As Miying's power became stronger and stronger, and there was the shadow of the Star Empire imperial family behind, Lin Fan's status was getting higher and higher, reaching the same level as Fengxianlou boss Zuo Wanjin.

However, Lin Fan didn't inflate because of this. He knew exactly how he got his current identity. He still maintained his original life and participated in Miying's work personally.

Lin Fan came to Origin Mall early today. He gave himself a vacation, and at the same time, he wanted to see if he could buy a limited movie disc.

The bottom cultivator who used to have only Shi Lingjing left all over his body can now take out Bai Lingjing without changing his face to buy goods from Origin Mall to collect. There is a saying, "Thirty Years of Hedong For thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young to be poor".

The Goddess of Luck once again favored Lin Fan.

He successfully bought the last video disc, and the number 2333 is engraved on the side of the crystal.

No, not the goddess of luck.

Lin Fan thought that before coming to Origin Mall, he prayed to the God of Destiny according to the tutorial on the magic phone, so this should be the favor of the God of Destiny.

"O God of destiny, omniscient and omnipotent, thank you for your blessing to the believers and for offering you the most sincere faith..."

Lin Fan closed his eyes and muttered in his mouth. He understood why the information on the magic phone was welcomed by so many customers.

Lin Fan has already made a decision in his heart. Starting today, he is the most pious believer of the God of Destiny, and has become a glorious believer of the God of Destiny.

"Brother, did you buy the last DVD?"

Soon, a customer came to Lin Fan and fixedly looked at the DVD in his hand. The desire in his eyes could not be concealed. It seemed that he should be a loyal fan of the movie.

As for the specific realm, Lin Fan couldn't see it at all, thinking it should be much higher than him.

"Luck is better." Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Brother, can you bear the pain and sell your love to me? To be honest, I have been here for five days and I haven't even seen the shadow. I have five hundred, no, a thousand spirit crystals, how about reselling it to me?"

Lin Fan declined the purchase of the strange customer.

If it was before, he would be very happy to come to think of it. He made nearly a thousand spirit crystals in vain when he changed hands, but now he is no longer short of money. Origins Mall does not explicitly prohibit the changing hands of limited goods, and Luochuan is not allowed to see it anyway. Just fine.

Lin Fan saw on the magic phone that the purchase price of video discs had risen to about 1,000 Lingjing. I have to say that there are still many wealthy customers, but I don't know which lucky customers have bought the top ten movies.

A female elder of Yaogu took out ten thousand Lingjing to purchase the video disc numbered "1", but after all these days, there was still no movement. I thought that the customer would not miss this Lingjing. So there are still many rich people in this world.

Noisy and noisy, it was early evening in a blink of an eye.

The setting sun gathered the dazzling light, the afterglow made the sky stained with a faint orange color, and sprinkled patches of gold-like light and shadow, the clouds were like scales, the moonlight was still unclear, and there was still a bit of afternoon summer heat in the air. There are more pedestrians in twos and threes.

Rows of buildings are bathed in the setting sun, and the buildings inlaid on the outer walls play commercial advertisements, or some nascent programs, attracting pedestrians to stop and watch, forming a quiet and peaceful picture, and there are artists on the street. The above outlines the situation in front of him, but he does not know that he has already been integrated into it.

At this time when the chitterlings were returning home, the noisy Origin Mall was also quiet, the calm and soothing piano sound flowed slowly like spring water, and the air was tempting to smell of food, Luochuan and Yao Ziyan were eating dinner.

"Do you have something to do?" Luo Chuan sent the food on the chopsticks to his mouth, looking at the absent-minded demon Ziyan sitting there.

"Huh?" Yao Ziyan recovered.

"You've been like this all day today, what's the matter?" Don't look at Luochuan's usual indifferent appearance, he just doesn't bother to pay attention to it, and he is not slow to respond. He is still very concerned about his own clerk.

Luo Chuan was puzzled and curious at the same time. Yao Ziyan didn't go out much recently. According to common sense, he shouldn't encounter troubles. This is what Luo Chuan didn't understand.

Yao Ziyan's eyebrows frowned slightly, she should be thinking about how to tell Luochuan about her affairs.

"I always hear some strange sounds today."

"Weird sound?"

"Hmm, I don't know." Yao Ziyan looked a little confused, "It should be the voice of speaking, but I can't hear it clearly, it just appears occasionally."

Luo Chuan thought for a while: "Could it be the voice of customers in the store? It's so lively when it's open."

"It feels...not very similar." Yao Ziyan was also not sure.

"Maybe it's an auditory hallucination?" Luo Chuan put forward a new guess, "but you are the venerable, could something like this happen?"

"I don't know." Yao Ziyan shook his head, "I checked my physical and mental state. I am very healthy, and my cultivation level has improved a lot."

Every day she writes and writes novels, cooks, and plays mahjong, but Yao Ziyan's cultivation base is not reduced a bit. I don't know how much faster the improvement is than normal cultivation, but she is actually not that much. Care about it.

Just like Luo Chuan, he initially valued Lingjing very much, but now it has become a mere number, and this is true for Yao Ziyan's cultivation.

The Venerable is already at the pinnacle of the Tianlan Continent, coupled with the various strange skills and abilities that Yao Ziyan has obtained in the virtual world, even if facing the high-level Venerable, he can easily get away, and all this only happened in It took less than two years.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan continued to discuss the reasons for the "audience hallucinations", and naturally did not come to any conclusions. Luochuan even asked the department housekeeper to come forward for testing. Yao Ziyan's body was too healthy to be healthy anymore. Sick appearance.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal." Yao Ziyan is very open-minded. She actually doesn't care much about the sounds of unknown origin, but the confusion caused by the unknown, and Luochuan cares so much that makes her very happy. "Luochuan, you don't have to worry too much."

"No." Luo Chuan took a sip of the hot tea and narrowed his eyes mysteriously, "I suddenly thought of another possibility."

"What?" Yao Ziyan tilted his head.

"God of destiny." Luo Chuan put down the cup. "Aren't you called the **** of destiny by many customers? You should hear their prayers."

Origin Mall is very quiet.

It took a few seconds for Yao Ziyan to break the silence. She looked at Luochuan blankly: "I'm angry."

Luo Chuan felt that it would be even more perfect if Yao Ziyan said "I'm not happy".

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