Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1813: Although I don’t understand, I was shocked

Luo Chuan was thinking about Yao Ziyan's words. He had never thought about it in this direction. He just took it for granted. A large number of the same and similar races, does this reflect some kind of information?

There was even a bolder guess in Luo Chuan's mind, whether there is a special "mapping relationship between the two different worlds? Or one of them is a "mirror system" or a modified "backup"?

However, in the absence of information, all speculations are ultimately just speculations. Luochuan also knows that most of the speculations produced by his brain explosion are unsteady. Perhaps the system should know the truth, but that guy has always been very strict. It is temporarily impossible to get the answer from there.

Luo Chuan didn't care about it. Anyway, it wasn't necessary information. There is no difference between knowing and not knowing.

Countless thoughts flashed in Luo Chuan's heart, and finally shook his head: "I don't know, there may be a connection, or it may be just a coincidence. After all, because of some special factors, in fact, most of the world's intelligent race types are the same. ."

"Why?" Yao Ziyan was a little curious.

"This involves historical factors." Luo Chuan digested the part of the information the system had just transmitted to him, and then suddenly asked Yao Ziyan a question that seemed to be irrelevant to the topic of discussion, "You know the world. What is the essence?"

"Huh?" Yao Ziyan didn't follow Luochuan's thoughts for a while, but she still tried to think about the other party's words. Maybe someone in this world thought about the same question, maybe got a certain answer, but it never spread. , Gradually disappeared in the long river of years over time.

"Should be various laws?" Yao Ziyan quickly gave the answer.

"It's very close to the correct answer." Luo Chuan, who was tasting the ale, nodded.

Yao Ziyan didn't speak, waiting for Luo Chuan's next words, she felt that the other party would not only say half of this topic.

"Information." Luo Chuan did not sell it. "The essence of the world is actually constituted by information. The law you mentioned is actually a kind of information, similar to a certain kind of logic library running at the bottom that supports the world. Normal operation."

Yao Ziyan nodded slightly, she remembered that Luo Chuan had said this before.

Luo Chuan said it is more and more rising: "The world is a logically self-consistent closed system, and everything contained in it is actually just the embodiment of information, speed, gravity, temperature, spiritual power, weight, time, space... you Any well-known concept is the result of information description."

Yao Ziyan didn’t understand it at all. After living with Luochuan for so long, the latter’s strange thoughts had already affected her, she said in deep thought, “In other words, in essence, Look, there is not much difference between a cultivator and an ordinary person, right?"

"Yes." Luo Chuan nodded. "The biggest difference between them is the ‘parameter’ representing combat effectiveness. The overall amount of information is still the same."

Yao Ziyan was trying to digest Luo Chuan's words, and suddenly raised her head and looked around. She finally noticed the weird scene in the tavern. The noisy conversation had completely disappeared at some point. Everyone turned their attention to them, not only Dwarves also include a small number of other races.

"Eh, do you understand?" A dwarf asked toward his companion. Even if he deliberately lowered his voice, his loud voice was still similar to ordinary people talking loudly.

"What is that human talking about?" The dwarf companion scratched his hair, looking confused.

A human mage in the tavern opened his mouth as if he wanted to refute, but in the end he didn't say anything, because he suddenly found that he couldn't find a refutation at all with his own knowledge.

Every wizard is a knowledgeable scholar. Their longing for new knowledge is difficult for ordinary people to understand. They look at problems from a practical perspective and only believe in real evidence. The wizards are also the group that can accept new things the most. This is because Bored to come to the tavern to relax in the evening, the strange human mage was shocked.

The silence in the tavern did not last long, and the noisy voices reappeared, and most of the guests looked at the position by the window from time to time.

"Eh, is that the result of your research?" Anno asked curiously when he came to Luochuan. Now the latter's identity is a free wizard who travels all over the mainland, so it seems to her that Luochuan's words are strange. , But it belongs to the normal category.

Because many wizards are weird.

"You can think so." Luochuan Huyou's skills have already reached the max level, and he nodded without changing his face.

"Although I don't understand, it feels so amazing!"

Anno’s gaze towards Luochuan was faintly admired. This is what most people think. It’s like accidentally hearing two big guys discuss quantum mechanics. After accidentally hearing it, it feels nothing more than "holding the grass." That’s amazing.” As for understanding what is being said, let’s forget it.

Luo Chuan didn't expect the elf girl to be so sincere. She coughed a little awkwardly, "Ahem, after all, the knowledge mastered by the mages is too profound for most people. It is normal if you don't understand it. Individuals can easily understand, what is the point of my...research?"

Yao Ziyan looked at Luochuan, she seemed to feel something was not quite right just now.

do not understand.

Thinking unsuccessfully, continue to drink ale.

After a few brief conversations, An Nuo was happy to leave. It seemed to her to be able to make friends with a knowledgeable mage is a very happy thing.

Consciousness returned to the real world, Yao Ziyan shook his head subconsciously, because the slight trance produced by that large glass of ale has disappeared, and any influence in the virtual world will not affect the body of the real world. This is a holographic device. The "safety lock" that comes with it is also the biggest guarantee for customers to be able to move around in Koror World.

Luo Chuan stretched his waist: "Another day has passed."

"How do you feel about publishing a new book tomorrow?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile, combing through her hair that was somewhat tangled because of the holographic device's helmet.

"Nothing." Luo Chuan shrugged.

"Yes, it took so long after all." Yao Ziyan nodded in favor.

Luo Chuan rolled his eyes, and didn't even hear Yao Ziyan's complaints.

"What about the movie, when will it be released? Qingyin and the others have finished the music?" Yao Ziyan had a new question.

"Have you asked about this before." Luo Chuan took a cup of hot water for himself, "I don't think it's time yet. Let's have a while."

"Anyway, you are the boss, what you say is what you say..."

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