Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1217: Xie Mengwu’s shopping time

Yao Ziyan called Frost over and whispered to her not knowing what she was talking about.

Luochuan has no interest in this.

In addition, he suddenly thought of something.

Didn’t you plan to write Violet’s story some time ago?

Had it not been for Wei Qingzhu's curious question, Luo Chuan would have forgotten this matter.

Well, he just forgot.

"The new story is still being written." Luo Chuan's expression remained unchanged.

No matter how curious readers are, they cannot tell the truth about themselves.

"That's it." Wei Qingzhu nodded without thinking too much.

As a user of OriginReading, she knows how difficult it is to write.

The most difficult thing is at the beginning. In the limited number of words, not only must the protagonist’s identity and background be explained, but also the plot must be drawn.

Next there are plot settings, characters appearing, dark lines and bright lines, plot progress...

Think about it and it hurts.

Luochuan naturally did not know Wei Qingzhu's psychological activities.

Wei Qingzhu and Luo Chuan had a brief conversation before leaving the counter.

Xie Mengwu also followed An Weiya's footsteps, after all, apart from Frost among the customers of Origin Mall, she was the most familiar with An Weiya.

She was not surprised by Anvia's other ways of expanding space.

Some rare races are naturally gifted in space and can influence space in special ways.

These are all recorded in ancient books, and Xie Mengwu has never encountered it.

"That's the magic phone, just go to the monster Ziyan to pay for the Lingjing." An Weiya pointed to the shelf where the magic phone was placed.

Compared to the shelves of spicy strips, the shelves of magic phones are much smaller, after all, everyone can only buy it once.

"As for other products, you should know a little bit. It doesn't matter if you don't know it. There are introductions on the shelves, and there are related information on the magic phone." An Weiya explained.

"Well, I see." Xie Mengwu smiled, "Thank you."

"Thanks...thank me for what I did?" An Weiya turned her head, "It's just a trivial thing. I'll leave after I buy things."

Xie Mengwu smiled and watched her leave, then took the magic phone to the counter.

"One hundred Lingjing." Yao Ziyan is familiar with the work of collecting Lingjing.

Xie Mengwu nodded, and took it out of the space ring. A lot of shiny crystals appeared on the counter, which contained pure spiritual power.

The quality of Lingjing is high or low, and its value has extremely strict criteria for judging it. Luo Chuan still doesn't know much about it after living here for so long.

Yao Ziyan collected it: "It's just right. In addition, the magic phone has the function of recycling items, and the amount of spiritual crystals will be automatically added to your personal account."

The item recovery function of the magic phone is absolutely fair and just, and there will be no black customers.

"Understood." Xie Mengwu nodded. She saw the description in the brochure.

"The things in the store will definitely not disappoint you, the game is enjoyable." Yao Ziyan blinked.

"Games... something so magical is called a game..." Xie Mengwu laughed blankly, not knowing what to say.

She did not know much about the holographic equipment of Origin Mall, mainly because there was no specific description in the pamphlet, only a brief introduction in a few words.

This is normal. People who have never used a holographic device can hardly understand its magic from words alone.

"Where is the expansion space?" Xie Mengwu pointed to the metal door on the wall.

Yao Ziyan nodded: "Similar to the outside, there are holographic devices inside. Relatively speaking, it is much quieter, and there is a separate room."

During the conversation, a sea monster in the form of a half-snake passed through the portal light, went straight to the shelf, and quickly returned to the portal light after purchasing the goods.

Xie Mengwu looked stunned, and it took a long time to come back to her senses: "Um, that person just now was also a guest in the store?"

"Yes, the Kraken who lives in the Sea-Monster City." Yao Ziyan answered with a smile.

After staying in Origin Mall for a long time, she also began to like to see this kind of shocking scenes of new customers coming to the store.

Xie Mengwu was at a loss.

City of Siren? Siren? What does this mean?

"The Sea-Monster is a special race living in the sea. Some things have disappeared in Tianlan Continent for nearly a hundred years." Yao Ziyan explained with a smile.

Xie Mengwu continued to be at a loss: "Special races? Why did they disappear for so long? Also, what happened to that light gate? Is it directly connected to the sea?"

Xie Mengwu felt that her heart was full of doubts, and she wanted to know the answer.

"Well, you can see it in the origin community on the magic phone, in the customer category of the origin mall." Yao Ziyan suddenly thought of something, "Oh, by the way, you haven't downloaded the app yet. Come, let me teach you..."

A few minutes later, Xie Mengwu took the magic phone and left the counter, and also pulled Frost away by the way.

"The sea monster... all races are female, water elemental creatures, resurrected at random locations after death..." Xie Mengwu stared at the introduction to the sea monster on the screen, and finally sighed deeply, "Don't talk. It makes sense."

It's completely a racial trait like hanging out. Fortunately, these saltwater creatures don't like to fight by nature, otherwise Tianlan Continent would not know what it would become.

Frost had finished eating the ice cream and was about to use the holographic device. Xie Mengwu immediately put down the magic phone when she saw it: "Wait, there is me."

An Weiya was a little impatient when she waited next to her: "I said you can hurry up, if it's normal, I'm halfway through the Rongguang game now."

In the pure white initial space, Xie Mengwu looked down at her body, squeezed her fists, squeezed her face, and then squeezed Frosty's face next to her.

"It's exactly the same as the real world." She couldn't help sighing, "If we could not feel the body in reality, there would be no difference at all."

"This can be set independently." An Weiya reminded, "Is there any phantom in the corner of your field of vision? After you click it, you can set many values."

Xie Mengwu had a great time playing, and after An Weiya urged her again, she finally saved her settings.

It was still the default one before, but I chose to completely shield the reality.

In this case, you will not feel the difference between the virtual world and the real world at all.

"Four main applications, which one to choose?" An Weiya cast a questioning gaze to Xie Mengwu.

"Um... glory." Xie Mengwu quickly made a decision.

I just came to Jiuyao City last night and heard the news of glory. The customers of Origin Mall were all talking about it. She had been curious about it for a long time.

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