Yao Ziyan coughed slightly, and Xie Mengwu finally noticed the surrounding environment.

She stood up straight and arranged her clothes, with a smile on her face: "Xie Mengwu, my name."

Frost's cheeks were red, and she stared at her wary.

The faces of the people in Luochuan did not change.

"You seem to know me?" Xie Mengwu also noticed this, "Did Chu Yang tell you?"

She clearly remembered that the item called the magic phone was not restricted by distance at all in terms of information transmission.

And just on the side, the entire shelf is full of magic phones, and there are other products on the side.

"How should I say, we all saw the auction that day." Yao Ziyan seemed to smile.

Customers have been talking about it for a long time for the mineral water with the original price of 10,000 Lingjing being sold for more than ten million Lingjing.

Mentioning this incident, Xie Mengwu just smiled: "The auction in the City of Chaos is just a channel for auctioning merchandise, and customers come here on their own initiative."

"What did you mean by'Lord of the City' just now?" Luo Chuan put down the glass of Coke and looked at Xie Mengwu's eyes.

His subjective impression of Frost is still good, of course, Yao Ziyan and others are almost the same.

Normally, it is quiet and cute, so it is naturally very popular.

And Anvia, who is a dragon, treats Frost specially...

Although it is not easy to know Frost's identity for a long time, if he can really understand the relevant information, Luochuan will naturally be a little concerned.

"On the surface." Xie Mengwu said seriously, not like lying.

Frost was ignorant and didn't seem to know what Xie Mengwu was talking about.

"In other words, Frost is actually the city lord of Chaos City?" Yao Ziyue opened her eyes wide in surprise, and rubbed Frost's cheeks, "That's amazing!"

Maiden, your focus is a little strange.

"Yes, very powerful." Xie Mengwu smiled and nodded.

Luochuan noticed something wrong, and looked at Yao Ziyan at each other: "Is Bingshuang called this name before?"

Xie Mengwu said, "Yes," "I've been called Bingshuang since I knew her."

It seems that although the memory has been lost, he remembers his name very clearly.

"Well, I don't know if you mind telling us about the specific things about Frost?" Yao Ziyan asked sternly.

Xie Mengwu looked at a few people and looked at An Weiya more. The latter showed a bright smile: "That's fine."

According to Xie Mengwu's account, Frost's original identity was the lord of the City of Chaos.

Regarding the identity of the lord of the City of Chaos, it is a mystery in the hearts of many residents.

Because she usually wears a large black robe and never reveals her true face.

However, Frost suddenly lost her trace a few years ago. After Xie Mengwu found no results, she could only take over the task of managing the chaotic city.

Although she is the one who manages it on weekdays.

Everyone was stunned.

After Frost left the chaotic city, she should be wandering in Tianlan Continent until she arrived at the Origin Mall some time ago by chance.

"Speaking of which, the armored men in the City of Chaos look quite powerful, even the novice Venerables are not opponents." Yao Ziyue suddenly thought of the scene he saw on the live broadcast that day.

In the auction room that day, when Xie Mengwu took out the mineral water, a few venerables attacked it, and then it was destroyed by the armored man in three or two.

"Armored man? Are you talking about those puppets." Xie Mengwu was stunned, and after thinking about it, she understood what the demon Ziyue meant.

"Puppet?!" Yao Ziyue's eyes widened.

"Well, the City of Chaos didn't exist originally. After Frost became the lord of the city, she didn't know where to take it out. I asked her but didn't tell me." Xie Mengwu stalled.

"Wait." Qing Yuan couldn't help but uttered, "I am a little confused about the timeline, can you be more specific?"

"Specifically?" Xie Mengwu said, "It's very simple, the original City Lord of Chaos was driven away by Frost, and then those things I just said."

"What happened before she became the lord of the City of Chaos?" Yao Ziyan asked.

"I don't know." Xie Mengwu shook her head, "I asked, but she seems to have no relevant memory."

Luo Chuan touched his chin, and now he almost understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

The original city lord of Chaos was driven away by Frost. The latter became the lord of the city and took out an over-standard puppet. As for how I met Xie Mengwu, I didn't need to care.

Then after living a stable life for a period of time, Frost had a problem with herself, and then suddenly disappeared. Xie Mengwu could only control the Chaos City, but never gave up searching.

Frost wandered all over the Tianlan Continent, and the soul was in an extremely unstable state. Xu was the guide of fate in the dark, and by chance, he came down to the Origin Mall.

Then I met Luo Chuan, the enthusiastic and handsome owner of Origin Mall, and friendship provided a breakfast with special effects to solve the problems encountered by the soul.

The next thing is to become a glorious Origin Mall customer.

Oh, by the way, there is still a dragon girl An Weiya who knows many things, but does not disclose any news, has also become Frost's friend.

Having said that, what exactly is Frost's identity?

Luo Chuan felt a little curiosity in his heart and turned his head to look at her.

Well, identity is not important.

"The matter is over." Luochuan took an orange and handed it to Xie Mengwu, who took it blankly.

"Fingshuang has a good life now, I think she doesn't want to go back to be the lord of the city." An Weiya also said aloud.

"How can I say it, mainly depends on Frost's own thoughts." Yao Ziyan combed her silver hair like frosty silk.

Frost hadn't spoken yet, Xie Mengwu's expression became a little dumbfounded: "Stop, stop, I never said that I would let the city lord... Frost leave, right?"

"Then you came here to..." Qing Yuan was a little curious.

"Didn't you say it, find Lord City Lord." Xie Mengwu ate an orange and nodded repeatedly, "It tastes really good, what is the name of this spirit fruit?"

"Orange." Yao Ziyan didn't know what to say.

For such a simple reason, spanning most of the Tianlan Continent, what position does Frost occupy in her mind?

But because of her own reasons, Frost has returned to normal, but she has no memory of the chaotic city...

Yao Ziyan sighed softly. Although Xie Mengwu looked very happy, she still keenly sensed the deeply hidden loss.

Luo Chuan looked at Yao Ziyan, who also cast a look at him.

"System." Luo Chuan summoned in his heart, adhering to the principle of looking for the system without decision.

"After a comprehensive judgment, the target person is in a special situation and cannot be achieved."

Luo Chuan could only shook his head slightly at Yao Ziyan, and he had nothing to do in terms of restoring his memory.

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