The giant axe's body trembled uncontrollably.

This was the second time he was so excited after coming to the Hearthstone Tavern.

Forty packs. He has opened a full forty packs of card packs. In addition to the rareness of each pack, he has not even seen the shadow of the legend. In addition, there are only a few epics and a few ordinary ones. Golden card.

"Golden is rare."

Another voice fell, and the giant axe was excited for a while, but after seeing that there was still no legend, he returned to his expressionless state again.

To be honest, he was already a little numb.

"Well...Golden is rare, and the probability is lower than that of epic cards. No loss."

Anno's character is very kind, and he can only comfort the dwarf elder in this way.

Luo Chuan was always on the sidelines, pointing his fingers on the table unconsciously. He removed the bottom protection mechanism in the original Hearthstone, that is to say, within the first ten packs of each version of the card pack, you must be able to draw a legend. Orange cards are like a mechanism in which every card pack must have a card of rare quality or above.

But for the specific situation...

I don't know if it is due to the bad luck of Elder Great Axe or other reasons. The probability of actually drawing a high-quality card seems to be much lower than the probability data given by the system.

"Tons, tons..."

In order to relieve the boredom in his heart, the giant axe picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in it. After a full hiccup, he wiped the foam on his beard with his arm.

Looking around, his eyes fell on Anno.

"Little fairy girl, are you free?" the giant axe asked after hesitating.

"Me?" Anno was stunned, and nodded subconsciously, "I'm free."

"Do you mind opening the remaining card pack for me?" Giant Axe made his request.

"Huh?" Anno was stunned again.

Help open the card package?

The elf girl didn't expect this kind of operation at all.

I was out of luck, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with asking someone else to open the card package I purchased. It was indeed feasible.

The great axe's luck has not been very good, he has a very clear understanding of this.

When digging new mines, as long as he participates, it is rare to find high-purity protolites or relics from ancient times. The most common are inferior protolites and stones full of various impurities.

Therefore, when the Great Axe opens up a new route, he always stays far away, for fear that his bad luck will affect it.

As for the scene in front of him, it was his bad luck in all likelihood.

"You come." The giant axe stood up and let go.

"Really let me come?" Anno hesitated, "What if I can't open the legendary card?"

"If you can't drive it, you can't drive it." The giant axe waved his big hand like a fan, with a broad-minded attitude, "And you have seen it just now. The cards are left to you, don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if they are all rare."

"Then, I'll open it?" The elf girl had been eager to try after watching for so long.

Now that he got the commission and promise of Great Axe, he would naturally not refuse.

Anno took a deep breath, turned his gaze to the screen of the Hearthstone device, and dragged the card pack to the central groove area. With the brilliant brilliance, the card pack was opened, and the five new cards The opposite is presented on the screen.

Anno moved his finger and swiped across the back of the card.

The card was slightly enlarged, and the edge showed a light blue brilliance, which made her slightly happy.

This is also the conclusion that Anno got after the giant axe opened so many card packs. Even if the card is not completely opened, the quality of the card can be obtained through the light that blooms around after touching it. The rare is light blue. Light, epic is the color of dazzling purple, the giant axe did not draw the legend, I think it should be golden.

"Rare, rare."

The two sounds sounded at the same time, and the full picture of the card appeared.

"Two rare, no loss." Luo Chuan ate the snack prepared by Yao Ziyan.

Anno continued to open the package.

Maybe her luck wasn't very good either. Several card packs were full of blue sky and white clouds, except for the rare ones that were guaranteed, only ordinary cards were left.

"There are three guarantees."

Anno pursed her lips, and clenched her palms involuntarily. Now she almost understood the feeling of the giant axe just now. This excitement and anticipation of the unknown is probably also an important experience of opening a card package, because no one knows what’s next. After all, his card pack is still the blue sky and white clouds, or there is an extremely rare golden legend.

The elf girl let out a sigh of relief and suppressed the thoughts in her heart.

Open the new card pack again.

Without hesitation, just click in succession, and all five cards are revealed at almost the same time.

", legend!"

Accompanied by the dazzling golden light, exclamation echoed in the tavern, and even An Nuo stared at the scene in front of him blankly, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

"Legend card!"

The Great Axe widened his eyes and stared at the table closely. He recognized that the card called Hellscream had a powerful charge effect, that is, it could attack immediately after using it, without waiting for a round.

And besides that, if you get hurt, you will fall into a state of anger, and your attack power can be directly increased to ten points!

Together with other cards, it can achieve a slashing effect of at most 15 points, which can be said to be one of the most powerful cards in the dwarf profession.

"It seems you are lucky." Luo Chuan said casually after taking a look.

Anno got a legendary card in less than ten packs of card packs, and it looked like the dwarven profession that the great axe liked most, this luck was not a little bit better than the great axe.

Of course, it is also possible that all the luck of the giant axe went to Anno.

Anno smiled brightly, and it could be seen that the elf girl was in a good mood.

"There are two packages left, let's open one." Luo Chuan said while yawning, it was already late.

"Yeah." Anno nodded and opened the remaining card pack under the eyes of a few people.

Two rare, one epic, although there is no card that reaches the legendary level again, but the luck is good enough.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Giant Axe, today's business hours are over." Seeing that Giant Axe is still a little eager to think about coming to Hearthstone, Luo Chuan reminded.

The taverns in the City of Steel are usually open all night, after all, many dwarves work day and night, and night is the most active time.

According to Luochuan's plan, the future Hearthstone Tavern will certainly be like this, but it will certainly not be the case at present.

It is obviously unrealistic to have only one customer of Giant Axe, only for him to open all night, the best way is to let Giant Axe go to other people Amway, he should be happy to do so.

For Hearthstone games, the more participants, the more interesting it is.

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