Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1808: Time is so fast, the road ahead is long

Luochuan looks at problems mainly from the perspective of the boss. Yao Ziyan is accustomed to evaluating it in the way of ordinary customers, so under normal circumstances Luochuan will listen to Yao Ziyan's opinions, such as this time.

At the beginning, Luochuan had so many new maps that it was difficult for customers to make a choice. In Yao Ziyan's eyes, it was nothing at all.

Opening up the new map is the boss's business, and how to choose is the customer's own business. There is indeed a connection between the two, but this connection is not inevitable. Does Luochuan want to launch a new map and solicit customer opinions?

Moreover, the movie world is not a real world like Corot's world, but a "snapshot of the world" in a sense.

Contains all the same information as the real world, but it is not the real world. All things will be reset to the position of the snapshot, and it can be a whole new world for every customer.

The discussion about "new products" quickly came to an end.

The main reason was that Luochuan was busy eating and didn't have so much time to talk. Besides, he also felt that it was a bit hypocritical to be entangled in the things that were not in this part. After everything was taken out, would he have to regret losing it?


Luo Chuan let out a long sigh of relief and lay directly on the back of the sofa. The whole person seemed to melt. He didn't even want to move his fingers, so he glanced outside by the way.

The bright morning sun sprinkled on the ground at the door, and it was dazzling. It seems that the weather today is not bad, and there is an inexplicable idea of ??going out in the sun.

Having said that, the weather has become warmer recently.

According to Luochuan's estimation, the month of recovery should be about to end, and the anti-human midsummer month is coming soon, not only against humanity, but also against most races.

Recently, Luochuan hasn’t seen the sea monster go outside through the portal of the Origin Mall. The last time he saw Elena being dragged by the monster Ziyue out to go shopping, the whole sea monster was stuck a lot (Sea Snake It’s okay to use roots in form?), it’s normal that water elemental creatures don’t like hot weather.

The arrival of the midsummer month will definitely affect the business of Origin Mall. According to Luochuan’s estimation, the sales of various iced drinks and ice creams should rise rapidly. Of course, the premise is that customers have come to Origin Mall to buy goods under the sun. determination.

By the way, how does Luochuan feel that he has become more concerned about the business of Origin Mall recently?

Maybe this is what you should do as a boss?

Could it be that this is the function of the will of the universe, even if he ran off one hundred and eight thousand miles in the middle, he was finally pulled to the right track?

Luo Chuan thought for a long time, and it seemed that this was the only possibility, but thinking about it carefully, this kind of life is actually pretty good, at least not boring, there are endless things to do every day.

…Is it better to be boring?

These mixed thoughts in Luochuan’s mind are aside for the time being. The business of Origin Mall remains as before. Customers from all over the world are coming one after another. The distance between them on the Tianlan Continent may be a huge number, but in the end they still gather. The origin mall.

Thinking of this, Luochuan actually has a subtle sense of accomplishment.

Look, so many people are customers in my shop.

But when I think of the area occupied by these customers in Tianlan Continent not even one-tenth, and there are also the world of Koruo, the world of dragons, the mysterious spirits mentioned by the soul lock... all kinds of things are piled together, Luochuan felt that the road ahead was long, the kind that couldn't see his head at a glance.

Fortunately, he was more minded and soon forgot about it...

The movie has been roughly completed. I have been busy for such a long time and have prepared a lot of manuscripts for the novel. The only thing left is that it is still in a game that has not been officially started. Luochuan just feels relaxed, just thinking about taking a good rest. rest.

So he leaned behind the counter, holding his chin in a daze, but Yao Ziyan was still busy, in sharp contrast with Luochuan, and the customers naturally had some curious conversations about it.

"Eh, eh, look, the boss is in a daze."

"Really? This is rare. The boss was busy some time ago. Could it be that the matter has been completed?"

"It should be like this. Is it a movie? But there is no notification on the magic phone."

"What is Yao Ziyan doing recently? Is he writing a novel? Looks like he's busy..."

Luochuan, who was in a daze, naturally did not hear the words of the customers, and would not take it to heart. After working for so long, in fact, everyone in Luochuan's abnormality has long been taken off.

All in all, everything is business as usual.

Time came in the afternoon, and Luo Chuan, who had just taken a nap, went downstairs with a yawn and saw Yao Ziyan sitting on the sofa with a projection light curtain floating in front of him, a black body bathed in fire and magma. The dragon first saw its outline.

"Ah, boss, you woke up."

Yao Ziyan sensed the familiar breath and greeted Luo Chuan. His eyes never left the light curtain. Using mental power as brushstrokes, he constantly perfected the details on the screen, adding various colors to a single painting. The epic creature's mammoth, destructive aura is still oncoming.

As a venerable person, Yao Ziyan’s paintings will naturally blend into her own aura, even if she does not deliberately do so, it will still have the same effect, just as the life garbage of a super power falls into the hands of ordinary people. A golden finger in a sense.

The food that Luochuan eats on weekdays are precious things that can not be exchanged even if he pays countless prices in the eyes of the pharmacists. Luochuan has never thought of it like this on weekdays. In his opinion, it is the food that he usually eats. , What's all the fuss about.

"Still painting?" Luo Chuan asked casually after sitting down. The paintings drawn by the Venerable with spiritual power can have a great spiritual impact on ordinary cultivators, but they are of no use to him.

"Yeah." Yao Ziyan nodded slightly, "Iglio, Wing of Destruction in the glory, brother of the ancient dragon Oss, boss, how do you think of my painting? Does it fit this character in your mind? Image?"

There are not twenty game characters in Glory so far. It is naturally unrealistic to use these things to design card games, so the main thing is to rely on Glory written by Yao Ziyan.

It has been a long time since it was released, and the plot and characters in it have gradually improved, and there are many more plots that Luochuan had never thought of before.

Iglio is the character created by the monster Ziyan. The elder brother of the ancient dragon Oss, controls the power to destroy all things, and has the title of Wings of Destruction. Luochuan feels that if he releases a new role, he can use this as a reference.

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