Luo Chuan remembered the movements made by the Annihilators during the Saint-Nia Wanhua Fair at that time. According to Osiya's explanation, they directly communicated with the world on the other side and summoned the things that belonged to the "nightmare".

The empty weird figure that appeared out of thin air directly in the air, the body was wrapped in a cloth strip inscribed with weird runes, and the indefinite black mist in the body condensed into twisted weird limbs under the restraint of the cloth strip...

Wait, where did this image of Luochuan seem to have been seen again.

The shadow residents of the Shadow Realm suddenly appeared in his mind. Luo Chuan was surprised to find that the images of the two were at least 80% similar.

So, those annihilators directly summoned the shadow inhabitants?

It doesn't seem to be right. According to Luo Chuan's memory, the "nightmare creatures" at the time did not seem to have the slightest sense of reason. Apart from their appearance, 1579 was similar to ordinary people.

Why didn't he think of this when he first went to the shadow world? seems to have forgotten about Sonia.

Forget it, it's not important, the key is that he has now discovered the connection between the two, and when he is free, he will go to the Shadow Realm to have a look and ask 1579 what exactly is the reason.

"I think you can think about it from the perspective of the world." Luo Chuan thought about it and reminded him looking at Yue Ling with a sullen face.

"The level of the world?" Yue Ling looked confused, "I don't quite understand what the boss means."

Perhaps this is the knowledge that the gods know, and mortals may not even touch it.

"Do you think the world we live in is a single existence?" Luo Chuan did not sell it. "The real world is only the most superficial existence. The place where we live is here. In addition, there are elemental levels and shadows. Level, turbulence level and many other levels."

"I know this." Yue Ling nodded.

"Then what does it contain at the bottom of these many world levels?" Luo Chuan asked a new question.

"I don't know." Yue Ling shook his head.

"You can call it the'deep sea'." The information Luo Chuan said was known from the system or he reasoned out. "The deep sea contains all the wreckage forgotten by history, and most of them will gradually sink. In the deep sea, slowly dissipating in endless years, in the process will quietly wander like a ghost."

"It sounds scary." Yue Ling touched his arm, "So boss, what do you tell me about this?"

"Just to provide you with a direction for thinking." Luo Chuan waved his hand casually, "That's it, there is an area for holographic equipment in the store, you can go and take a look."

"Expanded?" Yue Ling opened her eyes slightly. As for the original doubt, she decided to wait until she went back to consider it.

Luo Chuan no longer paid attention to her, and looked at the magic phone while eating potato chips.

This caused Yue Ling to feel resentful, and muttered in a low voice: "What? I said some weird things in the end. If the problem is not solved, there are new problems..."

However, she also noticed the small white board hanging on the wall, and after reading the text on it, she excitedly entered the weapon sales space.

The soft white gleam radiates from the white sphere above the beacon-like building on the edge of the city, and finally gathers in the sky, turning into a nearly transparent energy barrier. There are various kinds of shells as ornaments.

Channels constructed of water currents and light blue crystals crisscross in this city under the deep sea. From time to time, you can see light flashing from the channels. This is the "transportation network" built by the sea monsters. Can help them move quickly in the city.

The periphery of the city is surrounded by gray-white sandy beaches, and the water waves leave traces like ripples on it. Many unknown deep-sea plants sway along the water, exuding dots of dreamy light, and there are beautiful and sweet songs lingering. .

In this corner of the scene in this dream, several girls with beautiful fishtails gathered together, and everyone's expressions were extremely solemn and serious, and they seemed to be doing something that could not be distracted.

If this is a beautiful dream, then what surrounds the beautiful dream is a dark and terrifying nightmare like an abyss.

Creatures that are twisted and weird and do not conform to any normal form are squirming huge bodies. Some of them are like black flowing water without entities, some are like chaotic creatures composed of countless tentacles, huge mouths, and eyes, and some even even The composition of living things can't be seen, it is completely a profane thing formed by the forcible combination of various non-living substances.

I don't know when the nightmare and the beautiful dream began to be confused, and there was a faint murmur echoing from the sea.





"Wang fried..."

Helenvia looked at the cards in her hand and sighed a little helplessly. Even if she was the Sea-Monster Queen, there was nothing she could do about many things, it was like the victory or defeat of the landlord.

Throwing the cards away, Helenevia left the position: "Shu, you can continue."

She took out the magic phone, and Yila just sent her confidence. After a while, the translucent water formed Yila's figure in front of her.

"So anxious, what's the matter?" Helenevia asked with a smile.

"Queen, the boss's shop has expanded." Yila looked very excited just after receiving the news.

"Don't worry, speak slowly." Helenevia's gentle voice seemed to have a soothing effect. As the Sea-Monster Queen, it is necessary to stay calm at all times.

Of course she was a little curious, if it was just an expansion, of course Yila would not react so much.

"The number of holographic devices in Origin Mall has been directly expanded from 1,000 to 10,000." Yila's face turned red because of excitement.

The Sea-Monster City is directly connected to the Origin Mall, and the Sea City is connected to the Sea-Monster City. There is no need to say more about the number of the two groups of Sea Clan and Kraken. If it is not managed, Origin Mall does not have to entertain anything else every day Customers, they alone are enough to occupy.

This situation is naturally undesirable for everyone. In order to prevent this from happening, the leaders of the two races of Helenevia and Evanna jointly formulated relevant requirements to limit the number of trips to the Origin Mall. .

Of course, the only restrictions are the use of holographic devices. After all, the number is limited, and you can still go there if you want to buy goods or something.

Most sea races don’t really like the dry environment on land. It’s more comfortable for them to stay in the sea, while siren don’t like to stay in one place very much. Just like Elena, staying in Origin Mall is one day. The Kraken is still a minority.

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