Bu poetically sighed helplessly: "The effect is to improve the perception of learning skills, that is, efficiency."

"How long does it last?" Bu Lige asked.

"One hour."

"Another hour? The boss has a soft spot for this time."

Goods such as instant noodles and coffee sold in Origin Mall have the same duration.

The effect of improving perception is hidden, in other words it is difficult to detect by itself.

It can only be confirmed by other means.

For example, learning unfamiliar martial arts suddenly feels a lot easier, and you can easily master things that you didn't understand.

This is the convenience brought by the improvement of perception ability.

"But I didn't say how much the specific improvement was." Bu Shiyi read the introduction of the new product again.

"I didn't say that it depends on luck, other products in the store are like this," Bu Lige said casually.

"That's true." Bu Shiyi nodded slightly, his lips were stained with a little red spicy oil, looking bright and dripping.



"How does the one you bought taste like?"

"Taste?" Bu laughed poetically, and gave another piece to his mouth, "Very good, no matter the texture or the taste is good."

Bu Lige swallowed, "Let me have a taste?"

"Oh?" Bu Shiyi's eyes narrowed slightly, "Who just rejected me decisively?"

"Sorry, I was wrong." Bu Lige chose to admit his mistake without thinking, "Let me taste it, just one piece."

"I really can't help you." Bu poetically nodded amusedly, "Just one piece."

"I know, I won't take more. You can also try the one I bought."

Bu Li Ge put into his mouth the rice cake that would come from Bu's poetry.

The first thing that the mouth feels is the taste of hot sauce on the surface, which is like a flame burning, which is not the same as the spicy of hot strips.

There is a feeling of being above.

Just after taking a bite and leaving the song, I felt my forehead started to sweat.

After chewing for a few times, the taste of the rice cake itself burst out on the tip of the tongue, soft and glutinous and salty, and the sweetness of the ingredients themselves.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, he quickly took out a bottle of Coke that was used as food storage from the space ring and drank a small half bottle. The acridity in his mouth disappeared a lot.

"It's so spicy." Bu Li Geha gasped.

Luo Chuan couldn't sit still watching the two eating rice cakes.

how to say.

Seeing other people's food is particularly fragrant, I can't help but want to taste it.

"How is it?" Luo Chuan asked after walking over.

"Yeah, it's delicious." Bu Lige's comment came from the heart, without too many descriptive sentences, very simple.

Relatively speaking, Bu’s poetic discourse is more literary: "The entrance is soft and slippery, followed by sweetness, accompanied by a mellow sour taste, and a faint floral fragrance. The different flavors blend together but there is nothing. There is no conflict, but instead they highlight their respective characteristics, slowly blooming on the tip of the tongue, endless aftertaste!"

Well, very good, Luo Chuan feels that Bu's poetic style is almost half of his own literary talent.

After listening to Bu's poetic evaluation in a daze, Bu Lige couldn't help but scratch his hair: "Sister, you seem to be very uneducated when you say this, and the most important thing is-you are evaluating mine. Why don’t you say your own."

"Ah, don't you take a portion of what I'm eating now? I subconsciously said it." Bu said with a poetic smile.

Luo Chuan's eyes seemed to have a faint smile: "Which flavor of rice cake do you think is better? Salty or sweet?"

He just wants to hear the comments of these two customers, really has no other ideas.

"Of course it's sweet."

"Of course it's salty."

Bu Lige and Bu Poetic give very different answers.

The two looked at each other and both saw the puzzlement in each other's eyes.

"Sweet taste is the best, sister, didn't you taste it just now?"

"I did taste it, and I admit that sweet tastes good, but salty is the best."

"No, no, sweet is the best."


Seeing Bu Lige and Bu Shiyi arguing over this topic, Luo Chuan came to the equipment and chose a sweet one.

Of course there are many kinds of sweetness.

Milk, tea, honey, fruit...

There are also all kinds of strange names that Luochuan doesn't recognize, and there are so many kinds.

Luo Chuan felt that he would definitely suffer from selection difficulties if he watched it further.

In order to avoid this situation, he directly chose the recommended flavors given by the system.

Cold fragrant clouds and mist.

Well, Luochuan was also at a loss when he saw this name.

Who would associate it with taste at first glance?

However, the appearance of the rice cake inexplicably fits the name, the whole is translucent, and there are still wisps of clouds floating inside.

At first glance, it even looks like a liquid.

Hmm... it seems that there is nothing wrong with even the liquid, and it is normal for the system to be able to do this.

Well, he retracted the foreword.

This new product can not only emit light, but it can also be more outrageous than light.

When Luo Chuan took out his share of rice cake, the dispute between Bu Lige and Bu's poetry continued.

"It's obviously sweeter and more delicious!" Bu Lige refused to give up.

"How is it possible, it is salty and delicious, just like the event held by the previous boss, the rice dumplings were also salty and delicious." Bu Shiyi gave an example.

"What?!" Bu Lige's eyes widened suddenly, "Zongzi is also sweet and delicious, do not accept any rebuttal!"

"It's definitely salty and delicious, don't be too arrogant."

"I'm arrogant?" Bu Lige's gaze fell on Luo Chuan who was about to leave, "Look at the sweetness that the boss has chosen!"

Luochuan: "..."

If you two quarrel, just quarrel, what does it mean to bring me in?

Luo Chuan ignored the two and returned to the counter with the things.

Bu Lige originally wanted to ask Luo Chuan which tastes better, but he could only give up.

Bu poetically sneered: "You didn't see that the boss chose the taste at random, and I don't know if you noticed that the boss and sister Ziyan had salty rice cakes in their breakfast.

Bu Lige snorted softly: "That doesn't mean the boss prefers which one, and the equipment recommendations are based on the user's preferences..."

Yao Ziyan helped Luo Chuan pull the seat away.

At the same time, I couldn't help but glance at the two siblings who were arguing not far away, and asked with a low smile, "Boss, did you mean it?"

She heard Luo Chuan's words just now.

Originally, the two brothers and sisters shared the food peacefully, and it was so good.

As a result, Luo Chuan's understatement suddenly broke the scene of peace.

Yao Ziyan thinks this is definitely Luochuan's evil taste.

"Don't you find it interesting?" Luo Chuan also lowered his voice, faintly able to hear a little smile, "By the way, which one do you think tastes better?"

"..." Yao Ziyan glanced at Luo Chuan helplessly, sighed in his heart, "Sweet, sweeter is better."

Really, how do you feel that Luochuan is becoming more and more childish after the relationship between the two is settled...

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