Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1927: New products of staple food type

"It was me who killed Shiori. 』

"Shiori, who should have died 23 days ago, died in my arms just now. 』

"Fortunately, Ye Shenyue. I am ‘L’. 』

"Please let us use your mind to arrest Kira together. 』

Above the projection screen, with the appearance of L's played by Yao Ziyan, the whole movie also came to an end. The angle of view of the lens was gradually increased, and the city with countless lights was shot in, and the back was hideous. The **** of death descended from the sky and swallowed the picture with his mouth wide open, and the light curtain plunged into darkness.

The movie also came to an end.

The originally quiet screening hall suddenly became noisy, some customers were discussing the plot of the movie, and some customers left silently.

Su Nan and Yao Ziyan sat a little behind, and did not leave in a hurry.

"How do you feel?" Yao Ziyan looked at Su Nan.

"The movie itself is still a role?" Su Nan threw a popcorn in his mouth.

"Both." Yao Ziyan shook his calf gently, with a relaxed expression, "I want to hear your opinion."

"Very good story." Su Nan seriously recalled the plot in the movie. "The boss made this movie to explore which one is more in line with reality between personal power and law, what is justice and what is truth, and these questions There is no answer. In my opinion, this is the meaning of the movie."

"Absolute justice never exists." Yao Ziyan said.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded, "There is also the image of Yue. At first, my impression of her was actually a little girl who accidentally obtained the Death Notebook. Suddenly she had the power of the gods and gradually swelled, and then I felt Yue. She was originally an indifferent and ruthless person, from the beginning to the end, she played the image that others thought, and then to the final ending, she was actually a very gentle person, only because of those things did she change, her calm appearance Below, the heart may have been filled with weakness and sadness."

How could she be so, watching the passage of time, all the familiar things disappeared in the torrent of years, powerless, painful, and lonely.

She can't do anything.

"I thought about the same as you." Yao Ziyan smiled and pointed to himself, "What about the L I played?"

"A genius girl." Su Nan turned his head and looked, it is difficult to connect the girl with purple hair and purple eyes with the indifferent L in the movie. "For her, this may be just a game, in the name of justice. game."

What is justice? Justice is to kill legally and correctly.

"Is there no performance evaluation?" Yao Ziyan sighed, looking disappointed.

It was the first time that Su Nan saw Demon Ziyan showing such an ordinary girl-like appearance. After a while, she showed a faint smile: "Compared with you now, you are completely different people."

It is very happy to be able to hear others' compliments, and Yao Ziyan is no exception.

"Thank you." Yao Ziyan accepted humbly.

"The story of the movie shouldn't be over yet? When is the plot boss going to shoot?" Su Nan looked at the light curtain again, playing the list of movie participants and the tidbits of the filming process, and laughter sounded from time to time.

"Uh, there shouldn't be any movement in this area for the time being." Yao Ziyan said embarrassedly with his fingers around a strand of hair that fell to his chest.

"That's it." Su Nan nodded slightly, a little disappointed, and soon adjusted his mood, "I look forward to the day when the second film is released."

"That's right." Yao Ziyan suddenly thought of something, "In the world you used to live in, is there such an entertainment method called movie?"

"Naturally there is." Su Nan said, "Maybe many civilizations have developed to a certain level, and they will create various types of entertainment. Movies are just one of them."

In her life for millions of years, she also saw things like movies appear in some places in Tianlan Continent, but it was quickly annihilated in the torrent of history.

"That's it." Yao Ziyan was clear.

"Time has passed for too long, and I have almost completely forgotten the things in that world." Su Nan paused slightly and let out a sigh of relief. "Perhaps forgotten, for me, those memories may only mean It just made me remember where I came from."

Yao Ziyan pursed her lips and reached out to hold Su Nan's palm, a bit cold.

"Let's go, it's almost time before the end of the morning, I will show you other things in the store."


Luochuan is thinking about the current status of Origin Mall and the various development trends that may appear in the future, and use this to formulate various planning plans, referred to as a daze. Customers coming and going are looking at a certain boss outside the store with their chins behind the counter. It's no surprise for a long time.

Stretching, a little hungry, got up and walked towards the sales equipment.

Looking at the various flavors of rice cakes, Luochuan decided to follow the recommendations directly by the system. The rice cakes were fried so that they were browned on the surface and sprinkled with finely divided petals. With a light bite, the soft and sweet aroma seemed to be in full bloom in spring. Garden.

In addition, Luochuan also discovered one thing. Origins Mall does not seem to be able to serve as a staple food. Rice cakes and potato chips are exactly snacks and snacks. In his opinion, instant noodles are not a staple food, at least in Luochuan. Think so.

Maybe the new product launched next time can be the staple food type? Such as the pasta series.

If this is done, does the store still need to set up a dining area?

Having said that, does this count as robbing Yuan Gui's shop?

Luo Chuan was thinking wildly while eating rice cakes, and quickly came to the conclusion that he would launch whatever he wanted to launch, regardless of what he did. Moreover, the products drawn were random, and he could not decide to draw each time. what.

That's right, that's it.

Two familiar figures walked out of the entrance of the weapon sales space not far away and attracted Luo Chuan's eyes. Su Nan and Yao Ziyan were talking and laughing, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

"Luochuan, why are you standing here?" Yao Ziyan noticed Luo Chuan who was eating rice cakes and walked towards him.

"I'm a little hungry, find something to eat."

Luo Chuan pointed to the rice cake in his hand, and stuffed a piece into the demon purple cigarette holder that came close by the way, one cheek bulged, purple eyes slightly narrowed, food always brings happiness to people.

Su Nan looked at the scene in front of her delicately, feeling that she was a little redundant.

"How do you feel about the movie?" Luo Chuan turned his gaze to Su Nan.

"It's a wonderful story." Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. "When is the plot boss going to shoot? Zi Yan said that there shouldn't be any action in this area recently."

"Well..." Luo Chuan swallowed the food in his mouth and pointed to Yao Ziyan. "She was right. The main reason is that I can't think of the next plot. I will talk about it when I get inspiration in the future."

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