Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1770: Can only be understood, not spoken

"Go to Medicine Valley again the day after tomorrow." Luo Chuan said leisurely when Bu Lige and Jiang Shengjun were about to fight.

The dispute between the two ended in an instant, and Luo Chuan felt that this should be regarded as their daily state of getting along. Didn't you see the expression of Bu Shiyi holding his arm and watching the play? He almost grabbed a melon seed in his hand.

"The day after tomorrow?" Bu Lige looked at Luochuan suspiciously, "Didn't it mean taking a two-day rest?"

"Yes, take a rest for two days." Then Luo Chuan repeated what he had said to Yao Ziyan to the three of them.

Bu Shiyi seemed to want to laugh a little, but finally managed to stop the smile: "As expected of the boss."

Jiang Shengjun unfolded the folding fan with a "pop" and slapped himself a few times: "That means I can play for a few days? Although I'm curious about Yaogu, it's actually not bad to stay in the store."

"So, are there new products in the boss' store?" Bu Lige asked curiously.

Luo Chuan was quite speechless. He stared at Bu Lige, wanting to see something in his eyes: "You only have new products in your mind, right? And where is the causal relationship between these two things."

"Get used to it, used to it." Bu Lige smiled and scratched his hair.

Bu Shiyi looked at Luo Chuan thoughtfully. Luo Chuan was a little uncomfortable with the look in her eyes, and couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

"No." Bu Shiyi shook his head, with a pensive look on his face, as if he was organizing words in his heart, "I always feel that the boss has changed a lot compared to before."

"Well, I think so too." Jiang Shengjun continued to fan.

"I said you can stop fanning?" Bu Lige glanced at him. "Boss, this place is warm in winter and cool in summer. Do you feel hot?"

"You don't understand." Jiang Shengjun shook his head, "This is called style."

Bu Lige let out a "heh", and instead of discussing the issue with him, he turned his eyes to Luo Chuan: "According to the magic phone, this situation of the boss should be called a free self, right?"

Bu poetically nodded slightly, seemingly in favor of Bu Lige's argument.

Luo Chuan didn't speak.

Bu Lige said to himself: "In the past, the boss was very unsmiling. He kept his face cold and stern all day, just like my master... No, it's better than my master. His late facial paralysis is severe. , The kind that is completely hopeless..."

So, is it appropriate for you to hack up your master here? And don’t talk about Boss Yuan’s facial paralysis!

Luo Chuan complained in his heart. Bu Lige clearly discovered this and ended the topic in due course: "But recently I found that the boss has changed a lot. The most notable thing is that he talks more and smiles from time to time. In short, The personality changes are obvious."

Luo Chuan thought about it carefully. It seemed that it was indeed similar to what Bu Lige said, but compared to the change, he felt that it was more like a manifestation of his original character. The boss of Gao Leng male **** is really too tired, and it is more appropriate to be close to the people on weekdays. .

"I seem to understand something." Jiang Shengjun suddenly showed a daze.

"Understand what?" Bu Lige asked curiously.

Jiang Shengjun shook the folding fan, closed it with a "pop", and walked towards the holographic device area. Only the voice came: "I can only understand it, not say it."

Bu Lige looked at Jiang Shengjun's back without knowing it: "Sister, is there something wrong with this guy's brain?"

Bu Shiyi was determined to watch Bu Lige, suddenly reached out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, shook his head, sighed, and walked towards Sakura Village, looking like he was going to have a cup of coffee first.

"One by one, why are they so strange." Bu Lige couldn't figure out what was going on right now, and Luo Chuan also took out the magic phone and didn't pay attention to his meaning at all.

Without the idea of ??staying here to ask for boringness, after saying hello to Luo Chuan, he wandered around and found a holographic device area to sit down, put on his helmet, and entered a state of "not listening to things outside the window".

Luo Chuan took out the magic phone, placed the screen in front of him as a mirror, and stared at the reflected face carefully, as if nothing had changed.

"Still as handsome as ever."

A certain boss grumbled, nodded with satisfaction, and then stopped thinking about the things that were suddenly mentioned by Step Lige, anyway, the current situation is like this, thinking about what to do so much.

When it comes to certain things, Luo Chuan has a very open-minded personality. In other words, he has a more carefree attitude to life, and doesn't entangle with insignificant details.

I yawned and didn't have the idea of ??looking at the magic phone for the time being. I sat there with my chin and started to sell.

Over time, customers began to come to the store one after another. They were basically strange faces that Luochuan didn't know—well, in fact, he didn't know much, compared to the entire customer group.

Up to now, the development of Origin Mall should have fallen into a bottleneck stage. Basically, those who know Origin Mall and have the ability to come have become customers in the store. The rest are customers who have never heard of Origin Mall or have heard of it but only A race of wisdom as unrealistic rumors.

The former belongs to the minority of the minority.

The reason is simple. The Tianlan Continent is so big that even if the news from Origin Mall is to cover the gathering place of each intelligent race, it will not know how long it will take. This is almost impossible.

However, Luo Chuan doesn't care much about this. His attitude is to just look at the present, the future development of Origin Mall is too far away, and it doesn't make much sense to consider those, and in his opinion, life now is pretty good.

Having said that, does the store need to be expanded again?

Compared to expansion, is it more appropriate to open a branch?

At that time, we still need to recruit branch managers, troublesome things...

Luo Chuan radiated his thoughts at will, and the customers who came and went wittily did not disturb him. At some point, the boss would always fall into this state of thinking about life, which is called a daze for short.

New customers will be curious about this, and enthusiastic old customers will explain it to them.

"The boss has this character, you will get used to it a few times."

"Don't look at the mysterious identity of the boss and his strength. In fact, he is not much different from us on weekdays. There are also three meals a day and a regular schedule.

"But the boss seems to have changed a lot recently. I heard from the customers who filmed the movie that they are so busy that they don’t have much time to rest every day..."

Luo Chuan didn't bother to pay attention at all. When thinking about life, he was very slow to perceive the outside world.

When the author team composed of Wei Qingzhu, Lin Wanshuang, and Song Qiuying came to Origin Mall, they saw this scene. A certain boss was sitting quietly behind the counter, as if distinct from the noise of the store, if not, he would say it from time to time. The stuffed potato chips are even better...

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