"It turns out that the upstairs is like this, it looks much smaller than the downstairs." Liu Ruyu looked around curiously.

For many customers, the second floor of Origin Mall is a rather mysterious place, but not everyone has the opportunity to come up and see it.

"What do you need to do in such a big place of life?" Yao Ziyan smiled.

These words aroused the approval of several people, and they came to the kitchen noisily and were amazed when they saw the scene inside.

The whole kitchen gives them the feeling of novelty, and the ingredients that can be bought by the alchemist at will.

"I always feel that the boss's life is so extravagant." Liu Rumei sighed softly, there is really no comparison between people.

The area of ??the kitchen is quite large. Under the command of Yao Ziyan, the preparation work of the ingredients was done in an orderly manner.

"What is this?" Liu Ruyu's attention was attracted by the light blue food that seemed to be covered with a layer of cream. "It looks strange."

As she said, she also poked her hand, and what happened next can be imagined. In her surprised and puzzled eyes, the food was alive.

There were cracks on the surface, and she directly bit the slender white fingers. With the strength of her return to the original realm, she did not react for a while.

The exclamation sounded: "It is actually alive..."

The preparation of the ingredients took about half an hour.

After all, there are a lot of people and a lot of things to prepare.

When several people came downstairs with their things, Luochuan had already waited for a while.

The hot pot is placed on the table and heated by the table top.

The hot pot was blocked by a baffle, and the creamy white and red-red soup boiled under the action of the high temperature.

Just smell the smell in the air, let the people's tongue produce fluid.

"It looks delicious." Liu Ruyu saw this kind of food for the first time.

Liu Rumei nodded repeatedly, seemingly in favor of Liu Ruyu's words.

There are not many unvoiced words, but his face looks a little red under the steam.

After eating hot pot, a few people who were originally restrained gradually got used to the atmosphere.

An ordinary hot pot meal is at least a delight for the guests.

Before leaving, Liu Ruyu couldn't help but whispered while pulling the demon purple smoke, next time you have this kind of hot pot thing, you must call her.

All in all, noisy.

After dinner, Origin Mall returned to tranquility again.

Luochuan and Yao Ziyan held their magical phones as usual.

Watching novels, watching videos, and playing games, time just passed silently.

After winning another battle against the landlord, Luo Chuan put down the magic phone and stretched deeply.

Looking at the dark night outside the store, his eyes finally fell on Yao Ziyan: "Go for a walk?"

Yao Ziyan is reading the works in Origins Reading. This is what she often does at night and has developed a habit.

After hearing what Luo Chuan said, he was stunned for a few seconds before he recovered.

"Okay." She smiled and put away the magic phone.

I took out a coat from the space ring and put it on my body, which was considered ready.

Luochuan also wears a little thicker clothes. Although the cold weather will not cause any substantial impact, it will still be a little uncomfortable.

Leaving the Origin Mall, the damp and cold space instantly encroached on the surrounding space, crawled in along the gap in the clothes, and made him shiver.

It's really cold.

Luo Chuan paused, hesitated, and held the palm of Yao Ziyan beside him.

It's cold and soft.

Yao Ziyan was startled, smiled, and held his palm instead.

Vaguely, there are tiny objects falling from the sky, shining brightly under the light from the shop.

"It's snowing." Luo Chuan said softly, exhaling a white breath.

"Yes, it's snowing." Yao Ziyan raised his head to look at the black night sky, and the trace of the tiny snowflakes disappeared.

Yuangui's shop is quite lively tonight.

The front door was bustling with hustle and bustle, and there was a long line of old people, almost all customers of Origin Mall.

The reason for this phenomenon is nothing more than Yuan Gui, who is busy in front of Yuan Gui's shop.

There was a red light gleaming in the grill, and the charcoal fire of fruit wood exuding high temperature.

Although the formation method can also achieve the heating effect, Yuan Gui did not use it.

In the final analysis, the use of this more natural thing can bring the purely natural flavor to the food itself.

Just like gas stoves and traditional wood stoves, the rice cooked with the latter is always better than the former.

The same reason.

Various grilled skewers were placed on the grill, and as the condiments were sprinkled, bursts of attractive aromas burst out.

The smoke rose, the fragrance diffused, and it seemed that even the severe cold at night had driven away a lot.

"smell good."

"So hungry, I feel that my dinner is basically the same as I didn't eat."

"How come so many people, where did you hear the news!"

"For so long, I can finally eat Boss Yuan's night barbecue again..."

Noisy and yelling.

In fact, when most people came over, they were a little surprised to see the lively scene in front of Yuan Gui's shop.

It turned out that Dajia had thought of this, and it was really a mistake.

A lot of scenes like the following have happened.

"Hey, didn't you say that you had something tonight? Why did you come to Yuangui's shop?"

"Huh? You are ashamed to say me, obviously I asked you first, and then you said that you can't go out in the cold at night."

"Stop arguing, aren't you two similar..."

Such all kinds.

Most of them laughed at the end, after all, everyone did the same thing, nothing more than fifty steps of laughter.

Bu Lige is also busy with Yuan Gui.

In Tianlan Continent, there are many ways to practice.

The most common is ordinary practice, and the rare ones are like the voiceless tone, the rhythm of Liu Ruyu and others, and the refining technique of the pharmacist.

Cooking is naturally included.

All roads lead to Rome, and there is only one truth, and there is no traditional distinction between high and low.

"The heat is a bit low."

"Under the flip, the temperature is not enough."

"What should I add now..."

While Yuan Gui commanded, he kept asking questions.

Step Lige is like having fun in it. From time to time, with the excuse of tasting the taste, he took out a bunch and ate it.

The expression of enjoying the food on his face caused many customers who had been waiting for a long time to swallow, and at the same time could not help but urge him.

"Wait a minute, it's almost time to fire." Bu Lige responded perfunctorily.

Amid the noise, someone noticed the change in the weather and looked up at the night sky.

The sparse white snowflakes are scattered from the sky, reflecting the misty light under the illumination of the street lamps.


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