Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2005: Extrajudicial Fanatic Zhang San

"...Today we will talk about another case, but before that, I would like to ask everyone's view of crime. When someone has to violate the law for a life-related matter, then is his behavior like this? correct?"

On the podium, the teacher with a hidden gangster hairstyle smiled and looked at the students in the amphitheater. With the aid of the loudspeaker device, the voice was clearly heard in every student's ear.

Luo Chuan straightened up a little bit. He liked listening to stories the most.

Because Xu is currently writing "The Sherlock Holmes", a novel with strong detective factors, Luochuan's perspective on things is a little different from the past.

He noticed that what the teacher asked was whether it was right or wrong, not whether it was a crime. This alone was enough to explain a lot.

"Isn't the purpose of establishing the law to follow? It must be wrong."

"No, it's true that the law is for compliance, but if it is to be at the expense of life, it must be against the original intention of the formulation."

"If the starting point is correct, then there is no problem with this behavior itself, and life always takes the first place."

"Not sure, it depends on the specific situation..."

The lecture hall became noisy, discussing the problem that the teacher just mentioned.

Luo Chuan is also thinking.

According to the words of the surrounding students, there are basically three points of view. The approach is correct. In some crisis situations, the law can make concessions. The other view is that this behavior is inappropriate because it is likely to cause harm to others, but It has not been completely denied, and the rest is a neutral attitude, in simple terms, it is listening to what the teacher says.

Luochuan naturally prefers the first one.

After all, he is a traverser, and the impact of his original world has penetrated his soul, but he can't change it after two years of living in Jiuyao City.

"Yue, what do you think?" Shizhi with a face similar to Gu Yunxi poked Yue's arm beside him.

"Does this need to be said? It is correct in the first place. The law also has provisions in this respect." Jiang Wanshang played Yue said with a smile.

"Well, I think so too." Shiori nodded and muttered softly, "It's all about life, and I think so much about what to do. I really don't know what those people think are wrong..."

"Okay, classmates be quiet."

The teacher on the podium pressed the palm of his hand, and the discussion gradually disappeared.

"Before I explain the case to you, I want to emphasize a principle with you. The law is actually the lowest moral requirement for people. If a behavior is encouraged by a moral life, do you still think it is a crime? It cannot be a crime."

Luo Chuan showed a faint smile, he found what he felt when he was listening to the law publicity lecture at school.

"Now let's go back to the case. This is something that happened in a city south of Qichuan some time ago. A friend of mine told me about it. The protagonist of the story is called Zhang San."

There were bursts of laughter in the amphitheater, thinking that it was not the first time that they heard the name "Zhang San", they might even give him a nickname similar to "out-of-law fanatic" in private.

"Zhang San celebrated his wife’s birthday. Because he was happy, he drank a lot of alcohol. As a result, his wife suddenly foamed and convulsed all over the body. Zhang San immediately contacted the hospital. The hospital responded quickly and waited patiently. He arrived in an hour. , And contacted other vehicles. As a result, it took an hour for the nearest vehicles to arrive because it was too late."

Luo Chuan listened carefully.

The world view setting in the movie combines the earth and Tianlan Continent in his memory, adding many things he is familiar with.

The teacher's story is still being told.

"Unfortunately, none of the neighbors and friends at the birthday party are qualified to drive a car. Zhang San didn't even want to drive his wife to the hospital. However, he was arrested on the road. After verification, he was naturally drunk. What are the three doing? Do bad things or do good things?"

"Everyone think about it with the most common emotions. If your wife suddenly becomes ill, what will you do if you drink too much? Will you send her to the hospital? This is what a husband should do, so this involves a It's called the concept of conflict of obligations."

"What is a conflict of obligations? For Zhang San, there are two statutory obligations, one is the obligation to save his wife, the other is the obligation to drink and not drive, there is a contradiction between the two, and this is not only a conflict of obligations, but also involves It's an emergency escape."

"In order to protect his wife's life, Zhang San harmed the public interest. Do you think Zhang San's behavior should be condemned or praised in moral life?"

The teacher seemed to say that he was a little tired, so he took a drink from his water glass, while also leaving time for the students to think.

Luo Chuan held his chin and thought quietly.

The other students in the classroom were discussing in a low voice, but unlike the argument just now, they already knew the answer this time.

"This kind of behavior is actually worthy of encouragement, and it is worth learning from each of us. My friend is a civil servant who handled this matter, and he concluded that it does not constitute a crime."

Having said this, the teacher on the stage smiled slightly, and there seemed to be a little more profound meaning in his smile.

"Then the question comes again, classmates, if Zhang San is not celebrating his wife's birthday, but at Xiaosan's house, would he send him to the hospital if he is sick? Oh, would you dare to send it to Xiaosan?"

The students burst into laughter. Obviously the teacher's example made them feel funny, and the classroom was full of joy for a while.

"So, what do the students think is the public interest more important than the junior third? Not to mention the junior third, even if you meet a tramp on the side of the road, meet a beggar, see him in danger and send him to the hospital. Isn't it a crime?"

Luo Chuan felt that the teacher was very good, and at the same time regretted why he didn't study the Fa when he was in university, how interesting it was.

The teacher paused for a while, smiled and came to the conclusion: "How could it be a crime! What is the moral life that Zhang San did is worth doing? Encouragement and approval, so it cannot be a crime. In short, I want to express It means that if an action is correct in moral life, then it cannot be a crime."

Many students bow their heads to take notes.

"Teacher Luo, I have a problem." Yue raised her hand to speak.

"Please speak." The teacher nodded slightly.

"Does the teacher know that Kira, whom everyone has been discussing on the Internet recently, has recently seen more criminals who died of heart palsy? Everyone thinks this is Kira's work. He kills those criminals who cannot be punished by law. Teacher What do you think of this behavior?"

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