Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1902: You were arrested too

"Luochuan, aren't you jealous?" Yao Ziyan nestled on the sofa, holding a pillow in his arms, staring at Luochuan to see his reaction.

"Why should I be jealous?" Luo Chuan was inexplicably said by Yao Ziyan, and stopped studying the spar, looking up suspiciously.

"I just hugged Su Nan." Yao Ziyan blinked and reminded earnestly.

"…That's it?"

Luo Chuan is now very confused about what image he is in Yao Ziyan's mind. He can't do much about the life of Su Nan's own choice. Of course, Yao Ziyan can give Su Nan some warmth.

"Actually, my last name is a good celebrity, a good person."

A good person is a good person, and a bad person is a bad person. The two are completely different. Luochuan feels that he is a good person.

"Yeah, I know you are a good person." Yao Ziyan issued Luochuan a good person card for no money.

"Forget it, when I didn't say anything." Luo Chuan felt that this topic should end here. He is a good person, but it always feels weird to say it, so it's better not to talk about it.

Yao Ziyan snorted twice, and his eyes fell on the spar in his hand.

"This is... the same power as the soul lock?"

Yao Ziyan had also seen Soul Lock before, and was no stranger to the energy similar to the black mist. Now she was about to become the true **** of destiny, and she could not feel any threat at all.

"The same, but there are differences."

Luo Chuan tossed the spar twice, and he could feel that the black mist in the spar contained a more concentrated divine aura. According to the words of the soul lock before, this was about to see the great lord of the end.

No wonder there is a mental problem.

In addition, he was also unlucky enough. Maybe it was better to meet the Demon Emperor than Su Nan, but Luo Chuan never knew that the great Blackscale Master had actually encountered the Demon Emperor before.

"He is a colleague of Soul Lock?" Yao Ziyan asked suddenly.

"Colleague...Well, that's correct, but it's a former colleague." Luo Chuan affirmed Yao Ziyan's general ability, and then sighed with emotion, "Long-lost main line."

It has been a long time since the last God Court appeared in his vision, but until now it has never shown its true face. At most, the tip of the iceberg has been exposed. God knows when they will actually appear. In front of the world.

"What are you going to do?" Yao Ziyan continued to eat potato chips, without the slightest worry.

"Do nothing." Luo Chuan yawned, "I'm living a good life, so I don't care what they do?"

Luo Chuan's attitude is very clear. Anyway, these theoretical villains are staying peacefully in the dark, and he doesn't bother to pay attention.

Well, it's actually lazy.

Moreover, Luochuan didn't need to make any preparations at all. When the strength gap was large to a certain extent, it didn't make much sense whether to prepare.

"That's it." Yao Ziyan was not surprised by Luochuan's attitude, took out a potato chip and handed it to Luochuan's mouth, "Please eat potato chips."

"Invite me with my things?"

"You don't eat it? If you don't eat it, I will eat it myself."


Luo Chuan, the spar left by Su Nan, has no way to deal with it. According to her guess, this special form of life can quickly return to its original state as long as it has enough energy.

Luo Chuan thought for a while, and simply threw it directly into the system space.

Anyway, the two came from the same company. Maybe they were in a colleague's relationship before. They bowed their heads and didn't look up. Soul Lock would be very happy to see his friends think about it. Finally, with a companion, there might be a kind of sympathy and sympathy for the same illness. Mentality.

"Are you arrested too? 』

"You are actually here. 』

"Hey, let's not say much. From today on, we will be new colleagues in the new company. Let me first familiarize you with the company environment. 』

"Thank you, thank you, it's really troublesome. 』

"You're welcome, maybe more old colleagues will change jobs in the future. 』

System space.

The black fog has condensed into a huge seat with a solid form, and if the actual black fog is entrenched on it, the magic mobile phone floats in front of the black fog, and the projected light screen refreshes all kinds at a speed far exceeding human vision. All kinds of information.

This is a habit that Soul Lock has developed recently.

When nothing is wrong, change your form and browse the readers' comments on the work in the most comfortable way. Most of the good reviews and negative reviews are naturally there. There are always hard-to-talk facts. This is something that cannot be solved at all, and the soul lock did not think about it. Let everyone like the stories he wrote.

His decision to create "The Diary of the End Master" was influenced by an unknown customer on the magic phone. Originally, he was only thinking about finding a way to pass the time and recording his own experience. Someone will remember his name in this way after the year.

But now Soul Lock has gradually fallen in love with this writing process. He is looking forward to seeing readers’ comments on the stories he wrote. In the eyes of those readers, these are just stories, but for him, these are not only It's just a story.

Of course, the larger the number of comments will naturally make Soul Lock irritable.

If it wasn't that he couldn't leave the system space and couldn't find their true identities through the magic phone, the soul lock would definitely let them know what it means to send warmth along the network cable. Fortunately, his current state of mind has become much milder.

"Good guy, is this the easy cure type story mentioned in the introduction? 』

"It looks good, I have already recommended it to my friends. 』

"Resume more urges more urges more. 』

"Good cure, I have been preparing to quit novels for 30 days. 』


It is naturally unrealistic to reply to all customer messages, and Soul Lock has no habit of replying, at most, leaving a sentence at the end of the chapter.

Spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared not far away, converging into the appearance of a whirlpool.

Soul Lock has long been familiar with it, expecting that the boss will throw something over this time, as long as it is not the kind of fruit that has a fresh taste in his memory.

When the spatial vortex disappeared, what appeared in front of the soul lock was a transparent spar sealed with a wisp of black mist.

The soul lock was obviously stunned there, as if the impact of the scene in front of him made him wonder how to react, and the body of the black mist that had been surging slowly froze there.

After a few seconds, the black mist quickly gathered, and once again condensed into a soul lock-like appearance that made people lose the san value.

The black mist turned into tentacles grabbed the spar in front of him, seeming to confirm something, and soon the eyes on the face covered with scale armor showed a rather surprised look.

"Black scales?"

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