Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1866: Ji Wuhui is a good emperor

The rain curtain obscured the sight, and the distant cities and mountains melted in the wind and rain, the sky fell, the clouds surged, and occasionally a blue-purple thunder would burst out, meandering like branches, and then rumbling. The dull thunder.

As if to dissipate the heat of these recent days, and as if to wash the vast sky, the rain flowing from the eaves turned into a fine rain curtain, but in just a few minutes, the ground outside the door was already there. There is a stream of rainwater.

The fresh water mist gathered and rose, leaving only a fresh coolness.

"heavy rain."

Some customers hurriedly came to Origin Mall and couldn't help feeling that the rain-stained shoes did not leave half marks on the floor of the store. Customers have already taken it off, and it’s the Origin Mall if they are not stained with dust. One of the characteristics.

But even so, Yao Ziyan would wipe the tables and chairs with a rag when he was idle on weekdays, just wanting to find something for himself.

It's raining.

Luochuan behind the counter supported his chin, quietly watching the rain flowing freely outside the store. The midsummer month is a rainy season. It can be considered to neutralize the heat caused by the recent sunny days. The next few days should be very hot. It's cool, maybe you can go outside when you have time.

In addition, Luochuan heard that Yuangui's small shop launched night barbecue.

He remembers that when the night barbecue was just launched, the weather changed once every time it was opened, and it was open for a few days in total. Luochuan now has a little doubt whether this is also a function of the will of the universe. The matter in this regard is It cannot be judged by common sense.

When Luochuan was in a daze, two figures walked through the rain screen and came to the store. They did not stick to the dripping water. If you want to come, the strength should be very good. The cultivator in the realm of good fortune has already been able to release spiritual power, but they want to put the soles of their shoes. It is somewhat difficult to use spiritual protection.

Ji Wuhui and Bu Cangqiong are still going to come to the Origin Mall to have a look. The information on the magic phone is always to be seen in person.

Even if it rains heavily, the number of customers in the store is still a lot more than in the past. I think they come because of the DVD. Most people should be just as unsuccessful as they are. Some customers hold more than magic. There are a lot of light blue flake crystals on the phone, which is a limited edition "DVD".

These lucky customers naturally attracted the envy of Tao Dao.

"Boss, are there only so many DVDs?" Ji Wuhui finally came to the counter after wandering around the store for two times.

Luo Chuan felt that this question seemed to have been asked earlier, and it was the boss's responsibility to answer the doubts of the customers, so this should not be the number of words.

"There are 2333 copies in total. If you want to buy it, come early tomorrow." Luo Chuan replied, "Any other things?"

As the emperor of the Sky Star Empire, Ji Wuhui wanted a DVD to be very simple, and it was definitely not for this purpose to come to him.

It’s not surprising that Luochuan guessed that he came from Ji Wugui, and looked a lot more serious: "I think movies should not be just for the customers of Origin Mall, this kind of thing should be watched and appreciated by more people, and Including ordinary people."

Originally, Ji Wuhui didn’t want to take care of these things. The boss did what he wanted. But because of the DVD business, he came to Origin Mall, and based on the principle that everything came, he simply shared his thoughts with Luochuan. Say something.

Luochuan felt that Ji Wuhui was a good emperor.

Although he often goes out of court, likes to read novels, and has recently become more hobby of playing mahjong, he is still a good emperor.

In the Tianlan Continent, a world where strength is respected, the ordinary people are considered, coupled with the previous cleansing of Jiuyao City and the entire Star Empire, the ability to accept new things is very strong, and it has always led the Star Empire on the front line of reform. , Such as traffic trains, news broadcasts, new inventions of Tianji Pavilion...

In conclusion, in Luochuan's view, Ji Wuhui is a good emperor.

"I did think about this issue." Luo Chuan nodded, his expression still calm, of course it is different from Yuan Gui's facial paralysis (accidentally complained about Boss Yuan again), "but I want to hear your comments on this one. Any suggestions for things."

"My suggestion?" Ji Wuhui should have thought about this question, and then gave the answer after hesitating a little. "The video playback equipment that the boss first built in Qichuan before is now installed in many cities in the Star Empire. I think It can be watched by the public in the form of timed broadcast."

After speaking, Ji Wuhui closed his mouth and waited for Luo Chuan's words. Anyway, it didn't matter what he said, and Luo Chuan decided in the end.

It can only be said that it is indeed the Star Empire, the efficiency of work is rapid.

Luo Chuan sighed a little in his heart, but he didn't agree with Ji Wuhui's suggestion. He is a boss, so he should make money as the first principle (Well, you should listen to it seriously), and Ji Wuhui said The ones are purely charitable acts.

What's more, he wants to open up an era that belongs to movies. Naturally, he cannot let the general public have the preconceived notion that "movies are free to watch", otherwise the movie industry may completely become a power generation or pure hobby.

"Good idea." Luo Chuan drank a coke, but the following words made Ji Wugui helplessly laugh, "but I don't agree."

"What's the boss's opinion?" Ji Wuhui asked.

"Does the movie theater in the weapon sales space know?" Luo Chuan's voice changed.

Ji Wuhui easily understood what Luo Chuan wanted to say, and his expression seemed a little surprised: "The boss meant..."

"Yes, it's the movie theater." Luochuan snapped his fingers lightly. "The movie will naturally be played in the movie theater. If you want to watch it, you need to buy tickets. Movies are not free."

"But ordinary people can't afford Shilingjing movie tickets." Ji Wuhui reminded.

"Who told you that the movie ticket requires Ten Spirit Crystals?" Luo Chuan glanced at Ji Wuhui. "The movies of Origin Mall are special and have the same effect as cultivation. The ordinary people don't need this, so the price is... What do you think the price should be?"

Luo Chuan actually didn't know much about the currency system of the Star Empire. After all, he rarely went out on weekdays, and he basically paid for it when buying things.

Hmm... Something seems to be wrong.

Ji Wuhui's expression looked a little excited. The Emperor of the Sky Star Empire never seemed to have a so-called emperor's attitude in front of Luochuan: "Copper coins...No, no, it's a bit cheap. It's better to use silver coins directly. The price of a silver coin should be most suitable.

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