Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1249: Imperial City Talks

"Do you know this name?" Gu Mingyuan frowned, he guessed something from Ji Wuhui's reaction.

Ji Wuhui drank the tea in the cup: "Don't mention this first, let's talk about you."

Gu Mingyuan nodded and began to tell: "I don't know much about the specific information. Recently, there have been several chaos in the Longshu Empire, and this is how the end of the day spread."

"No more detailed news?" Ji Wuhui asked.

Gu Mingyuan sighed: "The cause of the chaos is a few mysterious black-robed men who left the words of the last day. According to some witnesses, it seems that they are not human."

Ji Wuhui fell into thinking, but it was impossible to get anything useful from these general information.

"At least it's asking the realm of Dao, it's not impossible for Venerable." Gu Mingyuan said in a deep voice.

Ji Wuhui's expression was solemn. Originally, he hadn't paid much attention to the last day that Chu Yang proposed before, but Gu Mingyuan mentioned this matter again and had to take it seriously.

"Perhaps it is a hidden power that wants to do something with this." Ji Wuhui made a guess.

"This possibility is the greatest." Gu Mingyuan's expression was not much relaxed, "but I feel that things will definitely not be that simple. Those in black robes who preach the end of the day don't know where they are."

Ji Wuhui took out the magic phone: "Yesterday, a customer of the famous Origin Mall also mentioned this matter, but he just asked briefly."

Gu Mingyuan looked at the information displayed on the screen. As a high-ranking venerable, Chu Yang naturally received the attention of many customers. He asked a lot of questions and left messages, but he didn't have any valuable answers.

"Forget it, maybe I'm too worried." Gu Mingyuan sighed and returned the magic phone to Ji Wuhui. "By the way, this magic phone looks very interesting."

Regarding the end of the day, it shouldn't have much impact for the time being. After all, there is no brain and nothing can be done about it for a while.

Not too long to put this matter down, he has been looking forward to the rumored Origin Mall for a long time, and the important reason for coming here is to buy those products.

"One hundred Lingjing, a completely different product from a spiritual tool, has a very comprehensive function." Ji Wuhui introduced to Gu Mingyuan.

"Different from the spirit weapon?" Gu Mingyuan noticed the words in Ji Wuhui's words.

"According to the boss, this seems to be something on the technological side, while things such as spirit weapons belong to the mysterious side." Ji Wuhui smiled, "But for us, there is no difference between distinctions."

"The technology side, the mysterious side... that boss is really amazing." Gu Mingyuan sighed.

"It's not too late. The Origin Mall is still open now." Ji Wuhui stood up. "Let's take a look. The food in Yuangui's shop also tastes good."

"The shop opened by God of Cooking, now Jiuyao City is definitely the center of Tianlan Continent." Gu Mingyuan said with a smile.

"Haha, it's just that because Origin Mall is here, Jiuyao City is still the original Jiuyao City." Ji Wuhui smiled, and he saw this very clearly.

For Jiuyao City to develop to the present level in such a short period of time, the impact of Origin Mall is crucial.

If the Origin Mall disappears, Jiuyao City will still be the imperial capital of the Sky Star Empire, and those forces and powerful people who have gathered here due to Origin Mall will also leave.

After Gu Mingyuan and Ji Wuhui left the imperial city, using the strength of the realm of Wendao, they arrived at the destination of this trip without taking too long.

"This is Yuan Gui's shop." Ji Wuhui pointed to the shop next to the alley. The door was closed and there was no one in the shop. "It's not business hours. Boss Yuan should be in Origin Mall."

"These two stores are so close?" Gu Mingyuan looked at Yuan Gui's shop.

Fragmented snowflakes floated in the gray sky, and finally melted into the white snow on the ground. The temperature was very low, and the mouth and nose would exhale white mist.

Pedestrians on the street were in twos and threes, and the guards no longer managed it because of the reduced snow, and the snow on the street had completely consolidated into a state similar to hard ice.

Walking on it is difficult to control one's center of gravity, slipping is commonplace, and whenever this happens, there will be bursts of laughter around.

From time to time, people walk into the alleys. They are all customers of Origin Mall. Coupled with the movie release of Luochuan on Magic Phone, the number of customers today will definitely increase a lot.

"After all, Yuan Gui decided to open a store in Jiuyao City, and what he did was Origin Mall." Ji Wuhui still remembers Yuan Gui went to the Imperial City to find him specifically for this matter.

In just one day, Yuangui's shop opened successfully, and everyone was extremely surprised when they learned about this.

Having said that, Yuan Gui Xiaodian has supported many people, and Frost and An Weiya have completely used it as a dining hall.

"Let's go, visit Origin Mall." Gu Mingyuan walked into the alley where Origin Mall was located.

Walking into the Origin Mall, a warm spring-like breath rushed into your face, and the remaining cold air disappeared in an instant, and the voice of customer conversations also came to your ears.

The first thing Gu Mingyuan saw was the counter in the store. The boss sitting at the back was much younger than he thought. Apart from being handsome, he looked no different from ordinary people.

Looking at the magic phone, there is a bottle of brown drink and a pack of snacks in front of him, with a lazy temperament.

"Boss, can everyone participate in the movie activities in the evening?" Ji Wuhui walked to the counter in a familiar manner and talked with Luo Chuan.

"Come as you want, no request." Luochuan ate a slice of potato chips, still looking at the magic phone.

Gu Mingyuan didn't speak. If he didn't know it in advance, it would be difficult for him to connect the young man in front of him with the mysterious owner of Origin Mall.

On the surface, the two really have nothing in common.

Ji Wuhui nodded, called Gu Mingyuan, and led him to the shelf area.

Gu Mingyuan was still looking at the location of the holographic device, but he could not find a familiar figure.

"The space in the store is very large, and there is another holographic device area on the wall." Ji Wuhui reminded.

"So that's it." Gu Mingyuan withdrew his gaze, he didn't know about this before.

After the doubts in my mind were answered, I focused on the goods on the shelf. I had never seen all of them, but felt very novel.

"There are introductions of related products on the shelves. You can read it yourself." Ji Wuhui pointed to another shelf. "Mineral water is the most important thing for you. Maybe you can use this to break through to the Venerable. realm."

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