The driver left in a magic car.

It seemed to be escaping, very fast, and soon there was no trace.

Luochuan and Yao Ziyan didn't care either. Their current location was on the beach.

The waves hit the reef, the fine white waves shone like stars under the bright moonlight, and the cool sea breeze rushed over.

Only the sound of the distant wave reaches the ears, which is in line with the requirement of "quietness" mentioned by Luochuan before.

"So familiar, I seem to have been here before." Yao Ziyan walked to the guardrail and looked at the wide sea in the distance.

"There is the Black Rock Harbor Restaurant." Luo Chuan pointed to the distance.

Yao Ziyan looked in the direction he was pointing, and a dim light came into view, which had been reduced to an imperceptible level due to the distance.

"Hmm... buffet food, do you want the boss to come over?" Yao Ziyan asked.

"Isn't it just finished eating?" Luo Chuan shook his head, noticing the sight of the night sky, "the fireworks started."

Before his voice fell, the dazzling brilliance appeared in the black night sky, and the dazzling sparks spread around in circles, dazzling.

It's just the beginning, and then more kinds of fireworks bloom, and the dazzling stars complement each other.

"So beautiful..." Yao Ziyan looked up at the night sky in the distance, exclaiming in a low voice.

Fireworks are perishable. I said they only lasted for a few seconds, but at least in this short period of time, they also showed their unique beauty.

The night breeze is slightly cool.

The sound of the wave seemed to disappear, except for the bursting sound of fireworks.

Luo Chuan looked at the demon purple smoke next to him, his clothes swayed slightly under the breeze, and the fireworks in the night sky reflected in his pupils.

He noticed Luo Chuan's gaze, turned his head, and blinked gently.

A magic car drove in from a distance, and hurried away.

Luochuan suddenly regretted it. He should have gone to the beach below.

The fireworks are still going on, after a brief period of brilliance, they disappear.

Luochuan yawned.

It did feel very interesting at first glance, but it seemed a bit boring after a long time.

Yao Ziyan was still interested, leaning on the guardrail and looking out.

Luo Chuan simply turned and propped on the guardrail, looking out at the distant sea.

Unlike the azure blue during the day, the ocean at night shows a crystal-like deep blue closer to the coast, while the distance is reflected in the moonlight with shimmering light.

The surface of the sea is glowing with subtle waves, and the reflection of the fireworks can be seen faintly, which is more misty than the original.

Just take a few photos can be used as a screensaver. Luo Chuan thought in his heart for no reason.

"Boss, the fireworks are over." Yao Ziyan came to the side and followed Luo Chuan's line of sight to the sea in the distance, "It's so beautiful."

"Which is more beautiful or fireworks?" Luo Chuan suddenly became interested.

"Um..." Yao Ziyan was stunned, "How is this better than... Boss, what do those people do?"

At the junction of the reef and the coast, more than a dozen black figures were sneaking forward, all of them extraordinary.

"I don't know, judging from the behavior, it should have come to make trouble." Luochuan guessed at will.

He saw it just now, but he was too lazy to bother about it. After all, the other party didn't provoke him, and he still moved far away.

Yao Ziyan gave a cry, and didn't take this matter to heart.

Then he fell silent, all looking at the distant sea.

A few minutes later, Luochuan saw a magic car coming from a distance, and he said with a sigh of relief: "Let's go."

"Aren't you going there?" Yao Ziyan followed Luochuan's pace and pointed to the Heishi Port Restaurant in the distance.

"It's the same when you go, but if you miss the Wanhua Expo, you will have to wait a long time." Luo Chuan said.

The two of them had good luck. The magic car was rented out, and there were no guests on it.

This time, the driver was much more talkative than last time, and he was talking about the issues of Saint-Nia, mainly related to the Wanhua Expo.

"There are too many people in front, and the magic car can't pass." The driver stopped the magic car by the side of the road.

Luochuan paid the money and looked at the distant central square. Compared to when he left, the crowds on the street were much sparser.

It seemed that after the fireworks ended, many people who joined in the excitement left.

Facts have proved that Luochuan's guess is wrong.

The central square is still crowded and looks very lively, surrounded by various flowers in full bloom, and the air is full of strong floral fragrance.

The Wanhua Fair, as the name suggests, is a place where all kinds of flowers are exhibited, at least for ordinary people.

Luochuan suddenly lost his interest.

Is he here to see flowers?

It's better to say at a coffee shop or Origin Mall.

I knew I would stay on the beach.

Yao Ziyan thought about the same as Luochuan.

Although it looks very lively here, it can only be seen by people.

She just wanted to stay with Luochuan.

"Forget it, let's go." Luo Chuan sighed.

He felt like he didn't do anything tonight and ran aimlessly.

Yao Ziyan gave a hum and followed obediently.

"The fireworks are over, there is nothing unusual now." Herman has finished drinking the tea.

Erhard was relieved.

He had been staring at the holographic light screen just now, for fear of what might happen.

"The grand opening is over, this time it should be fine." Erhard sat in a chair.

"Not necessarily." Herman shook his head. "Everyone knows that when the surveillance is the most rigorous in the beginning, if you really want to do something, as long as your mind is okay, you will definitely not choose this time."

The expression on Erhard's face gradually disappeared: "...Although you do make sense, you can't say it later."

"Always vigilant is a necessary quality." Herman took another sip of the scented tea. "The Wanhua Expo will last for several days. It is not good to relax at such an early time."

"I know what you said is correct." Erhard sighed helplessly. "And you have finished drinking the tea, when did you pour another cup?"

Herman smiled without saying a word, continued to drink the scented tea, his eyes fell on the holographic image in front, and he also sighed in his heart.

He saw the two familiar figures again.

At the same time, there was a bit of resentment. He had only visited the coffee shop once, so why suddenly it closed.

Luo Chuan and Yao Zi smoked around and went back to the coffee shop.

After staying here, I chose to quit.

Back in the real world, Luo Chuan lay down on the sofa: "I'm tired."

Although it is a virtual world, mental fatigue is also exhausting, after all, he has traveled so far.

Yao Ziyan sat down beside him with two cups of hot water.

After drinking a lot of various beverages, you will understand that only hot water is the eternal truth.

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