Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1159: The Eve of the Go Game

After breakfast, the business hours of Origin Mall have begun.

Customers came into the store through the rain curtain one after another, and the warm breath dispelled the chill.

At this time, a cup of warm milk tea is definitely the best choice.

"It's delicious." Gu Yunxi held a cup of milk tea and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Lingyun College has a relaxed teaching system and a lot of vacation time. These students usually come to Origin Mall.

Usually at this time, most of the customers in the store are students from the four major colleges, and most of them are fighting in the glory battlefield.

If it was the first time when the store opened, Luo Chuan would definitely be very happy about it. Most of the students' identities are either rich or expensive, which is equivalent to walking spirit crystals.

But now... Luochuan ate a slice of potato chips and played the last two cards, ending the game of Doudizhu.

"Boss, why did you launch the original Go?" Gu Yunxi came to the counter and raised her doubts.

"Does this need a reason? If you want to launch it, you can launch it." Luochuan thought for a while and added, "Also, it is a help for the Go game."

"Go game?" Gu Yunxi looked puzzled, she didn't know this at all, "When did this happen?"

"It hasn't started yet." Yao Ziyan joined the conversation and gave Gu Yunxi a brief account.

"The dean is really idle and they have nothing to do." Gu Yunxi, who knew what happened, couldn't help but complain.

"What do you have to do?" Fan Chengtian's words came from the rear. He had just arrived at Origin Mall.

"Good morning Dean." Gu Yunxi turned around and smiled and said hello, her expression changed quickly, "I mean I don't know what to do during the holiday, and I feel a little boring."

"Isn't there a lot of holographic devices in the owner's shop that are still vacant? Don't you feel boring?" Fan Chengtian raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not, then I'll leave the dean first." After leaving these words, Gu Yunxi said nothing.

Fan Chengtian didn't care about Gu Yunxi's strangeness, and went to the counter, preparing to discuss with Luo Chuan about the Go game.

"There is an activity application function in the app. It's very simple. You can figure it out." Luochuan drank a coke, almost writing "Don't waste my time" on his face.

"Ahem, boss, you are busy, I will leave first." Fan Chengtian chose to leave wisely.

Judging from his expression, it seemed that he was preparing to discuss the Go game with Yao Huichen and others.

When Wen Tianji came to Origin Mall, he directly joined the conversation after getting news from Fan Chengtian on the magic phone.

Bu Lige ended the Rongguang match and got up from the seat. He felt a little thirsty and was going to buy a cup of milk tea.

Chen Mo and Chen Yiyi followed Wen Tianji and they were choosing the flavor of milk tea in front of the equipment.

"Bu Lige, I heard that Jiang Shengjun trained with you, why didn't he come to Origin Mall?" Chen Mo asked.

"Ah, I don't know." Bu Lige shook his head, "He went home by himself after training yesterday."

Jiang Shengjun came to Origin Mall with an umbrella, his face was a bit unpleasant, and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Isn't this here?" Bu Lige noticed Jiang Shengjun, and was not in a hurry to buy milk tea, and walked over directly, "Jiang Shengjun, your condition doesn't look good."

"Can you please?!" Jiang Shengjun put the umbrella away and opened his eyes wide.

He could feel the protests from all over his body, and he could feel soreness while walking.

With such high-intensity training, Bu Lige was not affected at all. Is he a monster?

"Hahaha, just get used to it." Bu Lige patted Jiang Shengjun on the shoulder, and the latter retreated and evaded grinning.

"Why don't the boss's shop have any products to eliminate fatigue..." Jiang Shengjun sighed.

He plans to stay in the virtual space all morning, completely shielding the perception of reality, so that he can't feel the soreness of his body.

After a short discussion, Fan Chengtian and others finally decided on the Go game. The competition is divided into online and offline channels, and every customer can participate.

Among them, the online elimination is based on the number of wins and losses of random matching, mainly relying on the application itself to complement the activity rules.

When the number of players in the game is reduced to a certain number, the points system is used for elimination, and the opponents are still matched randomly.

In the end, the offline method is adopted, and the location is in the Origin Mall. After all, Go does not require cultivation and realm, and even weak customers can participate.

As for the rewards for the final competition, they are provided by the organizers, which is extremely rich for ordinary customers.

So when the news of the Go game was uploaded on the magic phone, it naturally aroused a warm response from the customers.

"Not much to say, I want to participate. 』

"Am I for the prize? I just simply like Go. 』

"Ibid. 』

"Do you love Go? You love prizes! 』

"I confess, I am just for the prize, I am honest, I am proud. 』


Similar discussion words occupied the various applications of Magic Phone in a very short time.

Now most of the customers in the store are holding magical mobile phones and don't use holographic devices anymore, playing Go there.

On the surface, it seems that he is preparing to improve his Go level in a short period of time through this temporary embracing.

Although they don't know whether they are useful or not, for them, psychological comfort is enough.

The prizes of the Go game are very rich, as long as you can get a little ranking, the first place is the reimbursement of all consumption in Origin Mall within one year.

These are nothing to Fan Chengtian and the others, but ordinary customers who have encountered this kind of pie in the sky will naturally participate in it excitedly.

The temptation of the first prize to the customers is not so big, they have begun to imagine the scene of buying various goods every day after they get it.

"It's arranged so soon..." Luo Chuan took the magic phone and noticed the information about Go activities.

"Boss, are you going to participate, too?" Yao Ziyan returned to the counter, holding a cup of milk tea in his hand.

"It's boring, don't participate." Luo Chuan shook his head. He might be interested in participating in the Doudizhu game, so let's forget about the Go game.

For Luo Chuan's words, Yao Ziyan didn't feel unexpected. Just now, he has shown that he has no interest in this game.

"The start of the Go game is after noon, and there will definitely be many customers participating." Yao Ziyan sat down and described the current situation of the Go game.

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