Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2039: Origin Mall after the boss leaves

Origin Mall.

Bu Lige should be the first customer to come to the store today.

After discovering that they couldn't get any news about the boss from Yao Ziyue, they didn't continue to struggle with this aspect.

I went to the shelf and took a bucket of instant noodles. After receiving the hot water, I waited for a while, opened the lid, and the rich aroma of wheat scented on my face. Then I sprinkled the concentrated soup and seasonings in the instant noodles, and the red oil suddenly Covered with a layer, a large piece of braised pork is crystal clear and still maintains the state of being just out of the pot.

The fork picks up the noodles, the oil is full of elasticity, and the mouth is refreshing.

Another piece of braised pork is tender and juicy. Even the fat is not greasy. It melts in your mouth completely.

"It's so fragrant."

Bu Lige expressed his heartfelt feeling, if it weren’t for the price of 110 Lingjing (Instant Noodles Shi Lingjing Hot Water One Hundred Lingjing), he would be able to use instant noodles for three meals a day. .

The breakfast at Yuangui's shop is too small, at least for Bu Lige, there is no difference between eating one serving and not eating it, and you need instant noodles to fill your stomach.

"Is it so delicious?"

Yao Ziyue glanced at Lige, couldn't help but muttered a little, thought about it, and went to soak a bucket.

Sometimes I can't help but want to eat when I see other people eating deliciously. This is an instinct in my heart and cannot be avoided at all.

"Eh, do you know when the boss will come back?" Bu Lige wiped the sweat from his forehead, put a lot of chili in the instant noodles, and his mouth was stained with red oil.

"I don't know." Yao Ziyue shook her head. Compared with Bu Lige's ignorant way of eating, she appeared a lot more elegant, and that kind of casual attitude would only be shown in front of people close to her, "but the boss said Now, his departure this time is different from before."

"What's the difference?" Bu Lige began to drink soup.

The instant noodle soup in Origin Mall is the essence, which can be seen from the different prices of the two.

"I can come back at any time." Yao Ziyue replied casually.

Bu Lige thought about it seriously: "What do you think the two of them should be doing?"

"How do I know." Yao Ziyue shook her head, but still gave her guess in her heart, "In all likelihood, the boss took her sister to wherever he went to play. Hasn't he been so mysterious all the time, forget it. Forget it, don’t talk about it, I want to eat and don’t bother me."

Yao Ziyue waved his hand and issued an order to chase off the guests.

Bu Lige didn't stay here any longer to betray himself. He burped up after drunk the remaining noodle soup and threw the tableware into the trash can.

"It's so lively in the store today." An Weiya's voice came, and Bingshuang walked into the Origin Mall one after another, and looked around revealing a puzzled look, "Where are the boss and Yao Ziyan?"

"They are out." Bu Lige replied after passing by silently.

"Oh." An Weiya nodded, and it took two seconds to realize the meaning of the words, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Wait, what did you say?"

"The boss and sister are not here, I am the acting boss now." Yao Ziyue coughed lightly, emphasizing his identity.

Even Frost, who had never cared much about many things, raised his head, and his red eyes looked towards the demon Ziyue at the counter. The only thing that didn't change was the delicate face that was always indifferent and no redundant expressions.

"Where is the boss?" An Weiya couldn't help asking.

"He just asked about your question." Yao Ziyue pointed to Bu Lige, and seemed to have mastered part of the essence of being a boss, "Bu Lige, you can explain it."

"Me? Okay." Although Bu Lige was a little strange, he still responded.

After an explanation from a customer named Bu, who did not want to be named, An Weiya and Bingshuang finally understood the specifics of the matter and expressed a severe condemnation for the irresponsible attitude of a certain boss.

After all, they seem to be unable to do anything but condemn.

"You said, did the boss prepare for new products?" An Weiya held her chin, and Qingyuan and their Doudizhu matchup were in front of her, telling her own guesses.

"Maybe," Qing Yuan said casually. "The boss didn't say anything about this. We guessed here that it doesn't make much sense. We will know when the boss comes back."

"Um... well, that's what I said." An Weiya could only nod her head.

"After this round, let's play mahjong, three with one." Yuwei smiled and threw out the card in her hand. "It's not very good to keep Anvia watching by the side."

"I'm fine." An Weiya ate popcorn, "but playing mahjong is actually pretty good."

As time went by, customers came one after another. To Yao Ziyan and Luochuan who didn't know where they were going, their reactions were mostly the same, full of curiosity, guessing where they were going.

Related information on the magic phone spread rapidly, and soon most customers knew about it even if they didn't come to Origin Mall.

After some discussion, customers also have various related speculations. The most recognized one is that the boss is going out to prepare new products. Although they don’t know why they need to go out to prepare new products, they did not have this in the past. This is the habit of having new products only when you go out.

There is another speculation mentioned by many customers, that is, the same as last time, the boss took Yao Ziyan and did not know where to travel.

The difference from last time is that there is no leave slip this time, and Origin Mall is still open as usual.

In fact, in the eyes of most customers, it does not really matter whether Luochuan and Yaoziyan are in the store, as long as the Origin Mall is open and new products are constantly being launched.

All in all, noisy.

Luochuan, who is far away in the Hearthstone Tavern, naturally knows what happened to Origin Mall. He also drove the vest and discussed with the customers where a certain boss went this time, whether it was still in the Star Empire or other things in the Tianlan Continent. Place, or go directly to other worlds.

The truth is often hidden in jokes.

"Let the flame purify everything!"

"Die, bug!"

The flame demon, full of lava and molten iron, roared, and the meteorite burning with raging flames fell from the sky, making a deafening roar.

"No, it's not over yet."

The soft rays of light condensed and turned into a barrier capable of resisting any attack, blocking the fatal damage this time.

"I knew it." Anno gritted his teeth and stared at the demon purple smoke opposite with his ice blue eyes.

Yao Ziyan smiled slightly and played the two cards he had prepared.

"Let the flame purify everything!"

"Let the flame purify everything!"

Two identical Balrogs appeared on the battlefield, Anno's pupils shrank slightly, and she recognized the two cards played by Yao Ziyan, the faceless replicator, with the effect of being able to replicate any entourage in any scene.

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