There is a certain conceptual level of function in the lobby. No matter how many customers arrive, it can be greeted at the most appropriate level. Even if there are only single-digit audiences, it will not appear empty here. There are tens of thousands of customers in Origin Mall. The arrival will not appear crowded. The customers looked around in amazement. They have seen many “black technologies” of Origin Mall along the way, and they are still amazed.

In the noise, you will be seated one after another according to the position arranged by the magic phone. You don't need to worry about the bad position and viewing angle. You can watch in the most comfortable way regardless of the angle.

Makoto Shinkai sits in the corner. She likes this position and can think quietly. She put the popcorn she bought in the recess of the armrest of the seat. She didn't taste the first time. She was ready to experience the effect when she was ready to watch the movie. It was a poster designed by Yao Ziyan with the help of two back-to-back figures, Kira and L. The background was a pure black death note, creating a suspenseful atmosphere.

The entire hall is stepped, rows of seats continue to extend to the rear, and a bright white light curtain is spread out in front of it.

"Boss, the scheduled screening time is coming." Yao Ziyan said slightly in Luochuan's ear, turning sideways.

The two of them are in the rear side. Luo Chuan doesn’t like the place too far forward. Yao Ziyan is sitting next to him, surrounded by familiar faces. Next to him, Bai Yu and An Weiya are whispering and don’t know what to say. , Elena and Yao Ziyue behind are guessing when they will be playing, Frost in front of them is looking at the magic phone...

Luo Chuan gave a hum, and he was inevitably a little excited when sitting here, and then it was the moment when his work was validated by the audience, even if he had confidence in himself, the system, and every customer participating in the film. The heartbeat speeded up a bit.

Yao Ziyan noticed the change in Luochuan's mood, and turned his eyes slightly, pinched a popcorn from the paper tube and handed it to Luochuan's mouth: "Open your mouth."

Luo Chuan opened his mouth subconsciously. Before he could react, the sweet smell of cream filled his mouth. He turned his head to look, and Yao Ziyan also looked at him with a smile.

"Are you still eating?" Yao Ziyan pointed to the popcorn tube in his arms.

"I'll eat it later." Luo Chuan laughed, but the original nervousness didn't know when to calm down.

The demon Ziyue sitting at the back curled her lips with an expression of being fed, while Elena's eyes widened. The girl with long light gray hair is now full of gossip thoughts.

The music suddenly sounded, as if it was directly in everyone's ears.

The noise in the projection hall suddenly stopped, and the light curtain had already appeared on the screen. Two slender diamond-shaped crystals interlaced together to form a special cross emblem.

Customers are not unfamiliar with this logo. Every product sold in Origin Mall carries this logo, and related texts soon appear under the logo-Origin Movies and TV.

Everyone stopped talking, they knew that the movie had begun.

Xin Hai Chengzi raised her head and threw a few popcorns in her mouth.


Her eyes widened slightly, and she was successfully captured by the smell of popcorn. She knew that it was not the time for taste, and that her mental state had undergone a special change at this moment.

Makoto Shinkai has a strange feeling that her spirit has become completely controllable at this moment. This is the strengthening of mental concentration mentioned in the introduction, which can be used to achieve multi-tasking that is almost copying the soul. It is definitely not Things like those divine soul projections in Tianlan Continent can be compared.

Xin Hai Chengzi took a deep breath and calmed herself down. At this moment, her consciousness became two. One is used to pay attention to the movie all the time, and the other is used to record her own feelings on the magic phone, for her next step. Preparing for the filming of the film.

The logo of Origin Mall soon disappeared, and the film officially kicked off.

The bright white light curtain suddenly became dark and came to the dark clouds. A full moon hung in the night sky. The lines on the surface were clearly visible, with a faint red glimmer. In the next instant, the lens fell quickly, passing through the thick ink. Like clouds, dazzling thunders filled the entire screen, followed by heavy rains that filled the entire world.

In the dark night, torrential rain poured down, and countless lightnings continued to appear accompanied by dull roars. With that moment of light, the clouds were surging like living soft creatures, and the rain blurred the boundaries of heaven and earth, scouring the world wantonly.

The camera continues downward.

Light appeared in the dark world, like the shining galaxy in the night sky, countless buildings were illuminated by lights, and there were streams of light on the road, crisscrossing and stretching into the distance, those huge buildings floating in the air under the action of the formation were like giants. Standing quietly.

The metropolis of Tianlan Continent has the prosperity that is absolutely not inferior to the modern cities of the earth. In addition, those buildings that are not created by the earth civilization and have a strong mysterious atmosphere, merge with the noisy rainstorm, and are inexplicably desolate and desolate. weird.

The camera was rotated several times again, as if observing the city, and then, the black-covered notebook suddenly fell from the sky.

This is an extremely novel viewing experience for customers. It is by no means comparable to those videos on magic phones. The special shots alone have a not-simple feeling. Even if they don’t understand the principle, they still feel that Especially powerful.

The weird moon, the dark and turbulent clouds, the endless thunder, the torrential rain at midnight, the notebook that fell from the sky, everything seems to be haunting a special weird atmosphere, people can't help but look forward to what will happen next. what.

"That's the Reaper's notebook, right?"

"Death note, as long as the name is written on the opponent will die."

"I feel a little cold..."

There were whispers around, customers were talking about the plot of the movie in a low voice. Without affecting others, it doesn’t matter if you lower your voice and say a few words. The conversation quickly disappeared, and everyone’s attention was once again on the screen. The picture is attractive.

Makoto Shinkai feels that her perspective has become two, and her thinking is also divided into two, one is immersed in the content of the movie, and the other is calmly thinking and analyzing.

The camera turned suddenly, and it seemed that he had come to a certain room.

A table, a chair, and a lamp radiated the only light source in the dark room. A pair of nice hands placed a notebook on the table, then picked up the pen and wrote an unfamiliar name on it.

The picture changes.

The indifferent middle-aged man was surrounded by many reporter-like people, with an impatient look on his face, and various questions were constantly being asked, waiting for his answer.

"Excuse me, Mr. Qi Yuanming, what do you think of the enlistment of His Majesty the Emperor?"

"We heard that the tens of thousands of Lingjing in your home were obtained through informal channels. Is it true?"

"It is said that you are related to dozens of cases of missing children. Can you tell us the details..."

The middle-aged man was expressionless, and the guard tried his best to intercept the crowded crowd. It was of no avail. He answered the question in a flat tone.

"I have no opinion. It is my honour for your Majesty to recruit himself. All the spirits in the family are obtained from business, and I don't know about those cases..."

The middle-aged man suddenly covered his chest with a hideous expression, and made a vague sound in his mouth, as if he was suffering from extreme pain, suddenly fell to the ground, and after a few convulsions, he quickly lost his breath.

Continue to write names, continue to die.

Even if you don’t understand the movie, you can easily understand what you want to express. The person who is written in the notebook will die, and these dead people have common characteristics, they are burdened with sins and secular laws. But they can't go to trial, and they can continue to get away with it.

Xin Hai Chengzi blinked.

She participated in the filming of this part of the film. She remembered that she was watching the filming process by the side at the time, and what she saw now was a completely different feeling compared to it, with a stronger visual impact, and the picture seemed to contain something special. the power of.

"This is... the movie..." Xin Hai Chengzi whispered.

The most interesting thing about suspense movies is that it allows the audience who understands to have a superior IQ, and then converts it into the pleasure of watching movies. If the name is written, it will die. It is so easy to see.

In just a few minutes, the attention of all customers has been attracted to the past. Popcorn, Coke, and Sprite have all been ignored. Now they have been completely caught by the movie.

Just when they were looking forward to what would happen next, the sudden explosion suddenly tore apart the gloom.

It was a confrontation between two silhouettes, spiritual power shocked, countless trees collapsed, and pure white snow scattered, turning into hazy snow mist, covering most of the picture.

The message displayed by the battle is very simple. In this world, there are also extraordinary powers besides the death note.

Both of them seemed to be about to expand their moves. Suddenly, the energy of the black-robed man who looked like a villain became agitated, and his face turned red while holding his chest. After a few seconds, he fell to the ground, completely cut off his vitality.

This also shows another message that the extraordinary power of the movie world is far from the level of Tianlan Continent.

"Isn't that Captain Xia?" Someone recognized the silver armor man's actual identity.

"The other seems to be Tang City Lord!" Tang Yi's identity was also recognized by the customers.

Tang Yi and Xia Xiayu are also sitting here. They heard these conversations easily with their cultivation. They felt a little inexplicable. They wanted to tell these ignorant customers: more than twenty times! Twenty times! Do you know how it was taken over twenty times!

Xin Hai Chengzi continued to record her thoughts on the magic phone.

The picture naturally cuts to a campus. The students are bustling, clean campus, and various fantasy world-style buildings. Many students gathered to discuss the Kira incident. Some agreed and some opposed.

This was filmed at Lingyun College, Xin Hai Chengzi did not participate in the content of this part, and felt strange and novel.

The scenery of Lingyun College is very good. The Lanzhou Bridge, the Green Tree Pavilion, and various towering buildings are located everywhere in a special plan. It is almost a city in another sense, but it is younger. Full of youthful vitality.

The change in style even gave many customers the illusion of forgetting the dark scene just now.

Then the camera zoomed in to a fairly large building, which seemed to be a place for students to engage in sports activities. The interior was divided into different areas by tall walls. Sunlight spilled from the transparent dome, shimmering like water. , There is no feeling of darkness at all.

The sound of table tennis echoed in the empty hall, and the sound of conversation and footsteps was faint, as if coming from a long distance.

A girl in casual clothes, with her long hair tied into a ponytail, full of youthful beauty, holding a ping-pong racket, waiting for her opponent's serve with all her heart, no one would put such a beautiful girl and the wanton killer in front of him. Pull together.

"Catch the ball!"

The girl who was the opponent shouted softly. Compared with the girl opposite, she was a little more quirky. Her bright eyes turned, and she slapped the ping pong ball out of her hand with a slap, completely opposite to the direction her eyes were looking at. The girl seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and caught it easily.

After playing the ball, the two girls sat in the chairs to rest and drank the drinks they had just purchased.

"Yue, how can you guess where I serve every time?"

"Because I understand your character."

"Um... not fair!"

The two talked casually, like a relationship between good girlfriends, but with a faint difference. Xin Hai Chengzi stared at the screen closely. She had previously thought of letting Gu Yunxi and Jiang Wanshang be the two heroines in her movie. , Now this idea is a lot firmer.

"Wan Chang Wan Chang, it's the two of us." Gu Yunxi and Jiang Wan Chang were sitting in the front position, holding the latter's arm excitedly, looking very excited.

"Yeah, I saw it." Jiang Wanshang replied casually.

"I look so beautiful. Mom and Dad have gone back long ago. They didn't have a chance to see the premiere of the movie. It's really bad luck." Gu Yunxi muttered, "Ah, you are also very cute Wanchang."

Jiang Wanchang squeezed Gu Yunxi's cheek amusedly, and told her to keep quiet and not disturb others, and continue to follow the progress of the movie.

The conversation between Yue and Shiori continued. From Yue’s dream to the recently circulated Kira, Yue expressed his approval for Kira’s behavior. The law was never perfect. Someone needed to fill the loopholes, and Kira did what Kira did. It was this matter, Shiori felt that Kira was just a murderer.

The two views are also different views that customers will have when they see this place, but now the movie has just kicked off, and the dead are all murderous criminals, so most customers are standing by "Kira". By the way, another reason should be that Kira is too cute.

Xin Hai Chengzi recorded information on the magic phone.

[Using the environment... to point out from the side, without directly pointing out... the verbal actions of supporting actors, the changes in light and shadow, the transition of light and dark...]

The chaotic words, some of which were just the thoughts that suddenly appeared in Xin Hai Chengzi's heart, were all recorded by her consciousness, and might be able to help her in the future.

Above the light curtain, the quarrel between the two girls was naturally fruitless. One side supported Kira and the other opposed Kira. A few small chats made the identities of the two clearly clear.

Ye Shenyue, a genius girl, has passed the law exam and will join the World Security Department, Shiori, and Ye Shenyue's classmates in the future. The relationship between the two seems to be more than just ordinary friends.

"Kira is the **** of justice."

"To call him a **** is an exaggeration. Criminals should be punished by law."

"If I had Kira's ability, I would do the same."

"No, because you want to change the world, so you learn the law."

"But the law has limits."

"Everything has limits..."

Above the light curtain, Yue and Shizhi, played by Jiang Wanshang and Gu Yunxi, were arguing. Luo Chuan threw a few popcorn in his mouth. Hearing this, I felt a little strange.

Of course everything has limits, and humans also have limits, unless they surpass humans, so...I am not a human being!

Shaking his head, put this weird scene aside.

"Luochuan, what's the matter?" Yao Ziyan noticed the change in Luochuan's expression and asked in a low voice with concern. She thought it was Luochuan who discovered the flaw in the movie.

"Nothing." Luo Chuan shook his head, "Think of something happy, let's watch a movie."

Yao Ziyan couldn't help rolling his eyes. It was a happy thing again. How many times have you used this excuse? Forget it, the boss is just happy, she is just a clerk and can't control so much.

The plot continues to progress.

In the conversation between the two of them, the narrative method was used to tell the story of Yue obtaining the death note, as well as a certain thing that he saw before obtaining the death note, and the criminal's words were extremely arrogant.

"No one can convict me!"

The purpose of this paragraph is mainly to explain the reason why Yue did it, and of course it was also to show Yue’s own character, and then hurriedly broke into the rain curtain, accidentally picked up the black cover notebook, it just lay quietly on the ground. , Now waiting for the arrival of the month.

Corresponds to the scene at the beginning.

It's still a normal routine. When the criminal who wrote his name in his notebook on a whim while watching the news died inexplicably that month, he finally noticed something weird. This notebook really has the power to manipulate the lives of others.

Snow flakes are constantly falling from the sky, and the night sky is dark like thick ink. From time to time, cold wind blows from the end of the street, blowing down the snow on the tops of nearby buildings, and casting a large curtain on the street. Only the street lamp still emits a consistent yellow light.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from the end of the street, and the girl ran, seeming to have something incomprehensible to her, she seemed to feel tired, and finally stopped, breathing in the cold air, and then, the hideous **** of death descended from the sky.

Suddenly bursts of exclamation sounded in the hall. It seemed that the image of the **** of death had brought them a great impact. Elena is now in a human form, but at this time she still can't help but have the thought of wagging her tail. The role she played.

Then, there was the conversation between the **** of death and the moon.

Luo Chuan remembered that when shooting this scene, Xuan Que was scared to tears by the inexplicable soul lock. Now the latter is quietly staying in the codeword in the system space, and has completely accepted his current destiny. Very happy.

By the way, this plot didn't feel suitable for Luochuan, but it was modified again. Yue saw that the **** of death reacted more calmly, so as to fit the personality of a genius girl and the setting of the existence of extraordinary power in the world.

Yue watched the disappearing figure of the **** of death, and the snowflakes stuck to her long hair, her eyes were as black as ink, reflecting the dim street lights, reflecting the hazy city in the snow, at this moment, the sinner in control Kira, alive and dead, appeared.

Or maybe Kira was sleeping deep in her heart, but now she is just being awakened.

The movie is still going on.

In the eyes of others, Yue is gentle, graceful, and elegant, but has a firm mind on things, but when she incarnates Kira, she is cold, indifferent, and ruthless, and it feels like she is performing everything she does. Feelings towards Shiori, attitude towards family, and relationship towards classmates.

The mask concealed her true appearance.

The customers who watched the movie kept their eyes on it. This was the first time they came into contact with this kind of thing called movie. At the beginning, they were mostly exploring and curious, but now they are all immersed in the plot of the movie.

From the perspective of God, they can clearly see that the moon is Kira, but the moon in the movie hides these things very well, discusses with Shiori whether Kira is correct, and expresses to her parents that they are right about Kira. Attitude, and get along well with classmates.

In a blink of an eye, all the headquarters investigators were killed.

In an intriguing movie, she presents two completely different levels. It is no exaggeration to say that the first half of the whole movie is a one-man show by Yue. I believe that many customers will also be influenced by her philosophy. Attract, what Kira does is justice.

I will judge those who cannot be judged by the law, and I will punish those who cannot be sanctioned by justice!

The black and white world only exists in pure fantasy, just as light and darkness always coexist, there must be darkness where there is light, and the more light, darkness will also breed.

The thoughts expressed in the death note are also very simple. Kira, who builds a world of absolute justice with absolute power, and L, who represents the will of mortals, are all fulfilling what they think of as justice.

In fact, according to the original plot, the second L will definitely win the final victory, and Kira can only act as a villain after all.

The little monster will one day be killed by Ultraman, who represents justice.

Luo Chuan didn't like the second part of the original work very much. In addition, the plot of the filming has undergone a lot of revisions, various deletions and deletions, and the idea that his own inspiration appeared in a flash, continuing the original first. The second part is simply impossible.

Moreover, in his opinion, must the two concepts in the film be distinguished from right and wrong? The answer to the question is best for the customers to think about, but in fact, to a certain extent, what he recognizes more is Yue's behavior. Facts are facts, and the law is never perfect.

Because of this, Luochuan is not ready to launch a follow-up story for the time being... well, the main reason is actually because of laziness...

The movie continues.

Kira's behavior continues, but even if there are extraordinary powers in this world, it will not help at all. The two are not the same concept at all. There is no need to do it yourself. The whole world is constantly dying of criminals. How can this be investigated? There is no way to start.

Finally, the mysterious character code-named L appeared, and a formal investigation began. Through various detailed reasoning, Kira’s true identity in the real world was determined step by step. Yue has been performing his justice from beginning to end, using death. The notes punish the criminals while protecting themselves.

As the plot progresses, various death note rules have appeared one after another. According to popular discourse, it is attribute expansion in a certain sense, that is, the perfection and... collapse of the power system. Fortunately, Luochuan clearly understands it. This point just illustrates a few of the more important ones.

As for deleting all those complicated and useless, let the customers make up for themselves. When they realize this, they will definitely feel that the second part will complete these doubts. As for when the second part will appear, Luochuan I think I can only do whatever it takes.

Listening to L's reasoning, Xin Hai Chengzi couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly. It sounded a bit complicated, but after understanding it, he would be amazed by the cloud. It turns out that it can still be like this.

The reactions of other customers were similar to hers, with low voices constantly rang out.

"Although I don't understand, I feel so good."

"Hey, is this the strength of L? It's terrifying, worthy of being Yue's opponent!"

"Do you think L's reasoning method is a bit familiar? It's Mr. Holmes's style."

"Yeah, how do I feel like I've seen it somewhere..."

The two completely different works had a subtle intersection at this time. Luo Chuan didn't know what to say when he heard the whispers around him. He really didn't think so much.

"Boss boss." The demon Ziyue sitting behind poked Luo Chuan's back, "Does Holmes have something to do with L? They both look like."

"The style is similar, but there is no connection in the story." Luo Chuan thought for a while and added, "There is no connection for the time being."

Perhaps at some point in the future, he had some inspiration on a whim. It is not necessarily the connection between Death Note and Holmes. After all, there are extraordinary powers in the two worlds, and it is reasonable to pass through.

Yao Ziyue wrinkled her nose, apparently not satisfied with Luo Chuan's words.

But now is not the time to dispute this, her attention is once again attracted by the picture on the light curtain, and the concentration ability brought by popcorn can be completely controlled by herself.

The plot unfolded slowly. When the housekeeper played by Luochuan and L played by Yao Ziyan appeared on the light screen, the whole hall suddenly rang out with low laughter from customers, and the visual impact was too great.

"Well, I regret it." Yao Ziyan buried his face on Luo Chuan's shoulder, and a muffled voice sounded from her mouth.

Luo Chuan was a little funny, but still tried to maintain his expression: "I feel that your image is also good, usually...well, I won't say it."

Luo Chuan closed his mouth wittily when he was bitten by the monster Ziyan on his shoulder.

Because of the deaths of all the members of the headquarters, Yue, one of the characters under investigation, became the subject of suspicion. He knew that there were cameras in every corner of the house, but he still wanted to live normally without noticing it.

This is not enough, let Kira execute justice!

Although Kira and L cannot see each other in the confrontation, they have already regarded each other as their opponents. The customers are also very excited when watching the movie. The movie can convey the power of emotions.

Several light curtains showed the state of the month almost without blind spots. L and several members of the law enforcement department were watching closely, for fear of missing something. At this time, news about criminals was being broadcast.

Yue is writing homework while watching the news. This is a habit that she has developed a long time ago. From time to time, she takes a piece of potato chips from the bag on the table and sends it to the import. She does not know the news that is being broadcast.

In the process, the **** of death, who can only be seen by Yue, is still yelling: "Apple, give me an apple, I want to eat an apple..."

The whole scene was indescribably weird and absurd, and then the news announced that the criminal had died suddenly.

"Hey, Ryugasaki, that's enough, Yue is not Kira, didn't she do nothing during the whole process?" Some team members couldn't help but say.

L, played by Yao Ziyan, didn't seem to hear the sound in his ears, and stared at Yue on the light curtain without blinking. To be precise, it was the package of potato chips on Yue's hand.

The doubts of customers sounded in the lobby.

"What's the matter? Isn't the death note only a name to kill?"

"Could it be that another note appeared."

"I feel that Yue should have concealed everything from everyone..."

Everyone’s doubts were quickly answered, the camera gradually zoomed in, and the scene in the potato chip bag was presented in front of everyone. Many people immediately took a breath, the miniature projection device, and the torn paper from the death note. , The crooked name is written on it, it is the name of the criminal in the live broadcast!

[Lazy to score a chapter]

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