Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1869: Flesh and flesh are bitter and weak, machinery soars

Two bright moons, one big and one small, hung in the dark blue night sky, half-shielded by flowing clouds, and countless stars, like little fireflies, reflecting the lights of the city, and farther away are mountains that look like dark silhouettes, vaguely able to See a thin halo like a curtain of aurora.

According to calculations by mages and scholars, those halos should be optical phenomena caused by the influence of magic and certain substances in the air. As for the more detailed and specific reasons, no one knows. Such natural phenomenon-like scenes are usually rare. Someone will pay attention.

Several towering towers stand everywhere in the city of steel, like sentinels guarding the city in the dark. They have many uses, including but not limited to observing the flow of magic, observing climate change to update weather forecasts in real time, observing astronomical planets, etc. Function.

The cool breeze at night blew across the criss-crossed metal structure of the tower, bringing up bursts of low sounds, and along with the spatial fluctuations brought about by the teleportation magic, two figures appeared on the top of the tower.

King Gulas looked serious, and was carefully sensing the magic wave remaining in the air.

Tonight was a good time to observe the astrology. He came here just for this, but something unexpected happened. If it weren't for the observation device that happened to be running, he would never find that there were two more people here.

"There are no traces." Another figure said, his voice sounded a little weird, with a faint mechanical texture, "They appear to be here out of thin air, and the whole process does not involve magical power and spatial fluctuations. , It may be beyond our detection range."

The owner of the sound has a human form. As for his appearance, it is difficult to determine whether he belongs to the category of human beings. Various sophisticated machines have replaced almost all limbs, and his eyes are twinkling in the dark. In his view of the detector, the world presents a completely different appearance from human beings, and various data representing energy parameters are constantly changing.

"A little familiar, isn't it?" Wang Gulaas asked softly, looking at the distant city.

"It's exactly the same as those... outsiders."

Wang Gulaas sighed: "According to our data, those outsiders will disappear after nightfall, as if there is a special'restriction' for them to leave, but now, we have to There is no basis for the conclusion after all."

There was silence on the tower, and the two stopped talking, quietly thinking about the huge amount of information contained in this matter.

"Kaya, what do you think their purpose is?" Xu felt that this quiet atmosphere was too dull, and Wang Gulas spoke again.

The person called Keya was silent for a few seconds and shook his head: "There is not enough information to judge."

Wang Gulas was stunned, Xuan even smiled and patted his shoulder, making a crisp sound of tapping metal: "You guy, have you even been affected by your way of thinking after becoming like this? Before... "

The words stopped, Wang Gulas seemed to have thought of something, and sighed softly.

Keya is his friend. Of course it wasn’t like this before. The explosion of the collapse affected many people. It was the only way for him to live like this. At that time, most of his body had been corroded by the collapse. , It was only with the help of Inspur that his life was recovered.

"Forget it." Wang Gulas shook his head, "Tell the Council of the Elderly to make them headaches. My astrological observation has not been completed yet, so I will go back."

Draw several magic inscriptions in the air at will, and the simple flying magic is constructed.

Koya watched the figure of King Gulas disappear, and the magical light flickered under his feet. The magic power in the energy pipes hidden in the mechanical legs began to flow, and the magic rune array began to charge. With the propulsion device and gravity, the magic was counteracted. Started, and flew towards the center of the city.

Luochuan and Yao Ziyan naturally didn't know what happened after they left, and would not have much interest in it. Now they are walking on the road, walking towards the tentative tavern that Yao Ziyan said.

"There are three places in total, one of which the boss decided to go back to his hometown because he didn't want to do it, the other was a poorly managed store and was ready to switch to another business. The last one has the best location, and its business is good every day..."

Yao Ziyan told about the information collected during the recent period, and Luo Chuan felt that she might be more suitable to be a boss than herself.

"We went to the first one, and I think it was the most suitable." Yao Ziyan looked in a good mood, eating the food just bought from a street stall, completely unnamed, thinking it should be the city of steel. Specialties and the like.

There are many pedestrians on the street, most of which are humans, followed by other human races such as dwarves and orcs. Occasionally, you can see a few tall elves. It has a magical style of Jiuyao City, the race of the people. Many.

The City of Steel has a magical vehicle similar to a taxi, but Yao Ziyan is not too cold with this thing. For her, it is very important for Luochuan to go shopping with her. There is plenty of time to take a leisurely tour. This city in another world is a better choice-if the air quality is about the same as Saintia's, it would be better.

After half an hour.

Somewhere in the street, somewhere in front of the shop, Luochuan and Yao Ziyan stopped.

Along the way, the most they saw were various taverns and shops selling weapons and armors opened by dwarves. The shop in front of them sold alchemy potions, but the business seemed not so good. No wonder the boss doesn't want to continue driving.

The owner of the shop is an elderly human with a flow of magical power. I think he should be a mage or something, but the energy intensity is not very high, just to the level of getting started. It seems that I have seen him a few times with Yao Ziyan. Face, not surprised by the two people's arrival.

The next step is to discuss the price.

Yao Ziyan was very foresighted and told Luo Chuan not to interrupt in the process. She knew Luo Chuan well, and the latter really had no talent for bargaining.

In fact, they are not short of the money, but on weekdays Yao Ziyan has to bargain when going out to buy clothes, not to mention the big event of buying a store, and she is also happy in it, Luochuan just sits quietly by the side. , Holding a cup of hot tea and drinking leisurely.

After ten minutes, the discussion finally came to an end.

"How does the boss feel?" Yao Ziyan and Luo Chuan whispered.

"Very good." Luo Chuan looked around and found that the area of ??the store is actually very large, except that there are many shelves for placing items, and there are also the second and third floors, which are perfect for business." How about you?"

"The price is reasonable." Yao Ziyan nodded, "I think it's fine for the next two. I think it's the most suitable here. The location and traffic are good."

"Then here." Luo Chuan didn't bother to run around anymore, drank the last sip of hot tea in the cup.

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