"Not all stories have a perfect ending." Xinhai Chengzi put the magic phone next to him, "It's like life. Everything is impossible."

"I remember the boss said that tragedies are often more popular than comedies." Yao Ziyan thought of the conversation with Luochuan before.

"That's true." Xinhai Chengzi laughed. "The story written by the boss is the same. There are a lot of people dead in it, and according to my guess, there should be a friend of a bad boy who will become the Dragon King and be He killed it himself."

Although Yao Ziyan didn't want to admit it, what Xin Hai Chengzi said was true, because Luo Chuan had already passed the drama with her in advance.

Yao Ziyan also deliberately asked the question whether Luochuan could be resurrected, but the answer she got made her a little crazy.

"You can't deliberately resurrect a character because the reader likes it, but you can deliberately write a character to death because the reader likes it."

Yao Ziyan felt that Luochuan might want to use customers' blades to make a fortune.

About a few minutes later, Xia Yu came to the courtyard.

"Where is Uncle Tang?" Bu Lige didn't see Tang Yi.

"He's going to your filming location first, so I need to make some preparations in advance." Xia Yu briefly explained.

Bu Lige said "Oh" without further questioning.

"Boss, how did we get there?" Gu Yunxi raised her hand and said, "Is it still the same as yesterday morning?"

Directly construct the portal, no matter how far the distance can be crossed in the blink of an eye, even the venerable can't do such a thing.

"Just go in the usual way." Luo Chuan yawned. It would be boring to use this kind of cheating method for everything.

"It's not that far. If you use that monster vehicle, you can get there in less than an hour." Xia Yu replaced himself as a tour guide.

In the noisy noise, everyone set out for the new studio.

The vehicle in the car is engraved with a small space formation, so the internal space is much larger than the outside, and it is more than enough to carry everyone.

The voice of the landlord is endless, and this card game has become a way most people use to kill time.

Luo Chuan felt that it was time for Hearthstone games to appear in this world.

"Boss, it's up to you to play the cards." Yao Ziyan reminded Luochuan.

"Oh, no." Luo Chuan glanced at his card and shook his head.

Talking endlessly, Xuan Que and Gu Yunxi were lying on the car window looking at the scenery outside, exclaiming from time to time.

Luochuan felt that he was leading a tourist team.

That doesn't seem to be a big problem. Isn't the purpose of leaving Origin Mall to relax and relax? By the way, I will shoot some movie plots or something.

This time I went to jail, it can be said that all the customers basically joined in the fun, because there is no role for them.

According to the plot depicted in the script, it is nothing more than the guards discovering that the prisoner in custody suddenly died suddenly, all of which were caused by cardiac palsy.

Very simple plot.

"I seem to have forgotten one thing." Luo Chuan said suddenly.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yao Ziyan cast an inquiring look at Luo Chuan.

"The place we are going to is not so beautiful." Luo Chuan glanced at Xuan Que, and he suddenly thought that he still had the responsibility of bringing a baby.

"Boss, don't worry, Tang City Lord has already passed by in advance." Xia Yu reminded.

Outskirts of Qichuan.

The gaze is full of plain white, the rolling mountains are completely covered by snow, and the snowy maple trees all over the mountains are shining in the afternoon sun.

An overall black building is built on the hillside, like a behemoth in silence.

"Nature is always so magnificent." Tang Yi looked at the surrounding scene with emotion.

Through the communication formation, the prison guards had already arrived at the gate of the building to greet them.

"Don't fix these useless things, just take me over." Tang Yi didn't waste time.

The entire prison is engraved with formations, and even cultivators in the Guiyuan realm will be suppressed here.

The interior of the prison is well lit, and the rooms used to hold the cultivators are also engraved with separate formations.

"Isn't this Lord City Lord? How come you have time to come here?"

"Rare guests, I don't know what the Lord of the City is doing here?"

"It's really boring. Although I am a prisoner, I have human rights. Find me something interesting."

"Jie Jie Jie, are you planning to let us out in advance..."

Tang Yi stopped and cast his gaze on the prisoner who made a strange laugh.

He looks fierce, with an extremely hideous scar on his face, which adds a bit of fierceness to it.

"Did you know that in those novels on Magic Phone, people who smile like you usually don't survive three chapters."

Scar prisoner was stunned. Although he understood every word in Tang Yi's words, the meaning of being connected together was very puzzling.

Tang Yi didn't mean to continue to explain, but clapped his hands to attract the eyes of the prisoners.

"There will be big people coming here, I hope everyone will converge."

Not unexpectedly, bursts of noise followed, and the prisoners reacted unexpectedly.

Tang Yi was called a big man, and came here leisurely, if it weren't for Tang Yi's serious look, I'm afraid he would think he was joking.

"Big man? Oh, how big can it be?" The famous young man with a cold face slowly raised his head, his expression rebellious.

The prisoners stopped talking wittily, and it seemed that the youth should belong to an absolutely unprovokable existence among them.

"It's not too big, it's just a few seniors in the realm of asking Dao and Venerable." Tang Yi said in a flat tone.

Asked, sir...

"What are you going to let us do?" The young man spoke again after a moment of silence.

Tang Yi smiled: "It's a simple thing..."

The journey took a lot less time than Xia Yu said, and it took about half an hour to reach the destination of the trip-a prison built half a mountainside.

"This place looks like a tourist attraction." Luochuan gave an evaluation after looking around.

"Thousands of birds flew extinct, and people disappeared in all directions", nothing more than that, um... this seems to have been said before.

"It's cold." Gu Yunxi couldn't help but sneezed as soon as she got out of the car, and put on her hat directly.

"I knew it was coming." Jiang Wanchang put her hand to her mouth and breathed, she also regretted why she wanted to join Luochuan in the fun.

Tang Yi seemed to have been waiting there for a while, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"How are everything prepared?" Luo Chuan had already told him what he needed to do on the magic phone.

"Everything is ready." Tang Yi nodded repeatedly.

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