Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1196: Rainy night in Saintia

In the church, the spar engraved with magical inscriptions exudes a misty light.

Under the light of not very bright light, the church was full of time mottled, and there was a kind of absurd and weird atmosphere.

Walking into the church, the noisy rain was immediately isolated, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of smoke.

Ahad's sight naturally fell on the extremely conspicuous altar in the center.

"The altar should have been engraved with inscriptions, but they have been destroyed, and there is no possibility of restoration."

Soon, a famous man came to report the situation on the scene.

Erhard nodded, indicating that he knew it, and then cast his gaze to Herman next to him.

"Look at what I am doing?" Herman showed a helpless look, he spread his hands, "This is a legendary god, you don't want me to help find him?"

In the cognition of the intelligent race of this world, the gods are real, and they are great and immortal beings.

By the way, at this point, I have to mention a certain paradox about God.

The question is very simple, can the omniscient and omnipotent God create a stone that he can't handle himself.

If he can create this stone that he can't handle, it means that God is not omniscient and omnipotent.

If he can't create this stone that he can't lift, it also shows that God is not omniscient and omnipotent.

Makes sense, right?

But the premise for the realization of this paradox is to follow the logic created by people themselves.

What if God transcends logic? He was able to create a rock that he couldn't hold himself.

In Herman's cognition, the gods are such existences, they are not bound by rules, they are unreasonable, and they are not something that mortals can speculate.

"Lord of the Black Mist." Erhard murmured, with a somewhat inexplicable expression, "I have never seen a **** before."

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Herman opened his eyes slightly, a little worried that he would really do something unexpected.

"I mean." Erhard waved his hand and laughed a few times.

The Black Mist Church is different from the Annihilation Church, which is almost all made up of lunatics, and what they do is to die with the world.

Annihilate the church's faith and collapse.

In their teachings, the nature of the world is chaos, and the purpose of the Ninth Plague is to bring everything into one, so they are working hard to achieve the goal of destroying the world.

The Black Mist Church believes in the Lord of the Black Mist and seeks gifts from this legendary **** through sacrifice, at least not a lunatic.

And many of them are not simple.

Because of this, even though the Black Mist Church can't make it to the table, it's getting a bit of a relationship with the villains.

But after all, it wasn't like the Annihilation of the Church was almost everyone shouting and beating, every time he appeared, he would be attacked by various forces.

The air was filled with a weird breath, which made people feel a little depressed. Herman didn't like this feeling and walked out of the church.

After Erhard had dealt with the matter, he followed out.

"You said, what the **** is the inexplicable collapse?" Herman looked into the distance, and the sound of the sound mixed with the rain seemed a little erratic.

"How do I know this?" Erhard shrugged, "The three forces may still be investigating the cause."

The collapse came without any warning, it was an extremely weird energy that could not be judged by common sense at all.

When it first appeared, countless intelligent races were affected, and the land of chaos was the center of the explosion.

No one knows the real reason, but there are many related speculations.

It's like the anger of the gods, the end of the world, the explosion of the curse, etc.

The movement caused by the Lord of the Black Mist's coming has attracted the attention of countless eyes.

At the moment when the Wanhua Fair was about to begin, Saint Nija gathered forces from all directions.

Some chose to stay on the sidelines, while others chose to see it in person.

All in all, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for many people.

Luochuan naturally did not know about these things.

He is now in a peaceful state of sleep, and he doesn't know how much movement he can do easily.

Of course, even if you know it, there will be no fluctuations in your mood.

Maybe he will respond to the worshippers' sacrifices in a wicked way again-and then leave a bottle of Coke, and Sprite will do.

I don't know what those believers would do with the bottle of Coke he left behind.

Anyhow, it is also a gift from God.

Luo Chuan's eyelashes trembled slightly and opened slowly, his eyes filled with blankness.

He looked at the sky outside the window, then closed his eyes again.

Turned over, wrapped the quilt tightly, and fell asleep again.

The quilt in winter does have a sealing effect, which has nothing to do with whether the room is cold or not.

Anyway, I just don't want to wake up, even if I wake up, I want to get back to sleep.

After a long time, Luo Chuan finally got off the bed.

There was some fog on the window, and Luo Chuan reached out and wiped it, so that he could barely see the outside scene.

"The snow is still falling..."

He murmured a little, because his voice was a bit dry just because he just got up.

Snow flies, the world outside the window is pure white, and the glass is not cleaned very much, it looks like a dreamlike mood.

After Luo Chuan left the room, he saw the demon purple smoke that kept yawning.

He half-squinted, brushing his teeth, with white bubbles on the corners of his mouth.

After seeing Luochuan, he opened his eyes slightly, and said hello in a vague voice: "Boss, early."

"Morning." Luo Chuan was also in a state of semi-sleepwalking, and casually responded.

When the cold water touched the skin, the confused head became sober a lot.

After having breakfast, Luo Chuan reluctantly got up and opened the door of the room. The snow accumulated in the alley was already thick.

I cleaned it easily and returned to a comfortable position to sit down.

Soon, some customers came to the store.

"Boss, do you have rock candy Sydney?" Bu Lige came to the store and asked impatiently.

"I missed it yesterday, I must drink it today!"

"Where is Bingtang Sydney? Why didn't I see it?"

"No way..."

A lot of customers came to the store, and they all gathered in Yuangui's shop.

After the Origin Mall opened for business, a group came over.

"Not today." Luo Chuan shook his head.

Sure enough, after hearing this disappointing news, there were sighs in the store.

"Why not? Wasn't there rock sugar Sydney yesterday afternoon?" Bu Lige asked unwillingly.

Yesterday afternoon, he saw that the snow fell too much and did not come. He didn't expect to miss such an important thing. After learning about it, he regretted it for a long time.

"Occasionally, not every day." Luo Chuan yawned, making it easy to get sleepy when he is full.

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