Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2010: I should call you the boss

The Uncle Duke that Anno said was an elderly dwarf with a gray beard.

To be honest, distinguishing dwarves in Luo Chuan's eyes is indeed very difficult.

They all have big beards, and their bodies are more sturdy. If it is not for their unique appearance characteristics, it is difficult to distinguish them, at least for Luochuan.

It's like watching carp, all the same.

The dwarf named Duke just said a few words to Luo Chuan, emphasizing some things about Annuo, it can be seen that he is still very good to the elf girl, if you are not used to it, you are welcome to come back at any time.

Walking out of the tavern, the fresh air immediately replaced the strong aroma of wine.

Yao Ziyan took a few deep breaths, and couldn't care about the so-called smell of magic smoke, at least it smelled more comfortable than alcohol.

The night sky is clear, one large and one small moon hangs in the sky, the stars are shining, and countless stars gather into a brilliant galaxy.

Anno looked up at the starry sky and stretched deeply.

She smiled and looked at Luo Chuan: "So I will call your boss from now on, right?"

"You are free." Luo Chuan didn't care about this. "You can call the boss, or you can call the name directly."

It may be that they have been called the boss in Origin Mall. Some customers don't even know Luochuan's name, but only know that he is called the boss.

An Nuo has a very cheerful and active personality, and has been talking and laughing with Yao Ziyan about things about the city of steel along the way.

Luo Chuan didn't have much interest. He walked behind alone, thinking wildly in his mind.

It may be that I feel a little tired to walk, and Yao Ziyan stopped a magic vehicle carrying passengers, and soon came to the destination of this trip-Hearthstone Tavern.

It is night now, the front of the pub is shining with a soft light, and the quaint and atmospheric shop name on the plaque is illuminated by the light, and it can be clearly seen even when standing on the street.

"Hey, it's a bit different at night and during the day." Anno looked up at the three-story tavern in front of him, and sighed softly.

She had been here during the day according to the address given by Yao Ziyan, and she felt that it was just an ordinary tavern. At most it looked a bit special. The store door was closed and could not go to the store, so she could only look at it from outside. For a moment.

"Then welcome to join... Hearthstone Tavern." Yao Ziyan almost missed his mouth.

An Nuo didn't care, and smiled lightly and nodded: "I would like to take care of you in the future."

When Yao Ziyan approached, the closed store door opened on its own.

Anno opened his eyes slightly in surprise: "Are the stores directly inscribed with induction magic... you deserve to be a free wizard who travels everywhere."

Luo Chuan felt that it was best not to say anything at this time.

The lights in the tavern are turned on by themselves, and there is a faint smell of fresh wood in the air. Many decorations and counters in the tavern are specially made by Yao Ziyan. The materials used are all top-notch, absolutely non-existent. Cut corners.

Anno looked around curiously.

The tavern is spacious and bright. It seems a little empty because of the lack of something. Those vacant areas seem to have been left deliberately, thinking about placing certain things.

Potted plants are placed on the window sills, corners, and cabinet shelves. The verdant green color adds a sense of vitality to the store, and you can smell a touch of elegant floral scent.

It's not like the tavern in her memory, but like a bookstore and hotel for rest.

"How do you feel?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile.

"Very well, I like it here." Anno, who was observing the potted plant, trembling with her pointed ears, can tell that she is in a good mood and is satisfied with her future working environment. "Eh, boss, these vacant shoppers Is the place ready to be put on the wine table? I have a lot of energy and can help."

Anno said, squeezing his fist and making gestures. The slender arm indeed contains power far beyond ordinary people. This is a very sincere elf girl.

"Uh, there is no need for this." Luo Chuan was taken aback, and shook his head a little funny, "and there is no wine table there."

"No wine table?" Anno blinked suspiciously, "What are you going to put, so you can't let customers stand and drink at the bar? By the way, boss, there is no wine in the bar, hasn't it been purchased yet? I know a lot of wine merchants, I can find them to buy..."

Luo Chuan felt that Anno and Meng Zhangkong must have a common language, and the girl's personality was a bit more lively.

Luo Chuan coughed slightly, and Anno finally noticed that he was talking all the time, and smiled embarrassedly.

"You can just talk to Xiaoyan about drinks. I don't need to buy too much. I will solve this problem later." Luochuan stretched out, "The first floor is the business area, and the second floor is not sure what to do. , The third floor is a resting place, Xiao Yan, take her to find a room to live in."

Annuo’s things have been asked by those dwarves to help move them in. Naturally, they will not refuse the elf girl’s request. Annuo’s popularity is still very good, and he will come after thinking about it. Luochuan thinks that maybe they can be given to his own family. Make an advertisement in the pub.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded and waved to Anuo who was still looking around curiously, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

Anno screamed, and followed briskly.

"Ziyan, the boss said he would solve this matter, do you know any other wine merchants?"

"Of course not."

"Hey, what is the boss going to do?"

"I don't know much. I rarely ask Luochuan about things he doesn't tell me."

"Well, I actually wanted to ask from the beginning, is your relationship a pure companionship, or is it... a partner?"

Anuobing's blue eyes stared at Yao Ziyan closely, and the expression on his face could probably be described as "I'm curious".

"What do you think?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile.

"I think it should be a partner, right?" Anno's pointed ears trembled slightly. "After all, the attitude you show in getting along with each other is not an ordinary friend. ."

The elf girl carefully analyzed with a well-informed tone.

Yao Ziyan is a bit funny. She feels that Anno and Qingyuan are very similar. She has never experienced anything, but she can say a lot of words that sound reasonable. According to Luochuan, this should be called a "theory master." Right?

"We are indeed partners." Yao Ziyan nodded.

"Then what should I call you? Madame Boss?" Anuo was quick to think.

"Don't." Yao Ziyan was stunned for a moment, his face turned red and quickly stopped, "You should just call my name directly, the lady boss sounds a bit strange... here, the entire third floor is an area for resting, everything is there. Ready, you can move in directly, you can pick one at random."

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