"Little guys, be more energetic, don't go wrong!"

The big voice of the giant axe echoed in the mine, and there was even rusty sand falling from the top of the head, and it was clear that the pace of the dwarves passing by had increased by at least a few percent.

The giant axe nodded in satisfaction, picked up an axe comparable to his height and placed it behind his back, and walked towards the exit of the mine.

Perhaps in a sense, the axe is the ontology.

Passing through the crisscross mine tunnels where all races except the dwarves would get lost, the giant axe came to the ground, and a strong smell of magical smoke and dust instantly rushed to his face.

He is not too uncomfortable with this.

Having lived for so long, every day, the giant axe has long been used to it.

Walking on the yelling streets, surrounded by pedestrians coming and going.

Unlike ordinary dwarves, it may be because they have lived for a long time. The Giant Axe has some habits that they don't have. He likes to find all kinds of novel things, such as all kinds of new taverns.

But most of the time, the new taverns in the City of Steel tend to close down very quickly.

Because few dwarves would deliberately find new taverns like him, they all have fixed drinking places.

Suddenly Juaxe stopped and looked to the side of the street. A pub caught his eye. Judging from its newness and oldness, it should have just opened recently, but it was deserted and there were no guests.

"Heartstone Tavern..."

Looking up at the plaque of the tavern, the giant axe whispered the name of the tavern.

He didn't know what was going on, he felt that the name was a bit special, and there was an inexplicable kind of intimacy, like a dwarf who should be drinking and chatting in this tavern.

And the decoration is also very special, with a little mystery in the simplicity, which can tell the difference from other taverns at a glance.

Giant Axe decided to go in and take a look.

When I walked into the pub, I didn’t smell the expected strong aroma of wine. The air was smelling of wood products, and there was also a fresh and elegant floral fragrance. It was not like the tables and chairs placed in ordinary pubs for drinking, on the contrary. It was a table lined up neatly with many seemingly magical artifacts.

That's right, in the eyes of the giant axe, this should be a magic item.

Because on the side of the tavern, a little human girl and a little elf girl are sitting on either side of one of the tables.

No, it shouldn't be a human. Ordinary humans don't have the special blood of purple hair and purple eyes, and their aura is slightly different from real humans.

The desktop made of unknown crystals lights up, presenting a special picture.

Giant Axe walked over curiously, and he felt that the most special thing about this tavern should be this place.

"Wake up, servant of Frost!"

Suddenly, a female voice full of oppressive power sounded from nowhere, like the ice queen who rules the entire group, and such an image could not help appearing in the mind of the giant axe.

The giant axe looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the magic table that was obviously in operation.

"Small, weak, humble, tremble, mortal!"

Like the mighty king of all races, full of majestic words and even loaded with some kind of power that can affect people’s hearts, black and red magical energy instantly occupy half of the tabletop, and the ice blue ice power on the other side presents The chamber resists the propriety.

The giant axe came to the side and watched quietly.

Both Anuo and Yao Ziyan noticed the giant axe that came to the store, but neither paid much attention to them. Now the game has reached the most critical moment.

"I am the incarnation of destruction!"

The black dragon roared and flew by, spitting out the flames of destruction. No creature had half resistance in the face of this destructive breath. The lord of the elements shattered, the monster Tengman ignited a raging flame, and the half-orc warrior was crazy. struggle…

It's like a doomsday scene.

"Lost again~"

The elf girl leaned on the chair and let out a weak sigh.

Yao Ziyan smiled, and his eyes fell on the giant axe on the side: "Welcome to the Hearthstone Tavern."

The giant axe glanced at the demon Ziyan, and thought for a moment: "Little girl, have we met before?"

The dwarf has a good memory, and the giant axe thinks Yao Ziyan looks a little familiar.

"I have indeed seen it." Yao Ziyan smiled and nodded, "I was in front of a tavern at the time, and you said that was not where I should go."

Yao Ziyan clearly remembered the scene at that time.

"I remember." The Great Axe suddenly, "So you didn't go to the tavern, so you just opened a tavern by yourself?"

Demon Purple Smoke: "..."

She really didn't know how to answer this.

Fortunately, the giant axe did not continue to entangle this question, and turned his attention to the table in front of him: "This is also something in your tavern? It looks very interesting, what's its name?"

"Heartstone, Hearthstone Legend." Anno said.

"Heartstone Legend?" the giant axe murmured. "It sounds a little strange, does the name of the tavern come from that? So what is this thing?"

"You can understand it as a game, a card game." Yao Ziyan has a wealth of work experience as a clerk, and began to introduce the giant axe.

Anno goes to prepare free tea.

The giant axe nodded while listening to Yao Ziyan's account, and he could see that he was very interested in it.

"Want to try it?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile.

"Okay." The giant axe nodded, he had this thought.

"Your tea, please use it slowly." At this time, An Nuo also came over with the tea tray, and poured a cup of tea for the Yao Ziyan and the giant axe.

The Great Axe didn't ask for anything to drink, and he didn't ask for it. Now his attention has all fallen on the hearthstone table.

"This is a card box, and the price is one gold coin." Yao Ziyan took out a card box, that is, a card made of nether energy crystal, and handed it to the giant axe.

"Okay." The giant axe quickly took out gold coins from his pocket and paid for it. As the elder of the dwarf race, money is just a simple number for him. The value of the relic is huge, and the dwarves are the richest group in the City of Steel.

"The next step is to put the card box in the groove here, and then you can use it. The Hearthstone game contains a total of nine characters, and each character has its own card. In addition, there are all All characters can share neutral cards, just click here to see..."

Under Yao Ziyan's explanation, Giant Axe gradually understood the specific gameplay of this game called Hearthstone, which was much more complicated and more interesting than he had imagined.

With such a number of cards, plus nine different characters, isn't this more interesting than breaking the wrist?

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