The soul lock didn't control his body, just wandering aimlessly in a special space with no distinction between upper and lower.

He has completely given up now.

In other words, it means seeing reality clearly and accepting fate.

The young man who claims to be the boss is definitely on the same level as a god.

And he, I am afraid that even ants are not even considered.

The self-detonation of the ants was not only easily resolved, but the ants themselves were also easily resurrected.

It doesn't make sense!

In the past, when facing the prey, the soul lock was always the unreasonable party, and he believed in the strong respect.

But now, he has become a weak one.

Is this the so-called reincarnation?

The soul lock floated quietly in a space without gravity, and one thought after another came to mind.

Nothing can be done here anyway, I can only think about life.

I don't know how long this lasted, but Soul Lock suddenly felt that this was also good.

In the past, his mind was filled with the words of the gods at all times, and his character was naturally affected, making him irritable and irritable.

Among the many members of the Holy See, he is fairly calm.

This shows how crazy this organization is.

Being thrown into this strange space, the whispers of the gods disappeared, and even his spirit was restored to peace.

Can even think calmly.

If Soul Lock had never even thought about it before.

The only thing he felt sorry for was his body, which was still the same after receiving the gift, weird and distorted.

Soul Lock began to wonder if the strange **** had forgotten him.

Now I regret it, I regret it very much.

Why didn't he directly tell him the answer when he asked himself.

"Also ask casually..."

"Who believes it!"

Just as the soul lock was cursing, the space not far away suddenly appeared distorted.

Like a stone being thrown into a quiet lake in the forest, ripples spread to the surroundings.

The spatial vortex was condensed, and Luo Chuan's figure emerged.

He glanced at the uneasy soul lock not far away with some doubts, feeling that he had just heard something.

Is it an illusion?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Soul Lock is very nervous, excited, and flustered now.

Whether he can end this dark life depends on today. He really doesn't want to stay in this ghost place anymore.

He never feared death.

In his view, he is also a relief in another sense.

"What's your name?" Luo Chuan yawned and asked casually.

Of course his memory hasn't declined to the point that he even forgets these things, he just wants to see if the soul lock has changed.

On the surface, the changes are actually quite big.

At least he didn't give the gift of self-destruction when he first entered the system space.

"Soul lock." Soul lock took a deep breath, trying to make his voice sound calm.

He didn't know if he was dissatisfied with this strange, moody god, he would stay in this space that disgusted him.

So from the beginning, Soul Lock completely expressed his surrender.

He is not afraid of death.

But many things in this world are more terrifying than death, and he has experienced it personally.

Soul Lock really didn't want to continue to experience it.

"Soul lock..." Luo Chuan thoughtfully, "This shouldn't be your original name, right?"

It looks like a code name.

"Yes, but I have forgotten the original name, and now'Soul Lock' is my name." Soul Lock said earnestly.

According to Luo Chuan's judgment, he should not lie to himself.

And there is no need to lie.

Just a name, it doesn't matter in most cases, and Soul Lock has clearly recognized his current situation.

Luo Chuan nodded gently: "Then continue with the last question-then how did you become like this?"

The soul lock is still the tattered black robe before, the hat has been taken off, and the vertical golden pupils are similar to those of reptiles.

Even Luo Chuan couldn't help but think of the mixed race described in the novel, which will appear when the concentration of dragon blood reaches a certain limit.

He knows that he has digressed, after all, these are two different types of worldviews.

In addition to the golden vertical pupil, the body of the soul lock can only see the outline of a human from the general, and it has basically been distorted into a monster.

Some places grow like black iron-like scales, and some places are insect-like cuticles, and there are fierce bone spurs protruding from the joints...

It's completely a monster's face.

Soul Lock took a deep breath, and seemed to have made some major decision—it was indeed the case.

"The gift of the gods."

Luochuan: "..."

What the hell? Can't understand at all.

"Can you be more specific?" Luo Chuan complained in his heart, the expression on his face did not change much.

"The gift that the Lord God descended, his power not only enhances our strength, but also affects our body."

The influence of the power of the gods...

Luochuan seems to have heard of this somewhere.

Come to think of it, Corot World.

Just like the Lord of the Black Mist, his power will also affect ordinary people. Other Annihilators are also good examples. They even begin to pursue the destruction of the world.

Luo Chuan nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

Soul Lock paid attention to Luo Chuan's reaction, and when he saw that his expression hadn't changed much, he confirmed his inner guess.

He is definitely a strange god!

The game between the two gods...

How could he be so unlucky, inexplicably mixed into this kind of thing.

"What is the name of the **** you are talking about?" Luo Chuan continued to ask questions.

"I don't know, I'm just the patriarch in the Holy See." Soul Lock replied, "We all call him the Lord of the End."

The Lord of the End...the Day of the End...

Luochuan finally understood the connection between the two.

"Then your organization is called the Court of the End?"

"How did you know?" A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of the soul lock.

Luochuan: "..."

Such an obvious relationship can be easily guessed as long as the brain is normal, right?

There is nothing new in this name.

"Next topic." Luo Chuan frowned slightly, and Soul Lock suddenly curbed his curiosity. He understood the character of the **** in front of him, and it would be better to settle down now.

If you continue to stay in this ghost place for inexplicable reasons...

He must be crazy!

...Well, the possibility of going crazy is unlikely.

Now Soul Lock only felt that his mental state was better than ever, and there was no sign of going crazy at all.

Moreover, after experiencing a self-destruction, the soul lock understood that even if it ended, it would have no effect.

In order to avoid enduring endless and endless torture, Soul Lock's current idea is to know what to say.

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