Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1114: New product, potato chips

"It doesn't look scary." Luo Chuan looked around at the stagnant scene, which was exactly the same as he remembered.

"The effect of the nightmare space is to show the fear in the user's heart, and everything is normal after self-check." The system quickly responded.

In other words, what I actually don't want to face is the senior year life? Luo Chuan came to a conclusion that made him a little funny, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Bu Lige, Bu Shiyi and Jiang Shengjun walked into Origin Mall with a smile, only to see the demon purple smoke behind the counter.

"Huh? Sister Ziyan, where did the boss go?" Bu asked poetically with a little doubt.

Yao Ziyan pointed to the direction of the holographic device: "The boss is experiencing the new application of the holographic device."

"New application?!" Three exclamations sounded almost simultaneously.

Since Rongguang went online, the application of holographic devices has not changed for a long time. Now that they heard the news of the launch of new applications, it is normal for them to have such a reaction.

"Walk, go and take a look." Bu Lige saw Luo Chuan's figure at a glance, and Bu Shiyi and Jiang Shengjun of course also followed.

Luochuan's experience of nightmare space also came to an end, and the spirit returned to reality, and it happened to see the three people walking by.

Well, it seems that the flow of time in the nightmare space is a bit strange. Luo Chuan had been taking a whole section of biology class, and the time passed in reality was significantly reduced.

With this idea in mind, Luo Chuan mentioned it to the system in his mind. The system's response is quite simple. The reality is how much time ordinary customers spend in the nightmare space, and there is no time acceleration function.

Luo Chuan concluded that this is commonly known as the boss privilege.

"Boss, what is the new application of the holographic device?" Jiang Shengjun asked expectantly.

"Nightmare space." Luo Chuan got up from the seat.

"Nightmare space?" Bu Shiyi fell into contemplation, "This name...sounds a bit unfriendly."

The three followed Luo Chuan to the counter, wanting to get more news about the new application from him.

Luo Chuan picked up the unfinished package of potato chips just now: "Just like its name, it simply reflects your inner fears. Certain scenes, nightmares, creatures and the like are possible. "

Before leaving the nightmare space, Luo Chuan looked at the options again. The nightmare space is not just a single scene manifestation, it is just one of its functions.

Bu Lige was about to nod subconsciously, his gaze fell on the potato chips in Luochuan's hands: "Boss, what is this?"

"Potato chips, a new product in the store." Luo Chuan took a piece of potato chips into his mouth, and ate it "click".

The aroma of potato chips was floating in the air, and with the sound of Luochuan eating potato chips, Bu Lige felt his saliva began to secrete frantically.

After swallowing, he walked away from Song and looked at the position of the shelf, his eyes lit up suddenly: "Sure enough, there is an extra shelf, I didn't see it just now."

Bu Lige and Jiang Shengjun rushed to the shelves, and there were exclamations such as "Many flavors" and "I want to buy everything."

Bu Shiyi is relatively calmer, and is asking Luo Chuan about the new product potato chips: "Boss, potato chips should also have special effects, right?"

Luo Chuan had expected this, and nodded after taking a bite of potato chips: "It can improve physical fitness."

Bu Shiyi began to point his finger at the effect of Origin Mall's merchandise: "Now the merchandise in the store has been permanently improved in terms of aptitude, physical fitness, mental strength, etc., as well as restoration supplies. Boss, what are you going to launch next? New product?"

"New products? New products in the store?" An Weiya just heard Bu's poetic words after entering the store, and Frost naturally followed to the Origin Mall.

"Potato chips." Luo Chuan shook the potato chips in his hand.

"It wasn't this time." An Weiya looked a little surprised.

Most of the products sold in Origin Mall are drinks. Many customers are wondering if Luochuan has a soft spot for drinks, so Anvia reacted like this.

Bu Lige and Jiang Shengjun had already selected at this time, and there were many flavors, which really made them entangled.

"This smell is a bit strange." Jiang Shengjun opened the package and smelled the smell first. He had never heard of the name of the smell.

"It looks very spicy." Bu Lige looked at the red potato chips in the bag, and he could smell the spicy scent.

After swallowing, **** squeezed a piece of it, and then put it into the mouth, savoring it carefully, and soon couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Hey! It's spicy!" Buli Geha gasped, and he felt like his mouth was about to catch fire. But even if his face was flushed with hotness, the speed of eating potato chips was still constant, because the taste was so good.

Jiang Shengjun and Bu Lige walked over with potato chips, and Bu poetically asked them, "Do you feel the effect of potato chips?"

"Effect?" Jiang Shengjun was eating potato chips while sensing the changes in his body. Although the taste was a bit strange, after a few mouthfuls, it turned out to be pretty good. "I just chose the taste and didn't pay attention. What is the effect of potato chips? ?"

"It's so spicy and so, it's too spicy, I'll get a bottle of Coke." Bu Lige turned around and walked over to the shelf. He could bear it while eating potato chips. When he stopped, he felt his mouth full flame.

"The improvement of physique is normal without noticing it." Yao Ziyan said with a smile.

Generally speaking, physique is physical strength. If the spiritual power is not strong enough to a certain degree, you will basically not be aware of your own changes, and spiritual power is inseparable from the realm.

With Jiang Shengjun's spiritual power in the spiritual realm, it is impossible to perceive the improvement of one's own physical quality.

"In other words, my physique has become stronger?" Jiang Shengjun clenched his fists, and then took a bite of potato chips. "Well, I still feel the same as before, maybe I have improved too little."

"You can get it." Bu Lige walked over with a Coke, took a sip of cold Coke, and the hotness in his mouth suddenly eased a lot, "How much do you want the price of Shi Lingjing? Awaken your physique directly like mineral water? You must know that it depends on your face."

"I'm just talking about it." Jiang Shengjun waved his hand. He just said casually, "This tomato tastes good, you can try it."

"Tomato? The name of a certain plant?" Bu Shiyi guessed suspiciously.

There are no tomatoes in Tianlan Continent, Yao Ziyan knew it, and she couldn't help smiling when she thought of the food Luochuan made for her when she first came to Origin Mall.

Frost didn't speak, she went directly to the shelf with potato chips, and looked at the original potato chips. An Weiya's choice difficulty recurred, and she struggled for several minutes before making a decision.

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