Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1850: Great Scientist Yueling

In Chen Yiyi’s view, Yueling’s room is only messy. All kinds of **** and things that look like **** are piled up everywhere, and there is no place to go down—not an exaggeration. literal meaning.

And many of these "garbage" are inscribed with mysterious inscriptions that Chen Yiyi can't understand at all. The energy is concentrated and flowing inside, so she has no doubt that she only needs appropriate external stimuli—similar to a gentle tap—will "bang". The sound turned into a brilliant firework.

Chen Yiyi can't really imagine how Yueling lived in such a room full of explosives for so long, but when he thinks of the latter's cultivation level of asking Dao realm, it is not so difficult to accept. Perhaps this is another matter. In a sense, the art is bold.

Chen Yiyi struggled to find the place to go. Relatively speaking, Yueling was much more casual. When he encountered something blocking the way, he kicked it away. Chen Yiyi felt that there must be cold sweat on his forehead now, so it can't be used without exploding. Do you judge by common sense?

"I forgot to ask just now, why are you looking for me?" Yueling sat on the sofa casually. This may be the only place in the room that was still neat.

Chen Yiyi also sat down, and at the same time took the fruit that Yueling handed over: "Uh, I haven't seen you for a long time. Come and see, Sister Yueling, are you busy making something?"

Chen Yiyi naturally knows Yueling’s position in the Tianji Pavilion. It can be seen from Wen Tianji’s involvement in the company. It is possible for Yueling to work on it for such a long time. Chen Yiyi really can’t imagine what it is. It may be specially made by Master. The task explained?

Mentioning this topic, Chen Yiyi keenly noticed that the lazy girl in front of him seemed to have instantly changed herself.

"Do you know the nature of the world?"

Yue Ling sat up, suddenly approached Chen Yiyi, and stared at her eyes closely, her delicate face showed no unnecessary expressions, her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to peek into her heart directly.

Chen Yiyi couldn't help swallowing, she was a little nervous when she was stared at by Yue Ling, but her thoughts turned quickly, and her inspiration suddenly appeared: "Information, didn't the boss say before? The essence of the world is actually information. It is the result of information description."

Yue Ling sat back again, and nodded gently: "That's correct, but this is not what I asked."

"Huh?" Chen Yiyi tilted his head, waiting for Yue Ling's next words.

"The world we live in—that is, Tianlan Continent is filled with all kinds of energies. As for the concept of what the world is the universe that the boss said, put it aside. The spiritual power of these energies is only a part of it, and they are filled with Everywhere in the world, belonging to Tianlan Continent...'natural phenomenon'."

"Hmm..." Chen Yiyi still didn't speak. Yue Ling's words were not difficult to understand. The meaning was very simple, but she had already guessed what Yue Ling said next.

"Spiritual power, not just spiritual power, but also those various types of energy, what is their essence?" Yueling said the last words.

Chen Yiyi: "..."

Yueling’s question is actually similar to “what is light?” The human civilization on the earth has not figured out the answer to this question for hundreds of years. This is equivalent to inferring the essence by nature, "wave-particle duality" "It's just a form of expression at the micro level. It can only be expressed by formulas. Any imaginary form does not conform to reality, or the essence of authenticity cannot be verified. No one knows what it is. This concept similar to truth has long gone beyond The category of science.

"Uh, spiritual power is not spiritual power." Chen Yiyi muttered, but still seriously pondered the question raised by Yueling.

Yue Ling was not in a hurry, and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, Chen Yiyi finally finished her contemplation, she shook her head somewhat dejectedly: "I don't know, I can't guess, Sister Yueling, is this the task that Master gave you?"

"No, I thought of it myself." Yue Ling said.

"Then Yueling sister, do you know the answer?" Chen Yiyi ate the last fruit into his mouth and looked at Yueling curiously. In her heart, Yueling was almost synonymous with omnipotence.

"I don't know the answer, but there are related speculations." Yueling seems to be organizing the words in his heart. "According to my speculation, whether spiritual power, magic power or other types of energy, in fact, it is not in essence. There is no difference, it can even be said to be the same thing."

"Huh?!" Chen Yiyi suddenly opened his eyes, and was surprised by Yue Ling's words. The nature of the various energies is actually the same? This has begun to challenge her worldview.

Yueling didn’t care about Chen Yiyi’s reaction. She knew the amazingness of her speculation. Fortunately, Tianlan Continent believed in freedom of speech-to some extent-mentioning her own thoughts was not a big problem, no one. Manageable.

"Different types of energy are actually the result of different manifestations of a certain'primitive matter'." Yue Ling said her own conclusion.

The reason for her exploration of the nature of energy is actually because of the conversation with Luochuan some time ago and the traces left by the explosion in the Jiuyao Mountains. According to the boss’s description, the material there has been “deleted”, and the desire for knowledge has made She wants to know the answer to the question, in short, "I'm curious".

Curiosity is a necessary condition for the development of civilization, and all kinds of great discoveries and inventions appear on the basis of curiosity.

Chen Yiyi thought about it for a while, and then took a breath-she didn't know why she wanted to do this, but she felt a bit unreasonable if she didn't do something at this time, and it seemed that she was very illiterate.

"Do you understand it?" Yueling asked Chen Yiyi amusedly.

"I don't understand much." Chen Yiyi answered honestly.

Yueling stretched her waist and gave Chen Yiyi a white look: "I know, it's normal if you don't understand it. These are all my guesses. Whether the facts are like this or not, I have been working on this these days, but So far, there is still no clue, and there is no way to prove it at all."

"Can you just ask the boss directly?" Chen Yiyi asked subconsciously.

"Do you think the boss knows?" Yueling lay on the sofa, grabbing a piece of fruit and gnawing at it, "And even if the boss knows, do you think he will tell me directly?"

Chen Yiyi thought for a while, and felt that what Yueling said made sense.

To be honest, even if she has known each other for so long, she does not know much about Luochuan than other customers. The boss who eats together and waits to die, this kind of personality is almost a common impression in everyone’s mind. As for the other information, I am afraid that there are only demons. Only then did Ziyan know.

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