Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1136: Because of a good mood

"The smell of cherry blossoms, did you add cherry blossoms to Sister Ziyan?" Bu poetically savored the snacks and asked Yao Ziyan.

As for Bu Li Ge, it tasted like a whole bunch of jujubes. Bu Shiyi even wondered if he had tasted it.

"Yes, the cherry blossoms on the cherry blossom tree in Sakura Village." Yao Ziyan smiled, "that cherry tree will return to its best condition every day."

"It turns out that this is the reason why the cherry blossom trees sometimes look sparse." Bu Lige felt that he had found the answer that puzzled many customers.

In a few words, a few snacks were eaten by the two, with an expression of unsatisfactory expression on their faces.

They did eat at Yuangui Xiaodian before they came, but the breakfast at Yuangui Xiaodian has the same characteristics as the products in Origin Mall, that is, the portion is not very large.

Coupled with eating a few more snacks made by Yaoziyan, the two felt that they became more hungry. The breakfast just now was basically the same as if they hadn't eaten.

"I'm so hungry, I'll get some instant noodles first." After leaving this sentence, Bu Lige hurriedly walked to the shelf area.

Bu Shiyi also followed, not only the instant noodles, but also took a packet of potato chips from the shelf. She liked the taste of potato chips.

"Boss, is this a new application on the magic phone?" An Weiya shook the magic phone at Luochuan as soon as she entered the store, which was just told by Frost.

"New application?" Step Lige, who was about to take the instant noodles to pick up the hot water, was no longer hungry, put the instant noodles next to him and took out the magic phone.

"Origin Community? This name is a bit strange." Bu Shiyi took out the magic phone and saw the new application in the application mall.

"Does it cost Shilingjing to download the origin community? 』

After clicking it, a prompt message popped up on the screen, and Bu Shiyi chose to confirm. Basically, every customer of Origin Mall will experience downloading applications, and this is not too familiar.

"It looks... very interesting." Yao Ziyan also just finished downloading, browsing the functions of Origin Community.

It is very different from other applications on the Magic Phone. The most important thing is that there are many different types of divisions in the origin community.

Cooking tutorial, nightmare space, challenge mode of the tower of trial, leisure mode of the tower of trial... a dozen different sections are displayed in front of Yao Ziyan.

"It's a bit like the Origin Forum, but the difference is still quite big." An Weiya downloaded the Origin Community when she heard Frost say that there was a new application.

"The Origin Forum is a place where customers share their ideas, and the Origin Community is a place where customers discuss their ideas." Yao Ziyan said the information he had just received from Luochuan.

"Yes, yes, that's it." An Weiya nodded again and again, this was what she had just thought.

"What are you doing?" Bu Shiyi noticed the strange song next to Bu Li, who was staring at the screen of the magic phone intently.

"Of course I sent the news to the group chat. I forgot about the nightmare space and potato chips yesterday. I definitely can't miss it today." Bu Lige said without looking up.

Bu Shiyi did not comment on Bu Lige's persistence, and began to browse the specific functions and rules of the origin community.

"Attention, the new application "Origin Community" of Magic Phone has been launched and can be downloaded in the App Store"

Bu Lige sent a message in the group chat. The group chat in the early morning was quiet, with only a few customers sending messages.

But when the news of Bu Lige was sent out, after a few seconds of silence, a message quickly appeared in the group chat.

"! ! ! 』

"I finally figured out a new application. I thought the boss had forgotten about it. 』

"Go and download it first. I don't know what the application is for this time. 』

"Why didn't Bu Lige announce new products yesterday? Isn't it the first one to go to Origin Mall? 』


"Yesterday was a new application and new product on the holographic device, and today is a new application on the magic phone. Why did the boss suddenly come up with so many new things?" Yao Ziyan asked curiously. It has never been the case when the Origin Mall launches new things. Go quickly.

"Maybe it is in a better mood." Luo Chuan thought for a while and gave an extremely willful answer.

"So that's it." Yao Ziyan nodded without thinking too much.

Thanks to yesterday’s nightmare space and potato chips as a foreshadowing, the response from the community on the origin of the new magic phone application is not too strong.

The new application can be downloaded directly on the magic phone, so basically all customers spend Shilingjing to download the origin community in the application mall.

After browsing the tutorial briefly, I basically understand the main functions of the new application and the rules to be followed.

The system monitors all magic phones, and any violation of the rules will be punished accordingly.

Lin Fan decided to give some members of Miying a half-day leave. This was a decision he made after leaving the Origin Mall.

"Boss, why do you want to take a holiday?" A famous young man asked a question.

"Didn't Origin Mall launched new products yesterday? I want everyone to experience it in the past." Lin Fan briefly explained.

"Nightmare space?" Yang He thoughtfully, "I see that the customers who have experienced it on the magic phone have high evaluations of it, but I always feel a little weird."

"What's weird." Lin Fan's expression did not change, and he waved his hand. "Everyone will pass by today. Buy anything from Origin Mall. I'll treat you."

As soon as he said this, cheers rang out, and everyone's expressions became excited, and they wished to set off to the Origin Mall now.

"I think you are a little bit malicious." Yang He couldn't help saying when the people in the room left one after another.

"How is it possible?" Lin Fan retorted, "That's something from the owner's shop. The effect is recognized by so many customers. Can I lie to you?"

"That... that's what it said." Yang He nodded, and he was absolutely right.

"Okay, okay, they're all gone, let's quickly follow." Lin Fan took her hand and left the room...

With the passage of time, the customers of Origin Mall gradually increased, and the familiar noisy atmosphere reappeared in the store.

"Boss, these customers don't seem to have entered the nightmare space." Yao Ziyan just explained how to use the holographic device to a new customer who just came to Origin Mall, telling what she saw.

"It's normal." Luochuan was fighting the landlord, and after hearing the words, he looked up at her, "If you haven't experienced it, you won't understand the reality of the manifestation of fear in the nightmare space."

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