Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1943: Should be a fairy in the sky

"The spring breeze doesn't understand Jiangnan rain,

Laugh at Yuxiang to find customers to taste.

Who knows that Jiangnan is not drunk,

But smell the spring breeze ten miles of fragrance. "

Looking at the mist and mist outside the window, the middle-aged man shook his glass and spoke softly, as if he was afraid of breaking this dreamlike scene.

He laughed lightly, and looked at the person beside him: "You said, who did this poem actually make?"

"According to the legend that has been passed down to this day, the author of the poem should be a fairy in white."

The middle-aged man just smiled, glanced at the singing and dancing in front of him, then turned his head and looked out the window.

"How many years ago should it happen? Thousands of years, 10,000 years, 100,000 years, or millions of years?"

"This... I don't know."

"How many dynasties and empires have passed away in this Jiangnan mist and rain?"


The waiter-like person does not know how to answer. The Tianlan Continent is very large. The establishment and destruction of a country is a very common thing. The life span ranges from several years to a hundred years. The so-called eternal immortality has never existed.

But he just thought about it in his heart. The middle-aged man himself said yes, but he would never say it.

"The prosperity of the Southern Sui Dynasty will surely be passed on forever."

The middle-aged man just smiled.

It has only been a hundred years since the founding of the Southern Sui Dynasty. It is indeed prosperous. Although there have been some rebellions in some places, it is not a big problem.

As for eternity... he didn't believe it himself.

"Who knows that Jiangnan is not drunk, but the smell of spring breeze is ten miles..."

The middle-aged man whispered poems softly, and felt a little envious of the emperor who didn't know how many years before the Spring and Autumn Period. It is enviable to meet such a fairy, even if it is just a one-sided relationship.

There was a breeze blowing in the lake, and the fine raindrops passed through the windows and fell on the skin, bringing a trace of coolness, blowing the drapery in the painting boat, and blowing the blooming willows on the lakeshore.

When the middle-aged man saw the shore, his sight suddenly stopped.

He saw a woman walking by the lake, wearing a dress like snow, holding a white umbrella, the breeze was gentle, and the skirt was lightly raised.

Looking back, it overshadowed all the scenery of Jiangnan.

The middle-aged man looked at the shore idiotically, and suddenly returned to his senses and said to the person beside him: "Go and invite that woman over, I want to see her."


The attendant jumped out of the painted boat and stepped on the water to the lake. Such a scene caused exclamations from nearby cruise ships. He was able to walk on the water, and he wanted to be a cultivator with a very high level. Such a scene is rare. of.

However, when the attendant came to the shore of the lake, the figure of the woman in white was no longer found, only Yangliu swayed in the breeze.

"I heard you are looking for me?"

Suddenly there were pleasant words behind him, and the middle-aged man turned around subconsciously, and found that a woman in white clothes on the lakeshore appeared behind him, looking at the environment curiously.

Ye Xi is like Hua, warm as Ying; beautiful eyebrows are not dazzling, looking at leisurely; Hua's head Yu Fang is slim and slim; beautiful flowers reflect the water, smiling in the city.

It should be a fairy in the sky.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but stare blankly.

The dancing girl luthier in the audience was stunned first, and then was shocked, did not find when the white-clothed woman appeared, if there is no countermeasure against the middle-aged person.

The middle-aged man can already feel the formation in the painting boat is starting to move, and waved his hand at the guarded dancers and others: "It's okay, you wait to step back."

After a little hesitation, the dancers and others could only retire.

The middle-aged man's order must be carried out, and they can't even notice the appearance of the white-clothed woman, even if it continues to stay here, it will have no effect.

No singing and dancing, there is only the sound of rain in my ears.

The middle-aged man stood up and looked at the white-clothed woman in front of him with a trance. After returning to his senses, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled and asked, "Is the girl a fairy in the sky?"


It seems that this is the first time that Bai has heard someone call herself that, but she is not a fairy, she is a snake demon.

"The spring breeze doesn't understand Jiangnan rain, smile and watch Yuxiang look for customers to taste. Who knows that Jiangnan is not drunk, but the spring breeze is ten miles of fragrance. I heard that this poem was written by a white-clothed fairy a long time ago, so Jiangnan got its name. I'm afraid that no one can tell clearly. I wonder if the girl is the fairy in white clothes in that story?"

For no reason, the middle-aged man suddenly became a little nervous, and he didn't understand why.

The girl in white in front of him blinked, smiled lightly, and let the middle-aged man stare blankly: "Naturally not."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the legend was just a legend, how could it be possible for him to encounter it.

"That's my sister." The girl in white smiled.

The middle-aged man was startled.

"I have to leave beforehand. By the way, the singing and dancing just now was very beautiful."

The drizzle fell, suddenly like a dream.

When the attendant returned to Huafang, he saw the middle-aged man sitting at the table in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, the singer and dancer had long been gone.

The scholar who was rafting also put away his pen and showed a satisfied smile. This should be the best painting he has drawn.

The next year, the middle-aged man came to Jiangnan again, but this time he came as the emperor of the Southern Sui Dynasty. Some people said he was looking for a woman, but in the end he found only one painting.

The picture shows the mist and rain in the south of the Yangtze River. It should be the best time. A girl in white clothes holding an umbrella walks by the lake, as if enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of her, but she does not know that she is the most beautiful scenery.

Some people say that the woman in white clothes is the object of your majesty’s admiration, but she hasn’t won her heart. When I met, some people said that it was the fairy who unexpectedly met in a dream when he went down to the south of the Yangtze River. He specially asked someone to draw it...

As for the real reason, I am afraid that only your Majesty knows.

It was purely a whim when Bai went to Huafang to make a round trip.

That man seemed to be the human king in this region. There were rebellions everywhere, and he was leisurely going out to visit the mountains and rivers. I don't know whether he was winning the game or disregarding the life and death of the Li people. Every battle would kill a lot of people.

But this has nothing to do with the snake demon, she is just a passer-by here, and she has no idea of ??going to nosy. If she really makes a move, she will be regarded as a demon to trouble the world.

The danger encountered has been resolved, and he did not leave Jiangnan in a hurry.

She hasn't found out who is acting in the dark. The snake monster has always been very vengeful. If he doesn't retaliate, he may be regarded as a good bully, and has always pursued gratitude and revenge.

As for that human being... just a poor man who was treated as a pawn, too lazy to bother about it.

The life span of an ordinary human is no more than a hundred years, and he is just a passer-by in his life, so why bother.

I wandered to the Luoxue Tower and continued to practice the music. From the conversation with the singers, I heard that something big happened to Jinfeng Temple last night. Although it is far away from here, the news is always well-informed in places like the Brothel. The important reason for the existence here may be to collect information.

Slightly squinted his eyes, the corners of his mouth faintly curved, and finally found the goal, saying goodbye to Sister Lan, it was originally an experience of life, there is no need to work as one's own job, since retaliation must definitely require a good plan, even if the other party has been educated by the Lord Buddha. Still puzzled.

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