Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1862: Your hairstyle is very dangerous

In the teahouse, many tea customers quietly listened to the stories of the storyteller, and the cooling array kept the temperature in a cool and pleasant range, which made people not want to leave at all.

The sun was scorching outside the window, and most of the few pedestrians on the street walked in a hurry. Even the animals looked for a cool place and waited for the hottest time to pass.

"how do you feel?"

Ji Wuhui sips the herbal tea provided by the teahouse on the second floor of the elegant seat of the teahouse. The taste is naturally not as good as his colorful moonlight tea, but it does not need to be tasted to quench his thirst.

Bu Cang Qiong sitting on the other side of the tea table was still in the signature red robe, and his eyes remained fixed on the storyteller under the stands. The existence of a certain formation made his voice clear to the second floor lounge.

He has stayed in Jiuyao City since the Star Empire and the Huoyuan Empire signed a peace agreement.

At the beginning, he would do things from time to time, such as inspecting the army and personally training, but since the completion of his tasks in the transportation network plan, he has entered the retirement stage at the same time.

Daily life is also very simple, playing cards, playing mahjong, and going to Origin Mall if you are interested.

He is now a loyal customer of Origin Mall.

There is no battlefield in the Star Empire, and endless disputes still exist in the virtual world. In the world of Koror, his identity is a mercenary. The mercenary team composed of generals and generals under his command has already established a reputation.

Bu Cangqiong also took a sip of the herbal tea and nodded gently: "It's okay. After all, the movie tickets of Origin Mall Shilingjing are not affordable for ordinary people."

Ji Wuhui smiled, listening to the storyteller's words.

"...Speaking of the World Security Council, their mission is to maintain world peace. Although Kira's appearance reduced the crime rate in the world, it violated the rules they established..."

Hearing this, Ji Wuhui couldn't help laughing.

"What is your Majesty laughing at?"

"In the final analysis, the world in the film shot by the boss is not much different from Tianlan Continent. The rules are established by the strong, it's just a different approach."

Bu Cangqiong felt that he shouldn't speak at this time.

In order to rule the army, the political issues of these countries have nothing to do with him—at least for the time being, just leave it to Ji Wuhui and his courtiers to solve them.

In fact, the courts of the Star Empire did not accurately divide the civil and military divisions.

Because of the foundation of the whole country, in essence, Ji Wuhui's own strength played a key role. When the emperor's strength is strong enough, as long as there is no problem in his mind, he will not be stumbling.

There used to be jumpers, but they were all pinched to death by Ji Wuhui.

"The movie is different from other products in the Origin Mall. Would you say that the boss will take the ordinary people into consideration?" After a while, Ji Wuhui had a new question.

"This, the boss should consider it." Bu Cangqiong's understanding of Luochuan is not much different from that of ordinary customers. "I just don't know what method the boss will use."

"Do you remember the image projection panels installed in Jiuyao City?" Ji Wuhui put down the teacup. "I think the boss may have considered this issue a long time ago. Of course, it is also possible to use other methods, such as projection light screens. Set one in one place."

"Maybe you can ask the boss." Bu Cangqiong said.

"Forget it, this little thing is not worth it." Ji Wuhui waved his hand, "Anyway, I'll know at that time. It has been so long since the premiere of the movie, the boss should have considered this matter."

Origin Mall.

Luochuan couldn't sleep during a nap. After lying on the bed for a while, he went downstairs, looking at the monster Ziyan with a weird expression. The latter is actually the same on weekdays. The ordinary white dress is decorated with sea-blue ribbons. The limbs are slender and the curves are soft.

Luo Chuan didn't care about these, mainly the hairstyle of the demon Ziyan, the long dark purple hair that was waist-length was simply **** and dropped from the right side of the chest, looking a little more gentle and graceful.

Girl, your hairstyle is very dangerous.

Yao Ziyan, who was looking at the magic phone, noticed Luo Chuan's gaze, and looked down at herself subconsciously, but found nothing unusual: "Why look at me like this? There is something on my body?"

Luo Chuan coughed softly, and also sat on the sofa: "Cough, no, but I was a little surprised to see you changed your hairstyle."

Yao Ziyan grabbed the hair on her chest: "It's mainly that simple, I usually don't bother to take care of it and just throw it away, Luochuan, you don't know."

Too lazy to take care of...

Luo Chuan felt that Yao Ziyan had been assimilated by him.

"Isn't there magic?" Luo Chuan couldn't help asking.

Magic and spells are very convenient things. If you are too lazy to do certain things in daily life, it can help a lot. At least Luochuan thinks so, but he rarely uses them. After all, life depends on these things. Time is okay, it’s boring to be long.

This is the conclusion he reached through personal verification.

"Trouble." Yao Ziyan's answer was very simple, "and isn't this also good?"

The purple eyes showed a curious look, and he didn't understand why Luo Chuan had to struggle with the issue of hairstyle.

It seemed that the girl had been completely assimilated, and Luo Chuan had such thoughts in his mind.

"It's better not to use this hairstyle." Luo Chuan added.

Yao Ziyan tilted her head. She was actually used to Luochuan's weird words that would pop out from time to time. Seeing that he didn't explain in detail, she didn't ask much. According to her guess, she thought Luochuan had once. The customs of a certain world visited.

Untied his hair, shook his head, waist-length purple long hair pouring down like a waterfall, glowing with a mysterious brilliance, Luochuan is most familiar with this image of Yao Ziyan.

"Is it all right now?"

Yao Ziyan blanked Luo Chuan's eyes and picked up the magic phone next to her. She was writing a novel just now, and was cut off by Luo Chuan's confusion.

Comfortable now.

Luo Chuan also took out the magic phone and looked at it at will.

"Eh, Luochuan."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Didn't you say that you want to launch physical goods for the movie? It's been so long, so you won't forget it again?"

"...Of course I didn't forget!"

"Luochuan, did you hesitate just now?"

"No, you are wrong."

Luo Chuan certainly would not admit that, as the owner of Origin Mall, it is a necessary duty to keep the development of the store in mind as the first priority. He has always pursued this, and seeking truth from facts is also one of his many advantages.

Yao Ziyan nodded amusedly: "Is that right, I should have read it wrong. Looking forward to the physical goods of the movie, remember to leave a copy for me."

"Of course I won't forget you."

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