Yao Ziyan smiled and stretched out her hands and rubbed Yao Ziyue's cheeks vigorously, until her sister protested with dissatisfaction.

"Sister, the boss has set these holographic devices into different areas, and each area has a different theme. It should take into account the daily habits of the customers?"

Yao Ziyue followed Yao Ziyan to visit several areas. The environment inside can be described as a world of difference. Passing through a portal is like crossing into a completely unfamiliar world.

"Of course." Yao Ziyan nodded slightly, "After all, the things in Origin Mall are basically set with humans as the main object. It may also be related to Luochuan's initial choice of Jiuyao City. This is the country of humans. Now, with more and more customers in the store, things in this area will naturally need to be changed."

Origin Mall has never followed the rules, and even the rules that have already been established will be revised from time to time.

It is naturally wrong to stick to the rules, and Luo Chuan clearly understands this.

From a feudal society to a socialist society, China has spent more than two thousand years.

In some periods, even if they knew that it was wrong to continue to maintain the dynasty of feudal society, there were still many people who chose to close themselves and maintain the old rules. Perhaps the thoughts in their hearts could be summarized as invisible and non-existent.

They built a thick shell for themselves, built an airtight wall outside the shell, concealed their cowardly and corrupt bodies, and continued to live their lives of drunkenness and death.

When shells and walls cannot block external things, only disasters are ushered in.

"Oh, that's what I said." Yao Ziyue nodded.

She didn't really care much about the things Yao Ziyan said. What she was most interested in was actually the additional scenes in the Origin Mall itself, and the fact that she didn't need to wait in line for a vacant spot after arriving late.

"Are you still watching?" Yao Ziyan asked casually, and at the same time nodded to the customers who greeted her as a response.

As time went by, customers came here one after another, looking curiously at the unfamiliar surroundings, and discussing what new and novel things might appear next.

"Sister has something to do?" Yao Ziyue blinked.

"It's okay." Yao Ziyan was a little strange, not understanding why she asked.

"Then continue to check, isn't there a boss in the store." Yao Ziyue said with a smile holding her sister's arm, "What is the theme of the area in front? The ice and snow pattern...is it an ice field?"

Passing through the slightly obstructed portal, Yao Ziyan and Yao Ziyue came to this strange holographic device area.

The sudden drop in temperature caused a slight tingling on the skin, and the air could even smell the peculiar breath of ice and snow. Yao Ziyue couldn't help shivering immediately, and a layer of goose bumps had formed on her arm.

"His, it's cold..."

Yao Ziyue hugged her arm, and the breath exhaled in her mouth turned into a white mist, and she felt a lot more comfortable by gathering energy on her body surface to block the cold.

The "coldness" in the space seems to be a kind of conceptual influence. Even if ordinary people come here and think about it, they will not be affected in any substantial way, but they can be blocked by energy, indicating that they have the characteristics of real existence.

Yao Ziyue thought about it seriously, and decided not to entangle so much.

The things in Origin Mall are always weird. Even the Master Wen Pavilion of Tianji Pavilion often sits on a small stool all day to think about problems.

To know that Wen Tianji asked about the existence of Dao Pinnacle, even he couldn't figure it out, let alone others, Yao Ziyue was still very self-aware.

Yao Ziyan had been prepared long ago, and was not affected much.

"Sister, are there any customers in the store who like this kind of environment?" Yao Ziyue rubbed her arms, trying to warm herself up in this way. She was wearing a cool summer half-sleeved long skirt, and the scene of ice and snow. It's really out of place.

"Of course, isn't it?" Yao Ziyan pointed in a certain direction.

Yao Ziyue looked in the direction she was pointing, and after a careful observation, she saw a small figure on the seat made of ice and snow, with silver-white hair, and a doll-like delicate and beautiful face. Bai Ruxue's costumes seem to blend into this world of ice and snow.

As if he had noticed his gaze, the little figure looked up, and the blood-colored eyes seemed to be the only special color in the white world.

"Frost, you are here."

Yao Ziyue happily came to Bing Shuang and hugged her in her arms, rubbing her 1.2 meters soft cheeks continuously.

Frost resisted this and tried to push Demon Ziyue away, but it was in vain.

Naturally, she was very familiar with Yao Ziyue, and did not use any power in the process of refusal, otherwise she would not even be able to touch her at the realm of entering the question at the beginning of Yao Ziyue.

"Okay, okay, didn't you see that Frost has anything to do?"

In the end, Yao Ziyan couldn't stand it and pulled his sister aside. Frost was not angry. Her personality was similar to her name, and she was deserted and rarely caused emotional fluctuations.

"Who is Frost chatting with?" Yao Ziyue curiously leaned in front of Frost's magic phone.

"Anvia." Frost showed the content on the screen to the two.

"Actually, I have always been curious, why is Anvia's attitude towards you so special?" Yao Ziyue touched her chin and entered the state of Sherlock Holmes again. "I am very concerned about you, like knowing something we don't understand. , Eh, Frost, did you guys know each other before?"

When An Weiya and Frost met for the first time, they showed an unusual familiarity, and Frost seemed to have some kind of trust in the dragon girl that was difficult to explain.

And afterwards, Frost’s past was gradually understood by them. The most outrageous thing was the story told by Su Nan. Incarnate in the almost demon-like form, even Su Nan fell into a deep sleep when she first came into contact. How terrible she would be if she broke out. ?

Frost thought about it seriously, and shook his head gently: "I don't know."

After speaking, he looked down at the magic phone again.

"That's it, then we won't bother you, let's go first." Yao Ziyue rubbed Frost's little head. She naturally knew that Frost's memory was missing, and did not continue to ask. After Yao Ziyan left the space I didn't forget to look back, "It's cold, Frost seems to like it here."

"Maybe she gave herself the name'Frost' for this reason." Yao Ziyan smiled, remembering the scene of encountering Frost for the first time.

Wearing a large black robe, with her small body completely covered, it is difficult to imagine how she came to the Origin Mall in such a muddled state.

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