Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan had a brief conversation before making a decision.

The two of them have very good looks, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan walked directly to the front of the team, which made some people in the team frown secretly, and the behavior of jumping in line would leave a bad impression on people.

It was a young man who seemed to be in his twenties who was grilling. He smiled when he saw the two of them: "Please wait in line for both of you. If you jump in the queue, we will not sell."

Yao Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "It's not jumping in line. I just want to ask if we can barbecue by ourselves."

"Barbecue yourself?" The young man looked puzzled, and stopped turning over the food.

Yao Ziyan simply repeats what Luochuan said just now. It basically means that the line is too long and we don't want to waste time in the queue and want to buy your food at the original price and grill it ourselves.

"This..." This is the first time the young man heard this kind of request. After being taken aback, he decided to ask his boss, and then yelled at the storefront behind him, "Manager!"

Those people who were queuing around heard Yao Ziyan's words, and their disgust disappeared after knowing that they weren't jumping in line, and there was a little curiosity and expectation.

Buy raw materials and cook yourself? It sounds quite interesting...

"What happened?" The majestic man like a beast walked out of the Blackstone Harbor restaurant and looked at the young man suspiciously.

The young man simply repeated the request made by Yao Ziyan just now, and at the same time did not forget to turn over the food that was being grilled.

"Do it yourself?" The man glanced suspiciously at Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan. It seemed that he didn't believe that the two people who looked like upper-class people could cook food. "Are you sure? You know that barbecue looks simple, but it's practical. It's very difficult."

But this gave him a new idea. A vague plan appeared in the man's heart, and he even had a faint expectation. Perhaps this method did work.

"I can grill a little bit." Yao Ziyan said with a smile.

"I will do a little too." Luo Chuan next to him also added.

"Okay." The man nodded and took the skewers. "Give them a place."

The young man nodded and moved a little away.

The raw materials for the barbecue have been dressed, and they are neatly placed on the table next to them. Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan randomly selected some.

As for the guests who lined up, they watched this scene with great interest and discussed it as a topic.

"That's it, you can't finish eating more." Yao Ziyan took the seafood that Luochuan handed over, put it on the metal tray, and then came to the grill.

"If you can't control it, please tell me in advance." The young man who was busy grilling took the time to say.

"Okay." Yao Ziyan nodded, and put all the selected items on the grill.

The temperature of the barbecue grill is very high, and the seafood that contains a lot of moisture releases a lot of water vapor just after contact, and the white water mist appears, causing the diners who can't help but step forward and look back.

The sea breeze is blowing from the back of the barbecue grill, so Yao Ziyan is not affected, and is waiting for the changes in the seafood.

Because it is adjacent to the sea, the barbecue provided by the Black Rock Port Restaurant is divided into two types, well-worn skewers and a variety of seafood, of course, there are some vegetables, but there are not many.

Except for shellfish and fish, those seafood are strange animals. Anyway, they can't be named, so there is no difference.

According to Yao Ziyan's cooking level, Luo Chuan believes that even the leaves of the World Tree can make the taste of braised pork.

The man called the store manager by the young man was talking to the guests in the line, with a kind smile on his face, and he seemed to be a man with a hearty personality.

Although Yao Ziyan didn't know much about the ingredients for these barbecues, these weren't a big problem, they just needed to follow their feelings.

The grill should be engraved with a magical inscription that can adjust the heat. After a few minutes, the meat skewers and seafood have begun to emit a unique fragrance.

Yao Ziyan skillfully flipped them and sprinkled various condiments, and the movements were smooth like a beautiful scroll.

The original noisy conversation gradually disappeared, and people's eyes were attracted by Yao Ziyan, and they couldn't move away.

A stronger and more attractive fragrance than before drifted around, and those on the beach and pedestrians on the street were also attracted and gathered.

The man looked at Yao Ziyan in surprise. Obviously, this scene has completely exceeded his expectations. This taste has improved countless levels over the barbecue made by young people. So this is what you call "only a little bit"?

The young man stared at the meat skewers and seafood grilled by Yao Ziyan, and almost forgot his job. The closer I was, the more affected I was, and I couldn't help but swallow.

"It should look good." Yao Ziyan sniffed, nodded in satisfaction, and then put the grilled seafood and skewers on the metal tray with a clip, Luo Chuan also stepped forward to help.

Those guests who had originally wanted to ask questions saw this scene, and they couldn't help but feel the thought of not wanting to be disturbed by the past, and felt that it would be strange if they were in the past at this time.

Then, with many people watching, Luochuan and Yao Ziyan sat down in a seat not far away and began to enjoy a barbecue. As for the price Luochuan has just paid, it is not expensive, a few hundred ric.

On the other side, the people who lined up and watched were almost unbearable. Now it has been a while since dinner, most people will feel hungry, so there is also a popular supper.

The barbecue that Yao Ziyan made just now, the extreme taste made the hunger in these people's hearts suddenly increased several pluses, and the saliva in the mouth began to secrete crazily.

The team had begun to agitate, and the noise and complaints kept ringing. Fortunately, the man had anticipated this just now, and a few barbecue chefs were added, which reluctantly solved the problem.

Of course, the guests who want to experience the barbecue process themselves are indispensable. The barbecue made by Yao Ziyan left a deep impression on them.

However, it turns out that not everyone has a talent for barbecue. The attempts of these guests basically ended in failure...

"... Boss, this is good, you try it." Yao Ziyan handed Luochuan a seafood that looked like Pippi shrimp.

I peeled off the shell to reveal the red flesh inside. I took a bite and it smelled like tomato. The taste was good.

"Two guests, can I talk to you about something?" The manager of the Blackstone Harbor Restaurant's voice sounded from the side, and the man walked over with a smile on his face.

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