The way Luochuan sleeps, Yao Ziyan has also seen it many times.

Compared to when I was awake, the lines on my face looked softer.

Xu was dreaming of something and smashed his mouth a few times.

This made Yao Ziyan couldn't help laughing.

It can be said that Luochuan is not at all vigilant now, well, it seems to be like this on weekdays.

She was actually similar to Luo Chuan, and basically never used her own strength when the two stayed together.

For the strong in the state of the venerable, if the spiritual perception spreads, the whole city may be a bit exaggerated, but it is more than enough to cover a small half of the city.

But no one would do this on weekdays.

With such a large scope, the amount of information obtained must be extremely astonishing.

Mental power can indeed achieve this easily, but the loss of mental power cannot be ignored.

Of course, you can also choose to ignore this information and only care about what you want to find. This will only be done if necessary.

Just like a computer, if there is nothing important, it is basically in the standby or shutdown state, who will go to the grill inexplicably when it is idle.

So most of them just maintain the most instinctive perception.

Yao Ziyan held his chin, quietly watching Luo Chuan who was sleeping.

I didn't know what was thinking, there was a faint redness on his face, and he glanced at Luo Chuan with a little guilty conscience, and he was relieved when he saw that the latter had no reaction.

Luo Chuan was sleeping soundly at this time.

He was a little sleepy at first, and he didn't know if it was his illusion, Yao Ziyan's bed seemed much more comfortable than his.

The kind that I don’t want to get up when I lie on it.

After closing his eyes, his consciousness soon fell into a drowsy dream.

The dreams were strange, and he watched everything from a third-person perspective.

Stars shattered, bright streamers tore through the darkness, and dazzling radiance burst out of nothingness.

Countless spaceships are entrenched in the void of the universe, confronting the enemies in the dark depths, and every space in the battlefield is filled with violent energy shocks.

Luo Chuan's sight deflected under a certain force.

At the edge of the battlefield, he saw a person standing on the bridge of the spaceship. She looked like a woman, covered in a faint white light, and could not see her face clearly.

Judging from her actions, she seems to be commanding this war in the universe.

So, why did he dream of such a strange scene?

Is this kind of sci-fi war story appearing in a fantasy novel very outrageous, okay?

Well, this slot can be ignored.

After all, this book has been like this from the beginning, and I believe that readers who have persisted until now have long been used to it.

Luo Chuan knew that he was dreaming now.

He had encountered this situation before, so he didn't panic much, but watched this scene like a science fiction movie with interest.

In fact, he also had a vague guess about this.

Judging from past experience, this seems to be the information recorded at the bottom of the universe, but it just happened to be perceived by him.

So, the woman wrapped in white light should be a god?

The gods who took the route of science and technology, and now inexplicably become the world of mysterious routes...

This amount of information is a bit large, and Luo Chuan feels that he needs to work hard, of course not now.

He was still dreaming.

I believe that many people have had this experience, and they can easily fall asleep in ten minutes between classes and have a complete dream.

It seems that a long time has passed in the dream, but the reality is only ten minutes short.

Suddenly a world away.

After the battlefield scene ended, Luochuan dreamed of many other scenes, most of which had the figure of the monster Ziyan.

Origin Mall has basically become well-known in Tianlan Continent, and countless cultivators have come here to buy the products of Origin Mall.

The store has been expanded greatly, and the types of goods have become extremely diverse, with all kinds of weird effects. The key is that the taste is particularly delicious.

That's right.

As far as the goods sold in Origin Mall are concerned, taste is always in the first place, and the effect is only additional.

Just as Luo Chuan wanted to take a closer look at what those new products were, a faint and gentle call sounded in his ears.

Luo Chuan opened his eyes reluctantly, and Yao Ziyan's face came into his sight.

"How long have I slept?" Luo Chuan asked vaguely with half-squinted eyes.

"Almost two hours, didn't you tell me to call you?"

"So sleepy, let me sleep again." Luo Chuan closed his wistful eyes again, and at the same time, he was thinking to see if he could continue his dream.

"Boss, don't sleep, or you won't be able to sleep at night." Yao Ziyan said amusedly, and began to shake Luochuan's body.

When Luochuan sat up in a daze, and nodded while yawning, Yao Ziyan stopped.

Luo Chuan just sat quietly on the bed for a few minutes, and the originally drowsy consciousness gradually became clear.

The memory in the dream gradually faded, and soon I couldn't remember it clearly, leaving only the incomplete picture.

What did he want to do in his dream?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Luo Chuan yawned, stretched deeply, rubbed his eyes again, and the remaining sleepiness almost disappeared.

"Did the boss dream?" Yao Ziyan asked.

"Well, weird dream." Luo Chuan got up from the bed, and now he has taken a nap, so he can't stay on the bed forever.

"Can you tell me something?"

"I almost forgot..." Luo Chuan yawned, trying to recall the scene in his dream, "There are two groups of people in the universe fighting. I don't know the reason. It's very lively."

Yao Ziyan waited for a long time but did not hear the next words: "Nothing?"


"It's perfunctory." Yao Ziyan wrinkled his nose, looking a little dissatisfied.

"Didn't I say that? I forgot all about it." Luo Chuan was a little helpless. "Anyway, the scene was grand at the time. By the way, do you know what a spaceship is?"

Yao Ziyan shook her head, she was a little curious: "What is that, is it the name of a certain weapon?"

"Weapon... can also be understood in the same way." Luo Chuan nodded, "In short, it is a vehicle loaded with various weapons, and people drive it in the universe."

"What about the power?" Yao Ziyan was more concerned about this issue.

Luo Chuan thought for a while, and pointed to the ground under his feet.

"What do you mean?" Yao Ziyan didn't know why.

"Do you know the Star Destroyer of the Tower of Trial?" Luo Chuan gave an example.

The Tower of Trial contains various super-specific technological weapons, but they are all set in a state inaccessible to ordinary customers by Luochuan.

Yao Ziyan is certainly not in this list.

However, she has no interest in this, and she will not have nothing to do to test the power of various technological weapons-after all, there is no way to get the real world.

"I know, what does the boss say about this?" Yao Ziyan looked puzzled, she had heard of this name.

But it is limited to the names that have been heard.

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