Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1138: You can really do whatever you want

After Yao Ziyan's introduction, Luochuan also had a simple understanding of the so-called Chaos City, including its geographic location and regional characteristics.

The southern region of Tianlan Continent is also called Southern Xinjiang. Compared with other parts of Tianlan Continent, it is a lot barren. The concentration and purity of spiritual power are low. Those big forces are not interested in it.

The City of Chaos is located in the depths of the Southern Territory. Just like its name, the only rule that prevails there is respect for strength. It is precisely because of this that it has attracted countless desperadoes from Tianlan Continent to gather again.

Some of them provoke people who shouldn't be offended, some are chased by the enemy, some are to hone themselves here...

But as long as you come here, it doesn’t matter. No one cares what identity you are. A **** killer and a young man carrying a sea of ??blood have the same status. Only strength is everything. The rules of the practice world are fully reflected. .

Some families or big powers will arrange those young children to come here for experience, and of course they will arrange enough protection, otherwise these fledgling young people are afraid that they will be eaten up by the chaotic city.

The City of Chaos is synonymous with danger and chaos. The same thing is that there are endless opportunities here. All kinds of weird items can be found here. Before, Ying Wuji had the idea of ??looking for items that supplement vitality and purchased Origin After the jelly in the mall was exposed, this idea naturally disappeared.

As for why Chu Yang would go to this place...According to his words, he left Jiuyao City casually, and arrived in Chaos City somehow.

For Chu Yang, who possesses the realm of Venerable Venerable, he can basically walk sideways in the City of Chaos. Except for the few peak-level powerhouses who will never be born without encountering major events, basically no one is. His opponent.

Anyway, Luo Chuan was also free, and simply adjusted the recliner to a comfortable angle, holding potato chips in his hand, and a bottle of Coke beside him, making the magic phone hover in front of him to watch the live broadcast.

Yao Ziyan didn't have much interest in Chu Yang's live broadcast. After he got up and took a bottle of milk tea from the device, he continued to create his work.

"This is the City of Chaos behind me. Although it is the name of a city, it covers a wide range of areas to be precise." Chu Yang explained to the customers who were watching the live broadcast.

The cold wind whistled by the yellow sand, and the air was even filled with a very faint smell of blood. I don't know how many lives are buried here.

There are many bullet screens on the screen, and the content is mostly similar, mainly with exclamation. Most of them have never heard of Chaos City.

"It's so spectacular! 』

"It's completely different from Jiuyao City. Just looking at the screen makes my heart throb. 』

"Those people around look very vicious, I'm a little scared. 』

"Why did Senior Chu Yang go to this place and also live broadcast?" 』


Luochuan ate potato chips, then drank coke, and continued to watch the live broadcast.

"I'm here for the first time. It's really interesting." Chu Yang smiled.

Now he was standing at the gate of the City of Chaos, and pedestrians passing by would basically cast greedy glances at the magic mobile phone hanging in the air.

Although I can't feel the slightest aura of spiritual power, it is definitely not a normal product from the appearance and the function of stagnation, and there are pictures on it, which seem to have the function of communication.

"I don't understand the principle of not showing money, and there is no **** breath in him. This is a newcomer."

"Hey, if you don't be afraid of death, go ahead. There have been a few short eyes just now."

"That should be the blood knife of Guiyuan pinnacle just now, this one doesn't even use the sword, he moved his finger and the blood knife turned into flying ash."

"Hey! This is also a senior who rushed over after hearing the news of the auction? This is the least strength to ask high-level..."

These people didn't think it was too much to see the excitement, and they kept talking in a low voice. In the end, the eyes that looked at Chu Yang were nothing but awe. This was the law of the City of Chaos.

"How did I come to the City of Chaos?" Chu Yang noticed the content of the barrage. "It is also a coincidence that after leaving Jiuyao City, I accidentally discovered an abandoned teleportation formation in the depths of the Jiuyao Mountain Range. I simply repaired it. It barely works, and after activation, I will go directly to the Southern Territory."

As the pinnacle powerhouse of the venerable realm, he naturally dabbles in the formation, repairing the damaged teleportation formation is not difficult.

But being able to activate the teleportation formation that is unfamiliar and unknown to the teleportation location at will, it can only be said that this is the boldness of the art master. It should be said that if you have the strength, you can really do whatever you want.

"Boss, what are you looking at?" Elena just came to the store through the teleport door, and when she passed the counter, she saw Luo Chuan staring at the screen of the magic phone in front.

"Live broadcast." Luo Chuan said.

"Huh? What live broadcast?" Elena asked curiously.

Luo Chuan gave a brief explanation, basically according to Yao Ziyan's words just now.

Elena nodded, not interested in it: "I see, I'm going to buy something in the store."

Luo Chuan understands the reason. With the character of the Kraken, it is impossible to like the atmosphere of the chaotic land. These tail patterns are full of positive and optimistic saltwater creatures that will not participate in these killings.

Chu Yang was walking on the dry ground, the wind and waves also brought a bitter chill, and the harsh environment was also one of the characteristics of a chaotic city.

On the surface of his body is covered by an extremely thin spiritual barrier to keep him out, and it also carries the effect of air essence. The Venerable Realm can easily achieve this kind of meticulous control of spiritual power.

Of course, these things are not visible to the customers who watch the live broadcast, nor can the people in the City of Chaos.

Chu Yang had already entered the chaotic city. The buildings here were different from the city walls outside, and most of them revealed a brand new aura, which looked like they were newly constructed.


The sound of the explosion appeared not far away, and a figure flew out of the building like a cannonball. A middle-aged man with a gloomy face on the street saw that the direction of the collision was actually himself, and he suddenly snorted and kicked it out.

There was a faint, weird crisp sound, and the figure fell heavily, rolling on the ground for several tens of meters before it gradually stopped. The breath of life was gone, and the original building had completely collapsed.

From this point of view, the answer to the fact that most of the buildings in the City of Chaos are brand new has been revealed. It is not that they are properly maintained, but that they were originally built.

Pedestrians on the street were already quite surprised at this, and some sneers rang out, talking about what the hapless guy had caused.

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