Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1956: God has a good life

The surging water surface is constantly enlarged in sight, and every fine ripple and wave can be clearly seen, and then submerged into the water.

In an instant it turned into the shape of a hundred-meter long white snake. Its scales are as white as jade, and its head is not like ordinary snakes. Be a weird creature.

In fact, Bai didn't know if she was still considered a snake, no snake looked like her, and she had been entangled with it for a long time.

Later, she slowly began to see. She couldn't decide what she looked like. Instead of wasting time in this aspect, she might as well try to improve her strength. Moreover, this appearance was much stronger than ordinary snakes.

Bai felt the water flowing through her body, very happy.

It seems that the dragon is like water, able to easily control the water body in a large area around her. Here, she is a well-deserved emperor, and even the cultivator who asks the pinnacle should not get any benefits here.

Many weird creatures live in Wangjiang.

A huge weird fish with a body length of nearly tens of meters, and even growing limbs, a dense circle of eyes on the head, a weird creature resembling a crayfish, a body of more than ten meters long seems to be made of fine gold, and the whole body is covered with spikes.

The former is not tasty and has a weird taste, while the latter is too toothy and does not have much meat.

Wangjiang Biology ushered in the darkest time of its life. The hundred-meter-long snakes were rampant, directly using Wangjiang as a buffet place, and the river overlords were ruthlessly eaten into their stomachs.

"Strange, this river is not right, why is it so muddy?"

On the river bank, a young man holding a compass frowned and muttered to himself. It was not in line with the current situation. It seemed that some external force had disrupted everything and wanted to observe but couldn't see anything.


The roar sounded, and the huge figure tens of meters long tore the surface of the river and rushed straight into the air. The air wave even shattered the clouds in the sky.

Like some kind of strange fish, the scales are golden-red, with unicorns growing on the top of the head, and the fins are also in a state of alienation. The fins on the back turn into red bone spurs like sharp swords.

The young man opened his eyes instantly and exclaimed: "Yulong!"

The name of this strange fish is the ichthyosaur. Of course, it has nothing to do with dragons. It is just that some physical characteristics are similar. Relying on its own strength, it does not show up when there are powerful practitioners to fight against it. It is especially slippery. .

Obviously, it was only the cultivation base of the Guiyuan realm, but he repeatedly fled from the men of Wendao powerhouse.

What is this ichthyosaur going crazy today? Why did you jump out of the river inexplicably? Why does it seem to be running for life?

Soon, the youth's doubts were answered.

Another white figure jumped out from the river. His body was bigger and ferocious than a ichthyosaur, and there was an indescribable beauty. It seemed to be born for fighting. It seemed... it seemed to be some kind of snake?

Thinking hard, suddenly thinking of something, took a breath.


The white figure seemed to overlap with the portraits recorded in the book, and his mind was shocked, trembling slightly.

Some books say that dragons in this world have wings on their backs, their bodies are perfect, and their bodies are covered by scale armor, and they can easily tear space by waving their wings.

Some books say that the dragon has a snake body, slender body, also has four limbs, the head has double horns, and the neck is covered with mane.

No one can say exactly what kind of it. After all, no one has seen a real dragon with his own eyes. Maybe it's wrong, maybe both are right.

In a blink of an eye, the white figure rushing out of the water entangled the ichthyosaur, opened a huge mouth and bit at the throat, blood constantly gushing from the wound, staining the river water.

The ichthyosaur roared desperately, and it was at the end of the road.

The white eyes were slightly squinted, and it turned out that this kind of more powerful creature was delicious, and the begging for mercy was directly ignored. Relying on his talent instinct, he could clearly see this guy's karma-ridden situation. I don't know how many bad things he has done. It is natural to eat it.

As the saying goes, God has a good life, and all she does is send this guy to see God.

Bai felt that he was a kind-hearted snake monster.


Two huge figures slammed into the water, the sound of the water was deafening, and the dense white mist obscured all the scenery.

Undercurrents in the water are surging, and the ichthyosaurs will naturally not wait to die obediently, but any struggle is futile.

The ever-unfavorable water control talent in the past has completely failed, as if every body of water is pouring towards it, the white snake is tightly entangled, the blood flow is blocked and the wound has lost a lot of blood, and the consciousness has gradually become blurred, vaguely remembering that I was in Wangjiang when I was young A picture of a difficult survival.

The expression in his eyes gradually lost its brilliance, the aura disappeared, and the once overlord of the waters died.

White squinted happily eating food.

During this period of action in human cities, although the appetite in human form will also change, but I always feel that it is not enough to eat, at most it is to taste the taste, now I finally have the opportunity to eat openly, and naturally I will not miss it in vain.

The meat is delicate and elastic, and it is crystal clear like ice crystals. Before eating the meat, it needs to be bloodletted or it will be bloody. This is the knowledge she has known for a long time.

The blood stained the river water, and quickly melted into the turbulent current, as if it had never appeared.

Hiccups in vain, the snake's tail reaches the mouth with bone spurs to floss teeth, life is relaxed and comfortable, and I enjoy it very much.

The ichthyosaur bones slowly fell to the bottom of the water, and the scattered meat before also attracted countless small fish and shrimps. The blood and flesh of the monster beasts in the Guiyuan realm are rich in energy. Perhaps after a long time, there will be creatures using this as an opportunity to gradually rise up. road.

Recognizing the direction, heading towards the upper reaches of Wangjiang River, various fish and monsters fleeing wherever they pass along the way.

The disciples saw many mutilated corpses being eaten by fish and shrimps. In order to avoid extraneous branches, they directly used spells to observe the riverside and found that there were humans at war.

The lights and shadows of the swords interlaced, the screams of the screams are clearly distinguishable with super hearing, the ground is soaked in blood, and there are cultivators in the army, but it is far from the effect of changing the situation of the battle by oneself.

I can see the full blood and resentment covering the sky over the battlefield, covering the sky and obscuring the sun. I don't know how many people died to form such a scale.

Bai sighed softly in his heart. Humans are always like this, but they are keen to kill each other in their short life spans. The shorter their life spans, the more they like infighting. Perhaps the reason why they are not extinct is largely because Multiply fast enough.

Having lived for hundreds of years, he has seen the rise and fall of many imperial dynasties.

There is no idea of ??intervening, this is human's own business. If forcibly intervening, it will attract all firepower in all likelihood, and will be directly treated as a monster to cause chaos, and has no interest in promoting human peace at its own expense.

Even if the defensive power of the snake demon can ignore this level of attack, she will never expose herself, but she is going to do big things. She just came to Jiangnan and did nothing but suffered a disaster. If she does not retaliate, she will go back. It must be regarded as a good bully out of ten.

As a snake monster, Bai has always made a perfect plan.

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