Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1892: Schrodinger’s cat

A few days ago, the demon Ziyan noticed the changes in her body. After discussing with Luochuan, she finally came to the conclusion that this was a change in the process of transforming into a true **** of destiny, and she was not very familiar with her own power. I can't control it, so I often hear complaints from believers...cough, chanting.

After finding out the reason, Yao Ziyan also relaxed a lot. Although she still hears those voices from time to time, she doesn't care much anymore. She began to try to control the power that she had suddenly added, and in the process there is still more. Click on other discoveries.

"In other words, can you see the fate of others clearly now?" Luo Chuan looked at Yao Ziyan in surprise, feeling that this girl is much better than him now.

"I can't see clearly, it's very vague." Yao Ziyan is very strict. If you can see clearly, you can see clearly.

"Uh, blur it out." Luo Chuan didn't argue with Yao Ziyan, touching his chin to analyze, "Now you are just not familiar with your own power. When you are in full control in the future and become the true **** of destiny, don't you think It depends on whose fate."

Yao Ziyan thought about the scene Luo Chuan said, and his expression became subtle: "Why does it sound weird, like prying into other people's privacy."

Luo Chuan felt that Yao Ziyan's brain circuit was a bit strange: "Are you feeling in the wrong direction?"

In fact, Luo Chuan doesn't know much about destiny. It involves cause and effect, time and space, and the future. He can't look at it with common sense at all. He is very self-knowledge of it.

Yao Ziyan snorted softly, without speaking.

"Forget it, don't talk about this." Luo Chuan did not continue to tease the demon Ziyan, "Then you just told Qingyuan not to go out at night because you saw her'destiny'?"

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded, "She will get lost."

Luo Chuan seriously thought about it, and suddenly frowned: "No."

"What's wrong?" Yao Ziyan was holding the cup in both hands, sipping the cold tea, the fragrance of the flowers was sweet and refreshing.

"Aren't you able to see your destiny? Wouldn't it be directly changed if you say it so directly?" Luochuan found the blind spot, and directly mentioned it to Yao Ziyan.

"I think Luochuan, your perception seems to be a bit wrong." Yao Ziyan laughed.

"Where is my cognition wrong?" Luo Chuan was puzzled.

"Fate is not destined." Yao Ziyan stretched out her finger and shook her, "Everything and everyone's future has countless possibilities, but the probability of these possible occurrences is different. The timeline under normal circumstances is One-way flow, when it reaches that point in time, only one of these "possibility" will become a fact. If there are special circumstances, then we will say otherwise."

Luo Chuan felt that he couldn't understand a bit.

Is this the power of the gods, terrifying!

After thinking about it carefully, he finally understood the meaning of Yao Ziyan.

"It feels similar to Schrodinger's cat." Luo Chuan said casually, undecided, quantum mechanics, anyway, he felt that what Yao Ziyan said was almost the same. There are countless possibilities in the future. When it arrives at a certain time, it will only collapse in the end. Is one of them.

Of course, the premise is under normal circumstances.

"What does it have to do with Chimera?" Yao Ziyan didn't understand why Luochuan suddenly mentioned Chimera. He ate and slept all day long. He was already a waste monster.

"It's a metaphor." Facing Yao Ziyan's curious gaze, Luo Chuan felt that it was time for him to tell a story again. "In short, it means putting the Chimera in a sealed container with poison gas in it. When the switch is controlled by a special magic, half of it may release poisonous gas, and half of it may not release poisonous gas."

Yao Ziyan sipped the herbal tea and shook her smooth and white calf comfortably. She likes to listen to Luochuan telling stories.

"So—" Luo Chuan concluded, "When the container is not opened, I don't know whether Chimera is alive or dead. Half the possibility is that it is alive, and half the possibility is that it is dead, in a state of superimposing life and death. The result can only be determined by opening the container, and then the possibility collapses into one of them."

Luo Chuan paused briefly to give Yao Ziyan time to think.

"Do you understand?"

"Understood." Yao Ziyan nodded, "but the fate is much more complicated than this...After all, it doesn't seem to be what we were discussing at the beginning?"

"Don't care about these details." Luo Chuan waved his hand, "What did you discuss just now?"

"...Qing Yuan will get lost when she goes out."

"Oh yes, do you mean to leave the Origin Mall, or do you leave home after she goes home?"

"have no idea."

Luo Chuan believes that Yao Ziyan still has a long way to go before he can fully control his power. The road ahead is long and still needs to be worked hard. As for Qingyuan...Anyway, she is a venerable. She has gotten used to getting lost when she wants to come. Don't worry too much, Yao Ziyan should feel the same way.

"By the way, look at me, what can you see?" Luo Chuan suddenly became interested, sat up a little bit, and pointed to himself.

Yao Ziyan glanced at Luochuan, her purple eyes seemed to have mysterious luster flowing, but at the end she shook her head: "I can't see it."

"That's it." Luo Chuan was not surprised by this. He had heard Chen Yiyi say before that Wen Tianji had nothing to do with Origin Mall and his cause and effect, but he found nothing. In a sense, the cause and effect, It should be something similar to fate.

"Forget it, don't mention this." Yao Ziyan stood up, looked outside, the sky was completely dark, the dense ink-like night stopped outside the light, and the rain curtain was a bit richer than during the day. He sighed softly, "It's still raining."

"If you want to go out, go out, aren't you the Lord, or the **** of fate, it's just a magical barrier." Luo Chuan's voice sounded lazily.

Yao Ziyan rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to Luochuan. Is this a matter of the magic barrier?

In this kind of weather, there should be no people coming at night. On weekdays, there are very few people visiting at night. Yao Ziyan simply closed the store door, and the noisy rain was isolated, and her ears were immediately cleared. She prefers a quiet environment. It would be better to stay with Luochuan.

"What do you want to eat, I'm going to cook dinner." Yao Ziyan asked Luo Chuan's opinion.

Luo Chuan thought about it seriously: "Mapo Tofu."

"Nothing else?" Yao Ziyan felt that one dish was definitely not enough.

"It's up to you, I'm not picky about eating." Luo Chuan felt that he would definitely be guilty of choosing difficulty again, so he didn't want to worry about it.

"Okay." Yao Ziyan said, humming the tune he learned from Luochuan and walking upstairs briskly. Yan Lie. Time is too far away, eyebrows can't be seen clearly, the wind is still bitter at the end of the memory..."

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