether it is the fine wine of the elves of the far north, or the special flower wine of Saintia, or those civilizations that have long been annihilated in the collapse of the explosion. The brewed wine... But now, he has expectations for the white wine in front of him.

Pulling off the cork, the richer aroma of the wine has almost condensed into substance.

The giant axe took a deep breath, then took a sip.

The pungency entered the throat, as if flames were burning in the belly of the mouth. Even the giant axe couldn't help but cough. Fortunately, the dwarves have big beards, and no one can see how his face looks now.

"Baijiu is not ale, you can't use the same method of drinking." Luo Chuan reminded.

"Enjoyed!" Giant Axe didn't know if he heard Luochuan's words, he laughed loudly, "This is more exciting than the ale I drank before, like a sip of flames."

Now he can clearly feel the burning sensation in his throat, which seems to be gradually dissipating, replaced by a touch of coolness and sweetness.

The mood has also become a lot easier, and the negative emotions seem to have been completely burned.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of the name "Wangyou".

"Boss, as an extraordinary item, does the effect of this wine make people forget the sorrow?" The giant axe took another sip, which is a completely different experience than when he drank it just now.

What I felt at first was a pungent sensation, which circulated endlessly between the lips and teeth, and then quietly dissipated in an instant, replaced by fresh sweetness and slightly bitterness, with a long flavor.

It seems that different drinking methods can taste different tastes.

Luo Chuan: "'s a pity, no."

To be honest, he didn't understand how the giant axe connected the effect of liquor with forgetting sorrow.

God knows what kind of psychological activity the dwarf elder has gone through in this short period of time.

"What's that?" The giant axe raised his eyebrows, and felt the changes in his body, as if it was no different from the past.

"Energy affinity, that is, the perception of magic power between heaven and earth and various other energies." Luo Chuan briefly explained.

"Energy perception?" The giant axe clenched his fist.

As an extraordinary powerhouse of the legendary level, he has a keen sense of magic, but he didn't discover this until Luo Chuan mentioned it.

Compared to usual, the magic seems to be clear so... Lost it?

The degree of improvement is very small, almost the degree that can be ignored without paying attention.

"This is a permanent improvement, and the effect can also be superimposed."

Luo Chuan added casually again, which made the giant axe fall into contemplation again.

The extraordinary items in the world of Koruo basically carry a variety of weird effects, such as increasing the rate of magic release in a short period of time, instant magic shields, etc., but this kind of him can permanently improve certain attributes. But unheard of.

In the eyes of the giant axe, this may have touched the realm of the gods.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Luochuan and Yao Ziyan appeared in the City of Steel all of a sudden. They have the identity of a free mage, but inexplicably opened such an extraordinary shop with the appearance of a tavern.

Giant Axe thought of the "outsiders" in the City of Steel during the recent period, and he felt that Luochuan must be in contact with them.

As a legendary powerhouse, sometimes the premonition in the dark is not simply a "premonition". It may represent a mapping of information in reality. The specific principles are very complicated. It is said that there are dozens of masters who have written about this. The 4D paper and various experiments have been set up to try to prove this process...

As for the specific results, it is not that important, and the giant axe is only heard, and he is not very interested in it.

But since Luo Chuan didn't mention this matter, Giant Axe didn't ask too much. Perhaps he had his own considerations. Otherwise, it was enough that it would be harmless to the City of Steel.

And he also knows Anno. He has seen elves as shop assistants in other taverns before.

As an elf, he is much more sensitive to danger than ordinary races, so it is very likely that Luochuan is a good person.

Luo Chuan couldn't help but touched his arm. He didn't know what was going on. He suddenly felt a chill, which was inexplicable and couldn't find the source at all.

On the other hand, Anno had already fallen into a busy state of exhaustion, and Yao Ziyan had also finished the cashier's work to help.

"Give me a copy of that...forgot what liquor!"

"Three, one for each!"

"Brother, come out in a hurry without any money, can you lend me some and go back and pay you back..."

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