Consciousness trembled for a while, the scene in the system space disappeared, replaced by a drowsy night.

Surrounded by desolate and dilapidated buildings, I don't know if there are any people living in it. It seems that it has been abandoned. The black hole windows make the environment a little more eerie and terrifying.

Fortunately, the two moons in the sky, one large and one small, are still bright. Under the bright white moonlight, you can barely see the pits and bumps on the ground. The tall and uneven black and heavy buildings stand quietly, turning into fuzzy silhouettes in the dark. In short, normal people’s congresses will not Come to this place.

It won't come during the day.

"It's deserted."

Luo Chuan couldn't help but spit, he doesn't like such a desolate and remote place, because it always reminds him that his first two stores are open in a bird's-eye position.

From afar, you can vaguely see the bright lights in the city, as well as the smell of magical smoke and dust that is unique to the city of steel. Demon Ziyan seems to have adapted to the environment here, his eyebrows are only slightly wrinkled, and they soon relax. .

"Let's go."

The demon purple smoke walked forward, bathed in the cold moonlight, and the long hair scattered behind him exuded a noble and mysterious purple luster, with an unreal feeling, his footsteps were brisk, and the moonwhite dress swayed slightly, like it was extremely The elves dancing in the moonlight.

"Luochuan, why are you in a daze, let's go!"

Yao Ziyan stopped and shouted to Luo Chuan behind, her purple eyes were like a clear lake, reflecting the moon in the night sky.


Luo Chuan smiled lightly and followed Yao Ziyan's footsteps.

Yao Ziyan took Luochuan's arm along the way.

There are no other pedestrians on the remote path, not even street lights, so I can only see the road under my feet by the moonlight and stars in the sky.



"It's awkward to walk like this, so let's walk well."


Yao Ziyan let go of Luo Chuan's arm, but he still stuffed his little hand over and hummed softly the tune he learned from Luo Chuan. He should be in a good mood.

Walking away from the remote area, the city shows its prosperous side.

It may be because of not having enough for dinner, or it may be a pure whim. Yao Ziyan pulled Luochuan to buy a lot of food sold on the street, and Luochuan came to his tavern with a full hiccup.

"It's here."

It is somewhat different from the taverns that can be seen everywhere on the street. The store door is made of black solid wood and silver-white metal, with decorative patterns on it. There is a lot of sci-fi in the magic.

Above the store door is the sign of the tavern, and the four characters "Heartstone Tavern" are quite eye-catching.

Of course, this is the effect that appears in Luochuan's eyes after system translation. The holographic equipment provided by the system is fully functional and will not cause problems in this regard. The actual text is not important.

Yao Ziyan came to the front of the shop and pressed his palm to a certain area above. The patterns on the shop door were lit up one after another, containing special magical fluctuations, not just a pure decorative effect.

The door of the store separated from the middle and disappeared into the wall, and the interior of the tavern lit up with a soft and bright light.

Luo Chuan followed Yao Ziyan into the tavern and looked around curiously. The decoration style felt familiar, as if he had come to another origin mall, but it was in a magical style.

The pub was empty, with nothing but counter shelves.

There is a unique smell of wood in the air, which should be the aroma of wine in the future.

Luo Chuan never intervened. The tavern matters were handed over to Yao Ziyan. To put it simply, it was a lazy cancer attack. He just wanted to be the shopkeeper. Moreover, he did not understand this knowledge.

"Luochuan, how do you feel?" Yao Ziyan wanted to hear Luochuan's opinion.

"Very good." Luo Chuan gave an evaluation. He believed in Yao Ziyan's aesthetics. Moreover, this girl also ordered the skills of house decoration all the time, which was much better than Luo Chuan, and he didn't need him to point out. .

"There is nothing on the first floor, go upstairs and have a look." Yao Ziyan pulled Luo Chuan towards the stairs.

Luo Chuan could see that Yao Ziyan had indeed put a lot of thought into this tavern, and perhaps it was indeed a very happy thing for her to be able to help Luo Chuan.

"According to what you said in Luochuan, the second floor is basically empty. What you want to do with the space in the future is also very simple. Maybe you can set up a radio station? Tell stories to people in this city every day, not just This city, the entire dwarf country and even the entire world of Koror..."

"The third floor is the place to rest. There is nothing to say about it..."

Luochuan wandered around with the monster Ziyan. I have to say that the space is indeed very large. As for the resting place, it seems unnecessary for now. After all, they came here through a holographic device, and they still have to return to the Origin Mall after all. .

Maybe you can omit this process, and you really come to the world of Kolo.

"Radio... sounds like a very good suggestion." Luo Chuan touched his chin thoughtfully, "Isn’t there already a lot of novels on the magic phone? You can tell them about these novels. In this way, you can achieve both. Cultural communication across the world."

"There is hearthstone." Yao Ziyan reminded.

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded.

"So, when are you going to start the official business?" Yao Ziyan turned around and looked at Luo Chuan's eyes, "I have done everything I can do. The next step is Luo Chuan's task."

"Um...Well, why don't you wait for two days?" Luo Chuan tried to ask.

Just as there is always curiosity and hesitation in the face of new things, Luochuan is almost like this now. When I really face it, I have some unwilling thoughts in my heart, and I don't want to change my original life.

Why do you want to open a tavern? Isn't the current Origin Mall enough? Why bother to do this? Is it really just a simple whim?

Luo Chuan had many thoughts in his heart, and in short, it was a horror.

"As you go, you are the boss after all." Yao Ziyan seemed to have guessed Luo Chuan's thoughts, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and blinked gently, "By the way, I remembered one more thing. matter."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Luo Chuan found a place to sit down, a little tired after walking for so long.

"Do you remember when we went to the pub before?" Yao Ziyan asked.

Luo Chuan thought about it seriously: "It seems that there is something like this. I also met an elf at the time. What is her name?"

"Annuo." Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan helplessly, and couldn't help but complain, "Also, do you use the unit of measurement for the elves? It sounds strange."

"Don't pay attention to these details." Luo Chuan waved his hand. "The Sea-Monster can talk about the roots. It is reasonable to use only the name of the wizard."

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