Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1831: Yueling’s Great Discovery

Luo Chuan returned to the room eating the black pepper beef tenderloin flavored fruit. When he took a nap, he threw the magic phone next to the pillow, picked it up and put it in his pocket, and glanced out the window by the way.

Hmm... It seems to be a lot of fun.

Luo Chuan felt that it was not his own illusion. The number of pedestrians on the street outside was obviously a bit abnormal, and most of them were cultivators. It seemed that the movement caused by movies and new products was greater than he had imagined.

It seems that today's turnover should be able to set a record.

With this thought in his mind, Luo Chuan came downstairs in a hurry. When he was upstairs just now, he heard the conversation, thinking that it should be those familiar customers. Origins Mall did not prohibit entering the store during non-business hours. It’s just a habit that customers leave on time.

Except for the time to sleep at night, staying in the Origin Mall Luochuan will not drive people, but the problem of food needs to be solved by yourself.

"Boss boss."

Seeing Luochuan appear, Yao Ziyue greeted Luochuan happily. Although she didn't know why she was happy, she was very happy. Luochuan didn't seem to have seen this girl when she was unhappy.

In addition to Yao Ziyue, there are also Qingyin, Wei Qingzhu, An Weiya and others, all girls, who are now forming two tables and rubbing mahjong. The crisp sound of collision and pleasant speech never ceases.

Yao Ziyan is also involved.

Luo Chuan looked at the scene in front of him and began to reflect on whether he had made the right decision to take out Mahjong. Judging from the current situation, Mahjong is more popular than Doudizhu among female customers.

"Ah, I lost again." An Weiya sighed and divided the snacks in front of her to Yao Ziyan.

"How many times has Ziyan won?" Yuwei asked with a smile.

"Only three times." Yao Ziyan smiled and accepted his trophy.

With a faint smile on the corners of the voiceless mouth, she didn't speak. Judging from her expression, she was in a good mood.

Qingyin's impression of Luochuan is the kind of fairy in white who does not eat the fireworks. Even if he sits there and plays mahjong, he still has a sense of being cold from a high place.

"Why did you come so early?" Luo Chuan yawned, and he didn't sleep long for his nap.

"Anyway, it's okay to come here early." An Weiya said casually, and touched another card, "And it's too hot outside, it's the coolest in the owner's shop, and you can play Mahjong."

Very good, for good reason.

Luo Chuan's gaze shifted to Yue Ling, who was fighting against the landlord Chen Yiyi and Bai Yu. It was a long time since I saw this girl, and I don't know what she is up to now. Luo Chuan still wonders if she remembers worshipping the cult leader of the moon. identity of.

"Wang Zhan!" Yue Ling played the last two cards, and immediately laughed happily, and at the same time noticed Luo Chuan's gaze, "Boss, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"Well, it's been a long time." Luo Chuan nodded, "What are you doing recently?"

"Busy making some fun things." Yueling said with a grin.

Something fun...

Luo Chuan felt that he should have guessed Yueling’s thoughts. To a certain extent, the girl in front of him who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old could be regarded as an explosive maniac in a certain sense, a weapon maniac, the explosion in the Jiuyao Mountains before. Events can clearly see these things.

"Boss, aren't you curious?" Yue Ling blinked, and Luo Chuan didn't continue to ask, which made her feel frustrated that the plan completely failed.

Yue Ling noticed that a little bit of helplessness appeared in Luo Chuan's eyes, and then casually pulled a chair to sit down: "Curious, I'm curious, so what is the fun thing you said?"

"It's so perfunctory..." Yue Ling murmured, but didn't pay much attention to it. "Hey, boss, do you remember the big hole I made in the Jiuyao Mountain Range before?"

"The time you tested the weapon?" Luo Chuan remembered it clearly, and it caused a lot of movement at that time.

"Yeah, that's it." Yue Ling nodded again and again, "I only recently discovered that the situation at the time seemed a bit wrong."

"Something's wrong?" Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows, "feel too little power?"

"What!" Yue Ling couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Boss, don't talk, just listen to me quietly, okay?"

Chen Yiyi and Bai Yu sat next to each other obediently, and did not join the conversation between them.

Luo Chuan nodded, expressing his understanding.

Yueling drank a large sip of the flower tea prepared by the monster Ziyan, and it seemed that she was recalling what happened before: "It's not what you said, the boss, on the contrary, I think the power is too powerful. Boss, do you know? Just a few days ago, I went to that place to take a closer look and verified my previous guess."

Having said that, Yue Ling breathed a sigh of relief, as if she could keep herself calm in this way: "Things in the explosion range were not torn or evaporated, but simply disappeared out of thin air!"

There was a silence for 4.5 seconds.

Chen Yiyi poked Bai Yu's arm and asked in a low voice, "Eh, do you understand?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "I don't understand, there is a difference between these two statements?"

Now the two of them felt like they were new students who had strayed into the big boss discussing the super-order formation, and they didn't understand what Yueling was talking about.

"Disappear out of thin air?" Luo Chuan repeated, and he succeeded in arousing interest.

"Yes." Yue Ling nodded, "I also calculated through the method of Tianji Pavilion, and the conclusion is not the slightest difference from the previous one. That part of the area seems to have never existed in this world."

"It was completely'deleted'?" Luo Chuan quickly thought of the reason for this situation.

"Delete?" Yue Ling blinked, not quite understanding Luo Chuan's words.

"The world is made of information." Luo Chuan pointed to the cup in Yueling's hand, "Like this, what do you think of its existence?"

"Huh?" Yue Ling's current state is no different from Chen Yiyi.

Luo Chuan feels it is necessary to spread the knowledge he knows. It may be because he was a lecturer at Lingyun College and never enjoyed himself: “The essence of this world is information. Everything can be understood as the expression of countless information. Used to describe, define, and prescribe changes and concepts, these things are intertwined to form an existence in reality."

"Oh, I know this, the boss said before." Yueling nodded, "I saw it on the magic phone."

"The cup in your hand contains information such as shape, material, temperature, color, location, history, future, concept, etc., so that it can be seen and used by you." Luochuan paused briefly, "Then the problem is. If you delete these attributes, what do you think will happen?"

Yue Ling gradually opened his eyes.

"Without the concepts of speed, quality, etc., it can only stay still in a certain area, and lose its shape, and it becomes an indescribable form... When all the attributes disappear, it means that it has completely disappeared in this world. "Luo Chuan felt that what he was talking about should not be difficult to understand, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it, you just need to know that the substance there is'deleted'."

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