Qingyuan and An Weiya stared at the densely packed information on the light curtain that appeared after choosing [Fantasy Space Construction] in front of them.

"By the way...how should I choose this?" Qing Yuan finally couldn't help but ask after watching the so-called "application introduction and novice tutorial" for a long time.

World space parameter construction, time coupling setting, introduction to plot deduction...

She does know every word, but the name formed by connecting them makes her completely confused. In simple terms, it is almost similar to "what, what, what is this."

"How do I know?" An Weiya shook her head again and again, "I said just now that just follow the default, you are going to study that thing."

She has always held things in awe of Origin Mall and never explored the principles behind it.

Anvia knows that it is better to know less about things related to gods. Some knowledge can only be controlled by gods, and mortals will fall into madness even at the first glance.

"That's it, are you ready?" Qing Yuan's expression became serious.

"Already ready." An Weiya is also looking forward to it.

"Then it will begin." Qing Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and lightly tapped on the light curtain.

"Please choose fantasy space"

"death Note"

"Eh, is there another choice?" Qing Yuan's eyes widened slightly.

"According to my analysis, there is only this one scene at present, and the subsequent boss should continue to open new scenes." An Weiya carefully analyzed it, and then subconsciously muttered, "I don't know how many similar to ours. place…"

"What are you talking about?" Qing Yuan turned her head and looked, the words behind An Weiya were just a person's muttering, she didn't even hear what she was talking about.

"It's okay." An Weiya smiled and shook her head, "Has it started."

"Immediately." Qingyuan pointed her finger on the "Death Note" option, and the scene in front of her turned into total darkness.

It may be just a moment, or it may be a long, long time. The perception of time has been completely confused. Qingyuan doesn't know how long it has passed. When a specific thing reappears in front of her eyes, the environment in which she is in has completely changed.

It should be a special building with busy figures everywhere. Everyone is busy with their own affairs. The light curtain suspended in the air broadcasts the latest news, and she herself seems to be one of these people. member.

"Isn't this a branch of the World Security Council?" Qingyuan easily found the source of familiarity. She was beside her when filming this part of the plot.

"So, we are the staff now?" An Weiya was also surprised, looking at herself.

The petite dragon girl didn't know when she had changed her clothes. Relatively speaking, she was more in line with the setting of the world. She was a kind of clothes that she could only wear at work, and she fits well.

The same is true for Qingyuan.

"Oh, another criminal has died."

"Ah, when did it happen?"

"Just now, when the news was urgently interrupted, the suspect died of cardiac palsy."

"The exact same way of death... Do you think there are real gods?"

"Who knows..."

A deliberately suppressed conversation came from around. From the perspective of identity setting, it should be a colleague of the two. The content of the discussion seems to be some cases for which the cause cannot be ascertained at all.

An Weiya and Qingyuan are naturally not unfamiliar with this, even very familiar.

"Eh, are you talking about Kira?" Qing Yuan is more talkative, and joined the conversation familiarly.

"Kira? Someone called it that way on the Internet." Someone nodded.

"What do you think of this matter?" An Weiya's personality is also very lively, and she also asked questions.

She has watched the movie several times and is familiar with the plot inside. She will discuss two completely different viewpoints with customers on the magic phone. As for her own position, it is erratic, which is a real act of two or five boys.

"What do you think? Sit and watch." Someone smiled. "To be honest, although I don't approve of this kind of contempt for life, I have to admit that the effect is obvious. According to the current statistics, the crime rate has dropped directly. More than half of it."

"Well... this is the so-called bullying and fear of hardship?" Qing Yuan asked with interest.

"To be precise, it should be that everyone is acting in a certain default rule, and suddenly there is a strange existence that does not follow the rules." An Weiya laughed, "As a result, everyone became peaceful. , Because no one knows if it will be his turn next."

It can only be said that this is the case in the world. Unreasonable people meet even more unreasonable people, and the result is already doomed.

The weak only talk about reason, the strong only talk about strength, or for the strong, strength is the eternal truth.

Anvia’s words have been approved by many people. Let’s not say whether this matter is right or wrong. At least the fact is enough. The appearance of Kira does significantly reduce the crime rate. This is absolutely beyond doubt. After all, Kira doesn't speak the law.

At the end of the conversation, An Weiya and Qing Yuan left this busy hall and came to a relatively quiet corner.

"So, we have directly become the characters in the movie?" An Weiya was surprised, which was different from what she had imagined.

"From the current point of view, this is indeed the case." Qingyuan stretched out his palm and looked at the information in the palm, "Compared to this world, we should belong to a'player'-like existence. The boss also said that this is another meaning. The real world..."

Having said that, she sighed softly.

"so complicated."

"Don't delve into what the boss made." An Weiya is very open-minded, "I don't understand."

Even if the Dragon Clan’s civilization level far surpasses Tianlan Continent, Anvia has no idea how the equipment in the Origin Mall realizes such complex functions. Fortunately, she has a big heart, and after reporting these things to the speaker, she didn’t do much anymore. Concerned, everyday life is eating, drinking, having fun, relaxing and happy.

"Yes." Qing Yuan nodded, "You said that if we leave, will the people here find someone missing?"

"Of course not." An Weiya took it for granted, "It can add our identity, and naturally it can easily erase our identity. What a simple truth."

"That's what I said." Qing Yuan smiled, "Then what are we going to do next?"

"I don't know." An Weiya shrugged, "This is a whole whole world, take a look at it slowly, or let's go and see what the'Miss Kira' is doing now?"

"Yes." Qing Yuan agreed to An Weiya's proposal.

"What are you two doing here? The work is done?" A majestic voice suddenly sounded beside him, and a man with a face somewhat similar to Xia Yu came over.

The man is in his thirties. The lines on his face are cut like a knife, and he has an aura of no anger and prestige. When other people see it, they can’t avoid it as if they have seen a cat and a mouse. They seem to be stared at. A terrible thing.

The men An Weiya and Qingyuan are no strangers, he is the executive minister here.

This role is played by Xia Yu, but now, apart from the similar appearance, there is a big difference between the two.

"Hello, Minister, we will go back soon." Qing Yuan said seriously, she has already taken the role of herself, pulled Anvia back to the previous hall, and at the same time analyzed the current situation, "Our every move is affecting As the plot progresses, what do you think is better?"

"How do I know, I haven't played it before." An Weiya was casual, "Just play it, it's just another world of Corot."

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